What is wrong with the current pope?
What is wrong with the current pope?
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He a grade A cuck
He and some of the other Cardinals figured out the last Pope and his inner circle we diddling kids and covering for others. His group blackmailed the previous Pope to retire early. Now he is moving the church in a new direction.
Kike puppet.
him getting power was a mistake
He's a try hard
Pope Leo made the heathens stop
This pope washes their feet
People talk bad about the pope but then ignore that Roman Catholicism is corrupt. Even the "based traditional" Catholic stuff like in Poland came from them changing their previous beliefs just like the pope and certain Catholic churches are changing their beliefs now.
He is a Jesuit infiltrator for the Illuminati.
He's obsessed with looking like a saint in the media.
hes a communist marxist
there's nothing wrong with the pope. you can't evangelise/'save' a corpse.
> i am not catholic
jews have control of the church, forced the old one to retire while alive, and installed a puppet they liked
>I live in the vatican
I thought only cardinals/other religious authorities lived there
Jesus Christ remember when we thought the Pope was a breath of fresh air from Pope Benedict and we all thought he was great for Christian image?
WTF was wrong with us goddam.
We even had a poster from Vadican City once, the fucker liked Hentai and was vac banned from steam, don't remember more than that.
Nothing. He is the voice of God on earth. Get the fuck out, heathen.
Homophobia is antithetical to Scripture. Nobody even knows it seems what the Words they quote meant
Nothing really, it's just hard to be a Christian and it opens him up to ridicule from edgy faggots.
t. Orthodox
He's the edgy pope that wants to go to hell instead
He decided that his core fanbase is outdated and he started to cather to tumblr types instead. Sadly those are people that while might aploaud his efforts won't buy his product. He is basicly doing the same shit that comic book companies are doing lately.
He's a faget
He seems to be the first Pope who actually seems to know what Christ said.
Jesus at no point said anything about gays. Old testament is on the other hand quite clear on this issue.
Shitty hat.
>He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone
This is why I can't be Christian. It is a weak, Jewish religion.
My ancestors worshipped war gods and sacrificed their enemies to them in ritual strangulation. I'm not some kind of neo-pagan faggot though so I'll just accept that my gods are dead.
He practices what he preaches.
hes a liberal pussy that doesnt acknowledge God's grace is exclusive to Christians
He's doing some PR for the Catholic church to bring people into the faith. I guarantee you the next pope will be hardline.
fucking argentinian pope
It's called Communism
>says countries should take in more refugees
>Vatican City isn't accepting refugees
>current year
>being a christcuck
>not adopting the pagan religion of the true slavic master race
>not worshiping based Perun
i doubt it. the church is desperate for money. they want people in the churches so bad the next one will probably pander even more
heavily influenced by liberation theology bullshit.
Reformin the church to modernize it.
Mental illness is not a sin
>the church is desperate for money
>believing this
You know that the SJW pope is literally a jew right?
Jorge Mario (((Bergoglio)))
You had one job!
>Lives in Vatican City
holy shit. I wonder how it feels to be one of its 100 citizens
>reminder that roman kekolics are obliged OBLIGED to take everything this man says as the word of God
Nobody likes someone who sucks up to everyone. It shows he's weak and has no principles.
This guy is a spineless cuck
He's Argentinian
Nothing. He preaches acceptance and mercy of those with homosexual tendencies (which drives the traditionalists crazy) but you'll notice he stops JUST SHORT of condoning homosexual acts or validating homosexual marriages (which drives the liberals crazy). I think he's just where we need to be.
>tips fedora
it's getting harder to keep up the charade
and this is why I'm atheist
He's got catholicism
Nice pick without context shill.
He got pissed when they handed it to him and said that's "that's not ok" to the presidents face
>trusting click bait by secular newspaper
Look I'm the first to admit I don't like the tone of the current Pope. But he hasn't spoken any herasy ex cathedra. And even his worst comments are as bad as the media makes them out to be.
Remember we've had worse Pope's in the past. No mater what thought thanks to holly spirit he can never contradict dogma from the chair.
He's alive.
Nothing. Gays should not be marginalized. They should be hung.
It's Ken M. Legendary troll.
t. Mottramist
> captcha: mountains
Ultramontanist cucks.
All I have to say is this: this is not a conspiracy theory. When you filter the actions of the Jesuit order through the lens of History and the prophecy of the Bible you will see such confluence and harmony that to deny the preponderance of connections would be self-evidently foolish.
It goes like this: Templars—>Jesuits—>Freemasons—>Illuminati
All groups are controlled by Rome. The goal is and always has been to stamp out fundamental Christendom, the kind that views the Bible as sole authority, that came about during the Protestant Reformation.
The Art of War is a book "translated" by the Jesuits, but do not be fooled. It is their operation manual of war. They are a secret army. They are the Christian militia (they are literally called the milice de Christ). They have been running America since the beginning.
Dump incoming.
Jesus help the sick, he didn't marginalized them. So the pope has a point here
9/14 *
Best kind of people.
Gib back
Is OP trolling with the Ken M meme or are you twats fucking stupid.
I don't know why I've been writing 14...I have over 85 slides on the Jesuit order and my research is not yet complete. This is just the bit about their modus operandi, outlined in The Art of War.
commie jew fuck
I long for the days when the entirety of a Pope's patriarchate save Italia Suburbicaria can openly break communion with him for selling out or at best ignore anything emanating from him. True story, the time this happened his archdeacon successor (also a sellout) can't even get the three required suburbicarian bishops to consecrate him as bishop.
He's being a good Christian
You should try reading that Bible book, it's full of Jesus being a hippy and a cuck
If you look over these slides, you will see that an army that abides by these rules is unstoppable, because they are an army based entirely on subversion and deception, and thus, extremely dangerous.
He's the Pope.
That's the problem.
Give old Nile a go.
At least he's a traditionalist.
>He doesn't know Ken M
He's a South American subhuman.
Whoops, I forgot one of the most interesting parts...
their use of spies
I highly recommend you look up the Jesuits and who they are, and how they embedded themselves into the early Americas and created America in their interests. They are the ones behind everything. You won't be disappointed in your studies, I promise. There's dirt everywhere.
He's a Jesuit.