I want to have children but I'm gay lol

I want to have children but I'm gay lol

What are my options?

have sex with a girl to get her pregnant?

Me too.
I don't want to adopt because I want my child to share DNA with my husband

Wait for same-sex reproduction to become a thing

Are gay adoption or surrogacy legal in Mexico City yet?

fuck your boyfriend's sister


I know, I meant the name of the scene with Francois Sagat

I can't adopt, I don't have money :(

Oh idk. I got it from IG

kill yourself or get out of your home is the same thing

Its almost like being gay is wrong

>encouraging gay people to adopt

Same but I'm gonna have a surrogate mother

Gay is ok
How expensive is it?

Not a clue


let me fuck ur wife



This thread is so full of degeneracy. Two guys aren't supposed to have children

We already told you, attention whore cunt. Either adopt or find a surrogate mother.


I'm not op, why are you so butthurt? Afraid of people seeing that a Mexican flag made the thread?

My god, why are Mexican posters so god damn stupid.

>this coming from you

No eres gay, eres puto, putito.

Kill yourself. Maybe you can have a child in hell or something.

Why are Malaysian poster so incredibly worthless and stupid? Is it because you're Islamic cucks?

I don't know fags was allowed to live in Mexico. You learn something new everyday.

Considering how many Malaysians post on gay threads here, seems like they too are allowed to live there :)

How about you face reality and use your equipment for what it's supposed to, rather than living a gay fantasy life and spawning more of your kind. Ew

They are but at least they are living in fear. With just people knowing that they are gay can lead to their family disowning them and abandoning them.

They are the same two persons in two pictures ?


true this
i'm bi and i know my lil bro is too but i will never tell anyone about it
i only check out butts because i'm afraid what if he's not gay and he'll report me oh no

just close your eyes bro shhhhhhh