ITT: Encounters with policemen

Since the majority of us here are skilled at the art of not-chimping-out-around-cops, care to describe your encounters with our fine lawmen?

>been pulled over twice in my life so far
>no ticket either time
>last time: doing 80 in a 65 zone whilst on 5-hour trip up north
>see disco lights
>cop says "you were doing 80"
>cop asks for license and registration
>driving friend's car so he has to get the registration, but he's panicking and can't find it
>cop says be right back and takes my license
>comes back and says drive safe

Other urls found in this thread:

Been stopped half a dozen times for drinking in public. Polite and apologetic every time. Still alive

>relatively nice, white, upper-middle class neighborhood
>the house across the street from my buddy's got broken into a couple of times
>it's midnight
>just finished DnD, buddy kicked me and my other friend out because he has work in the morning
>stand next to my car parked in the street
>talk about nerd shit for a while
>police car drives by slowly
>we both notice
>police car does another loop
>cop asks what we're doing
>tell him
>"Oh, you boys have a good night"
>"You too"

>pulled over doing 40 over
>cop is nice and writes me up like I was just doing 15 over cutting the ticket cost down by over half

Now someone tell me what I did wrong because I thought CNN said I was supposed to be shot by now.

i live in a shitty council estate in the uk

>get stopped and searched outside towerblock
>he finds £10 of weed on me and laughs like he has just fucked me
>tells me to fuck off and gives me it back

Cops are better here tb.h

>drunk and pills, first time and 10-15 russian valiums
>got punched earlier, bleeding in face because dog bit some fuck
>on bus home, police get on and pull me off cause blood
>try to rip away, tell then I dindu nuffin
>finally give up, tell them I can get in their car by myself
>soon as I turn around they force me into the ground, face first
>tooth got fucked up, still is
>they try to get me to sign shit illegally, because I'm underage
>they tell me they won't press charges
>they do press charges
>sue them for fucking up my tooth, wind up with a bill for the court shit
>find out a year later that they lied in their rapports and said I punched a girl on the bus (I didn't, my friends were witnesses)

My brother was doing like 60mph in a 35 zone. Should have been ticketed but I guess he got off with a warning because he's white [spoiler]and technically Jewish by blood.[/spoiler]

>cop in house
>sees bowl
>"whats that for?"
>It comes out of my mouth before I can think, "tobacco"
>"good answer"

>At 4 way intersection
>Cop pulls into the middle of it during turn left lights
>Skinny white guy with handle bar mustache and sunglasses
>Walks 360 around his car without checking anything
>Gets back in the driver's seat and drives off
That memory stuck with me for some reason.
I still wonder why he did that.

I don't do anything wrong. I got in some trouble as a kid and effectively modeled my behavior so as to never come into contact with police ever again. I haven't dealt with a police officer in over 20 years (and it's not like I live in the boonies or something either; I drive over 100 miles a day for my job and live in a major metropolitan area. It really isn't hard to stay out of trouble. It's called following the law.

>be completely sober, driving home
>pulled over for failing to signal
>cop says he smells alcohol on my breath
>asks me to step out, gives me a pat-down
>asks if I've been drinking
>asks if I've taken any medication recently
>gives me a field sobriety test
>pass all three
>threatens to take me in for a blood test because I'm "clearly fucked up"
>cop pulls in behind him
>tells him to let me go

Cops around here have a habit of harassing white kids with better cars than themselves. Most cops are no problem, though.

>snow falls down from roof of truck onto windshield
>I'm a mile from home, it's cold, I'll just be careful
>red and blues
>double fuck
>pull over
>'son, you can't drive like that'
>just stay chill and civil
>waives the driving obstructed ticket
>had an old copy of insurance, so get penalized for that, pissant 10 dollar slap on the wrist

Amazing how painless this is when you don't act like a chimpanzee.

>driving down the street
>license is expired and havent had a chance yet to get it renewed
>get pulled over
>ah shit
>cop informs me that i have a suspended license
>"oh wow, i didnt realize sir. i dont even know why it would be suspended. i thought it was just expired and ive been so busy with 70 hour work weeks"
>cop asks if car is insured and i show him insurance card
>cop says "go straight home and get this taken care of before you drive again."
>very grateful, apologize, wont happen again sir
>go home and figure out it was suspended because i forgot to go to court for failure to show insurance card
>get proof of insurance at that time period
>driving to county clerk to get new court date
>same cop sees me driving
>pulls me over
>explain where im going
>follows me to court house and back home
>was really nice and helped me out. no tickets or arrest or anything

be respectful and some cops are pretty good guys. some will arrest you no matter what though.

>be black
>doing 80 in a 45 because gotta go fast
>approaching red light
>put window down to get some fresh air
>cop immediately pulls up next to me
>shit, didn't even see him
>he says "The speed limit is 45, not 80."
>I'm autistic so I'm just kinda nodding and intensely staring him in the eyes
>he slowly pulls away, only breaking eye contact at the last moment

He should've shot me to be honest with you family.

>when i was a child had to call the cops once cause some drunk guy was trying to break in the door but gave up when he couldnt break it and when the cops arrived he was gone but i still had my father sleeping and never woke him cause if i did i know my dad wouldve open ed the door to fight whoever the fuck that was cause he would do shit like that and i didnt want that and the cops somehow understood and didnt wake my dad up either even though they questioned me for like 5 mins to understand what happened

Me and a friend were roaming around the streets at night drinkin as 14 year olds looking for fun, ran into some people, got chased by abo's, grafitti sprayed some slayer shit on a cathocuck school, were roaming around when some police cops turned up on us out of nowhere ages later, nothing to do with crime, just searching us and checking why we're out and what we're up to

One was a female cop, like early 20's, went to search me

I wasn't wearing any fucking undies, my dongle right there under my pants

She pulls my pants agape to see if I'm hiding something near my jocks, no jocks, just cock and bollocks

She fucking cracked a smile and looked me in the eye for a split second

"Okay, that'll be all, you boys stay safe tonight"

She totally would've fucked us if she was alone and the guy cop wasn't there. This was a small town of 5k btw. The cops are just locals.

I used to have a problem with alcohol, so I have lots of experiences with the police.

I quit drinking after I attempted to escape a police officer by driving without my lights on at night. Keyword of that sentence: attempted.

Still smoke cigarettes like a chimney though.

Never had a direct incident with the cops, but one morning I woke up and my car was gone and I panicked. I called the city and thought maybe it got removed for street cleaning, and after awhile it turns out my car got impounded because I forgot to renew my plates for the year (which is a fucking scam if there ever was one if you ask me). So it cost me the $60 ticket and $200 to get my car from the impound. I don't know why he didn't just put a ticket on the windshield, I would have got it done the same day then.

More money for the city I guess.


Oh I forgot one time I had the cops called on me,
>Cop is in my room chatting assessing the situation
>Had been browsing /k/ exclusively for weeks due to NEET at the time, shitposting had become reality
>Notice the glock on his hip
>Say, "Ya know, those explode when you shoot them. It's an epidemic."
>Cop is confused and says he's never heard his buddies talk about that
>Affirm what I just said, saying it happens all the time
>Recommend they should go back to revolvers or at least use .45 due to exploding glocks
>Cop doesn't bite the bait
>Realize later when I go down on my meds I tried to glocknade bait a cop who was called on me

>get pulled over
>"drivers permit and papers please. is there a reason you haven't fastened your seatbelt?"
>"me and the lads are just coming from eating dinner, it wouldn't close"
>both laugh
>"how much is the fine?"
>"let's leave it at a warning"
>"thanks officer, have a nice day"
>"you too"

Horrifying, I've been a BLM supporter ever since.

Still better than when you lived in Somalia though, right?

Wow, what a nigger.

>Get pulled over for having expired tags
>Unable to provide insurance information
>Cop lets me off with a warning

I'm sure it had nothing to do with my race though.

>driving down interstate
>dindu muffin in left lane driving at the same pace as old guy in right lane
>long line of cars behind me
>start honking and flashing lights at nigger
>nigger just flips me off
>i return the gesture
>nigger starts throwing change or something at my car
>cop flies up and pulls nigger over
>i pull behind the cop at a reasonable distance
>when cop gets out of the car i tell him nigger was throwing shit at my car while we were driving
>cop tells me to stay in car
>cop tells nog to get out of car
>arrests him
>finds crack on him
>laugh and press charges
>cop laughs and calls him a stupid spook
>laugh together

that's a real cop right there.
never self incriminate yall

>be white brazilian hominid
>walking down the street at night
>several police cars parked in the sidewalk
>officers in the middle of the street stopping cars
>shining light at drivers and passengers
>some kind of blitz I guess
>must be looking for someone specific
>as I pass them officer whistles at me
>"on the wall kid go go hands on the wall spread your legs"
>do as he says
>he searches me
>looks through my backpack
>"ID kid wheres your fucking ID"
>"on my wallet sir"
>doesn't even ask for it
>"where are you going?"
>"university sir right down the street"
>"keep going then"
>keep walking


>Biking to Summerfest
>Go past a squad of 10+ bike cops
>One looks me in the eyes
>"These are our streets"

It was more confusing than anything. Otherwise I've only had kind experiences with them.

>be me
>be white
>driving back from a wedding
>jacket off, wearing shirt and tie
>drunk as the living fuck
>pull in to get coffee
>cop pulls behind me and blocks me in
>i get out
>he looks at me and goes, "you ok? you were kind of weaving there"
>staring at me
>I go, just getting coffee
>he says, "OK" and leaves
>forgot to mention I was driving a Crown Vic

99% sure he thought I was an off-duty cop and let me go despite seeing I was obviously drunk as shit.

Power of the Crown Vic my friends.

Wanna have a good time, get a Vic and drive _really fucking slowly_ down the street in a black neighborhood.

>get stopped by cop for looking like a suspect in the area
>kindly hand him my ID and let him do his business
>gives me my ID back, I thank him for his service to the community, we smile and disperse


>guy in fast lane doing the speed limit
>cop stuck behind him
>cop gets behind him and flips lights on
>guy merges over to pull over
>cop accelerates and keeps driving

>Talking tough while riding a pedal bike

>at strip club with friend
>Tell gf I'm at friends house as cover
>Getting shit faced drunk. Round after round of shots, many pitchers of beer.
>Hanging out with stripper at my table, shes sitting on my lap.
>Gf walks in, see me. Not mad. I get her a beer
>Stripper tells gf that I'm regular there
>See anger in gfs eyes
>Time to leave, get into huge drunken fight in parking lot with gf
>Both leave pissed off, I starting peeling out in parking lot in my truck, doing donuts
>Fishtail out of parking lot, smoke billowing from rear end.
>Running red lights and stop signs the whole way home.
>Have to stop for a car at stop sign, say "fuck this!" Start doing a brake stand at the stop sign.
>Take off peeling out feathering the brake to keep the burnout going.
>Cop sitting some yards away from stop sign.
>Lights come on
>Tires still smokeing as cop approaches
>cop asked where we are going in a hurry. Tell him home that we have work in the morning.
>Ask where we came from
>doll house
>Were you drinking?
>Two beers and shot
>Can't find registration so cop takes lisences and comes back a few mins later
>Get these liquor bottles out of the bed of your truck and have a good night Mr. user.
>Yes sir, start truck immediately and take off.

I've gotten a few speeding tickets that were definitely legit. I've been let off for some pretty sketchy stuff. Had a cop pull a gun on me once while trying to search for a perp.

I've always been treated nicely. I even count the time a cop yelled at me for a few minutes straight as being treated nicely because he didn't want to bother ticketing me and basically just wanted to tell me to quit being stupid.

I was sitting outside an abandoned house drinking beer with some whore years ago, 3 cops showed up guns drawn and pointed at us, I was just sitting there with no pants on, once they figured out we were not up to no good, aside from drinking and fugging they let us go without tickets and even let us keep the beer. Feels good.

>little budding druggie in Houston
>on the bus around memorial
> think I'll get off on this bus stop and catch the one into downtown
>get lost as fuck
>try to walk south back towards I-10
>nice houses everywhere
>look like a degenerate scuzzy punk
>cop car pulls up behind me, makes whoop whoop sound
>oh perfect! I think, I'll ask him for directions!
>cop gets out, hand on gun holster, "get on the fucking hood!"
>searched, handcuffed, shoved in the back
>"can I ask what i did?"
>"shut the fuck up"
>drives me to a cul de sac somewhere in the neighborhood
>four cop cars parked on the road
>pulled out by the neck and stood in the middle of the road
>a woman is in her doorway talking to other cops, points at me then shakes her head
> back in the car
>cop says "good thing it wasn't you,punk"
>gives me directions, takes me to the bus stop, even gives me a couple bucks for fare.
>"stay safe out there, little man"

>get robbed
> go straight to the police
>talk for a bit
> the police officer is a big guy (for you)
>arms crossed straight face the whole time
>asks for signalements
>tells him it was an arab
>he looks at me and says "It always is"
bretty gud

This is a cop stories thread, not a white trash stories thread.

My encounters

>car breaks down a few miles from my house in Florida
>manage to park it at a gas station before she dies
>decide fuck it I'll walk home
>I've been walking for miles, thirsty as fuck. I stop at a local church and decide to use the water fountain.
>blonde woman approached me before I can step
>"What're you doing?" She exclaims.
>"I've been walking for miles I just wanted to use your water fountain." I retort
>"Oh well you cant." She replies.
>I think 'oh well' and continue walking home
>suddenly a patrol car approaches me, apparently she called the police.
>officer steps out
>"Where are you from boy?" He bellows in a deep southern accent.
>"The earth." I reply
>"You want to be in the jail!" He cries.
>I look at him puzzled
>"those women were doing a bible study you scared them."
>He basically goes on to a allege I was trying to do something sexual.
>I'm as white as snow, completely Irish
>I explain to him I was just trying to get a drink from the fountain etc. It's a church for fucks sakes it should be treated as a sanctuary
>He calls my parents and has them pick me up

>Go to university in Alaska
>Out at beach drinking and chilling with friends at like 2 am
>Run out of firewood, leave.
>Friend asks to drive, I'm buzzed, he's bigger than me, agree.
>He crashes literally half a mile later on the first turn
>hits guardrail on passenger side, then goes across road into ditch
>my vehicle is seriously fucked up
>Friend says hes not going back to jail
>I refuse to cheese it, stay with my vehicle and face the music.
>Cops show up, I say I was driving.
>Tell cops I hit ice, then over corrected.
>Cop asks if I was drinking, say no, hes says he can smell it. Admit to drinking a little, but not fucked up.
>Field Sobriety Test, pass at around 80% but because of crash, smell of alcohol, and because I swayed after finishing walking the line am arrested for DUI
>Taken to police station, blow 0.095, formally charged.
>Taken to jail, released after they took fingerprints and picture and given promise to appear.

>Plead guilty in court, spent 3 days in prison over spring break. $1500 fine, 6 months interlock device, 2 years probation, $4000 to get my vehicle fixed as I had no insurance at the time.

No regrets.

>>He calls my parents and has them pick me up

He didn't want the paperwork, clearly :^)

Long story but:

>Saved a niggers life once
>Morning after he comes to my house and knifes me in the arm
>The police come to the door
>My key was left on the lock luckily
>Cops bust in and pepper spray both niggers
>Fuck them up with telescopic batons too
>"Good that we were here on time for once!"
>Thank you sir, saved my life there

Gonna get fuckload of money from court as reparations, hired the best lawyer in the city, feels breddy gud. Got a huge scar on my arm tho.

>call cops because two niggers are breaking into my basement
>they get scared off by my dog
>one gets caught in my backyard and gets his ass beat
>other one runs across the street and tries carjacking a neighbor only to get the door slammed in his face and the cops double-called on him

>driving trashcan k-car on my way to an interview
>get pulled over by an SUV wielding police cop
>asks me where i'm going/coming from and is peeking my windows
>tells me there were some break ins and all they have is the car color which matches mine
>he can see im not in my interview clothes and not my robbing clothes
>he jokes about what a piece of shit my car is and lets me go
>i thank him and wish him a good day before driving off

I had to call the cops a couple of times because my dad was throwing a rage tantrum. It was really tame, desu. They just told him to calm down and if I call again they're going to 'take action'. They're useless for domestic calls unless someone has a weapon.

The Swedish cops are usually violent and racist as fuck. Breddy based if you ask me. It has even been discussed in the Finnish media a couple of times

>>Saved a niggers life once

See, that was your mistake, right there.

>The earth

Have a good time in surgery getting the lead picked out of my body? No thanks, I'd rather stay away from coontown.

>>Saved a niggers life once
>>Morning after he comes to my house and knifes me in the arm



Yup, not one I'm gonna be making again

>always follow the law
>never been pulled over

Only shitty police I've encountered are TSA agents. Federal police are not humans, so it doesn't count.

Got pulled over. Put hands at ten and two on my wheel. Policeman comes up and asks for paperwork give him my packet in my top console. Has my insurance registration and concealed carry license. Tell policeman im sitting on my CCW as well as my wallet. I usually get out they put the gun in my car, and i give them my license.
If I get a ticket I get a ticket, if I don't i don't. Policeman don't bother with my weapon. One unloaded it and told me I could reload as soon as I was back in my car.

Stupid idiot.

If you had left with your friend you would've gotten arrested for leaving the scene of an accident instead of a DUI - you wouldn't have spent any time in jail or had to have that gay interlock device.


Actually half Polish-Nor, but grew up in Norway

Aye, he was a longtime "friend" of mine at that point. He had a heart-attack and I saved his life by calling the amber-lamps when no one else was around. Then he comes to my place psychotic as fuck and knifes me. Had been taking drugs or some shit. Oh well, he's getting fucked up big time in court

I ran from the cops when I was out past curfew once. I made it home.

Other encounter:

>1 am
>doing 60 in a 35
>"ah shit"
>asks for license and registration
>tells me it's 35 and not 45, slow down
>make it home safe

Tried to shake his hand but he didn't want any of that.

>Tried to shake his hand

you called the peelers on your dad? fuck me you are a pussy. my dad used to do the same but id never do that

Well why shouldn't I say that? The government is evil. Churches are supposed to be sanctuary. I broke no laws.

>Hanging with 2 friends one is black.
>Black nigger bro has an ounce of ganja.
>Need to leave and walk his dog.
>Before that we decide to light a bowl.
>Head to woods.
>Nigger bro lights up some MJ.
>White boy friend eating gummy bears like a faggot.
>About to take a hit myself.
>8 cops swarm us with guns drawn (not tasers)
>Tells us to get down.
>Nigger bro launches pipe like it was a basketball right beforehand.
>He saw them coming.
>Ants attack white friends gummy bears.
>Watching as he nearly gets face full of ants.
>Neighbor saw dumb niggers with airsoft gun go into woods.
>They they it was real. It wasn't.
>Cops thought we were the niggers.
>Get in cop car.
>Cop questioning us looks like my math teacher.
>Laughing in police car explaining to friends.
>"That must be my teachers brother."
>White bro pissed himself.
>God damn it. You're making us look bad.
>"We didn't do anything wrong bruv."
>Get grilled by cop for laughing in this serious situation.
>Get let off because I didn't do nuffin.
>Go home comfy.
>Mom now knows I smoke pot and asks for hook-up.
>All good.

Surprised none of us got shot. Nigger got probation for having the pot and confessing that we had nothing to do with it because he was a based weeb. Thank god I wasn't stoned because that wouldn't have been good I get really paranoid and anxious. Also, the entire street was full of police vehicles it was like the whole damn county for such a minor issue.

TLDR; cops almost shot white boys for no reason.

You are not allowed to be outside after certain time in the States?

Yeah you didn't, but the cop sure will look at you like you are some kind of a weirdo if he asks where you come from and you say "Earth" think about it for a second

>get stopped for speeding
>give cop my license
>"Sir, do you know how fast your were going?"
>"Probably too fast, eh?"
>"Yes, sir. The speed limit here is 50, and you were going 65."
>"Sorry about that."
>"Hold on while I run your information."
>He goes back to his car, does whatever it is he's doing, then returns
>"I'm going to let you off with a warning. Slow down."
>He goes back to his car and I drive off
>The End

Don't you have windshield wipers?

That's the same amount of points of vehicular manslaughter in my state. Always amazed me how buttdevastated the state was about that.

>get pulled over for the first time a few weeks back
>rolled through stop sign and suspicion of avoiding the police cause I was constantly changing my mind which route I wanted to take, doubling back and shit
>first time pulled over so nervous as shit
>on top of this i haven't aten in forever and hungry as fuck so i'm shaking on top of all this
>also have big non-descript chest in the back

>lady cop walks up
>asks for usual stuff, can't find registration, but make note to her that I should have it cause the proper sticker is on the plate
>tells me to calm down after i say i never been pulled over before, asks whats in the chest
>point out it's old video game consoles
>tells me to get copy of registration, other than that lets me off

boy i sure looked shady as fuck i bet

oh no, my friend. no one fucks with you when you use this technique. they think you're the po-po and they stay the _fuck_ away.

>about 15 years ago
>coming home from college for the day
>walking up driveway when cop drives up and asks me to step toward him
>tells me that I match the description of a suspect
>tells me to put hands behind my back
>ask what's going on
>There was a bank robbery not far from here, you match the description.
>sit handcuffed while back up arrives
>answer their questions and even joke around with them a little
>tells me to stand up and look directly at an SUV with black tinted windows
>released 1 minutes later
>Witness was in the SUV and said I look similar, but definitely not me
>Cops ask me a few more questions about where i was the past few hours, check my ID, etc
>Sorry for the inconvenience user
>me playing Morrowind 10 minutes later

"Oh my God, it's a ghost car!"

Back when I used to drink I had some funny police encounters where I pissed them off.

One time I was drinking a beer in public and finished it. Dropped the empty can next to me on the ground.

A cop appeared and started hassling me. He said "Why is there an empty beer can next to you?" and I replied "So what? I see empty cans of beer on the side of the road all the time."

He made such an angry facial expression. Shit was funny.

>Sir, please use the crossing that's right over there. Next time I see you jaywalking here I will have to give you a ticket
God knows what would've happened if I had been black.

>relatively new car double parks and blocks me in
>key every panel down to the metal
>call police
>they assess the situation and ask me if the car was scratched before I got there
>say yes and they ask no questions but just smile
>the cat is towed away

My only encounter.

life happens nigger

>post your [noun] encounters
>shit that never happens.jog

>at a house party
>brought nitrous tank. 1 for $3 2 for $5
>cops raid party
>throw tank down and cover with a blanket
>sit on it
>cop tells me to get up
>finds tank
>laughs and calls me a retard
>empties tank and lets me go

>smoking weed at a park after dark
>cop comes to see what we were doing
>friend threw weed in the bushes but missed and its laying in open
>cop picks it up and says "thanks boys. go home"

Politely arrested in 9th grade on the last day of school for some shit with my neighbor. Pulled over twice, acted respectfully and left without tickets both times. Some cops just want to do their job without drama.

>mate and I feel like smashing a few at the local
>deceide that wearing morphsuits would be a good idea
>get refused entry for technically not weraing pants
>gone walkabout after hitting the bottle-o and a Sleven
>hitting the turps with super slurpees that have half a bottle of rum in them
>cops on treadlys pull up a bit behind us and flag us down
>mate is flipping his tits
>'user, we're cactus we can't be getting maggot in public. What're we gonna do?'
>'Yeah, nah, mate. Don't be a fucking dero for 10 minutes. They don't even have a divvy.'
>put our drinks down as they approach so we've got nothing in our hands
>One copper asks what we're wearing, before we can answer the other just shakes their head saying 'Whatever it is it should be illegal'
>explain we're just out having some good wholesome family friendly fun and that the pub told us the same thing
>they ask what we're drinking
>pick up slurpee, tell them it's just a slurpee
>offer them a drink from it
>this thing reeks of piss
>they refuse and let us go on our way
>mate still pissing himself

Not being a fuckwit for 5 minutes of your life is the easiest way to not end up in the shit, even if you're already half cooked.

>Racing dude going 120+
>OH shit cop on the side of the highway
>Go down to 80
>See him pull out with no lights on
>Gun that shit to 160 and get away

Fuck cops

>be at my father's house
>long story short there's an argument, I call him a failure and he goes insane
>threatens to kill me verbally
>I rush to lock myself in my room he's double my size
>he keeps screaming for me to get out of my room
>call the cops
>tell them he threatened to kill me but don't know how serious he is
>2 cop cars show up less than 10 minutes
>dad magically calms down
>answers the door
>4 cops walk into our house
>spend the next 20 minutes explaining the situation to 2 of the cops while father does the same
>tell them I'm not pressing charges or anything
>but I can't stay alone with him after this
>they give me some time to pack my things up
>ask me if I have any other place to stay
>they drive me to my friends house
>on our way there we talk about the situation
>"wow kid you have it pretty rough"
>"can't believe we have hoarders in this neighborhood"
>"just move out and cut contact you don't owe him anything"
>thank them for the advice and the ride

10/10 good experience, would recommend if not for the stress every time I think about my father

Kek, you did good aussiebro

Power tripping assholes. I've had them take photos of me against my consent when I broke no laws and was freely walking down the street. I've several encounters with police. Most of them unpleasant. I realise that there are good cops. I respect police but I think the justice system is tucked in this country. There are some VERY crooked cops. Keep in mind more white Americans are shot than blacks. They WILL kill white men at a higher rate. Think anout that gor a moment. The media manipulated the george Zimmerman 911 call, look it up.

>>threatens to kill me verbally

I don't think people can yell that loud.


>5th grade
>decide that counterfeiting is a good way to get cash
>print 5's from printer
>try to spend it
>got away with it until kid told on me
>secret service shows up
>scared the piss out of me
>look out window when they were leaving
>they were laughing
>dad grounded me for 3 months

>buddies driving home after party
>the least drunk out of all of us drives home
>crashes straight into a telephone pole at 1am on a very busy road
>we book it
>oh shit we forgot Ethan
>cops find him passed out in the back of crashed vehicle and take him to the hospital

>a different friend driving this time, his car
>once again, crashes straight into a telephone pole 1am
>we both book it
>I make it home in no time flat
>find out next day he got arrested for leaving the scene of an accident
>he was incredibly drunk but ran 5 miles straight home before being stopped about 100 yards away from his house
>no dwI

People get shot over less in civilized countries
Lucky you're in Aboland. I'd have literally shot you.

>be hunting pokemon at 1 a.m. in my car
>cop drives next to me with lights flashing
>drive side by side for like 3 minutes
>he does a 180 in the middle of the street and drives off

fuck da police man

These drunk driving stories make me glad that you can just call for a taxi with a driver who'll take your car home for you here.

>the earth


>Be me
>Be half black in the south (racists hate us more)
>Every time I get pulled, cops are super nice
>One time pulled over
>Fighting with wife
>Speeding and run a stop sign in the middle of the night
>Cop sitting right there
>Blue lights come on
>White cop gets out
>Turn off all music
>Walks up to car
>"Hello sir. License and registration please"
>"Yes sir"
>Do exactly as he says
>"Sir where in the hell are you going in such a hurry?"
>Fuck it, tell the truth
>"My wife and I are ill and tired and ready to get home. We've been on the road for 2 hours and ready for bed."
>"You know you ran a stop sign, right?"
>"Yes sir. It was stupid. I should have stopped but we're so close to home. Bad judgement call."
>"Yeah it was. Most fatalities are close to home for that exact reason."
>"Yes sir. I understand. Won't happen again."
>"Okay, I'll be right back."
>Few seconds later
>"Alright Mr. ______, go home and be careful. Get you and your wife home in one piece. Slow down."
>Gives me a warning
>"Thank you officer, will do."
>Get home with no bullet holes

Stop acting like niggers and cops will leave you alone, even if you are a nigger. I mean, I'm sure there's that one jackass but for the most part, most are guys just trying to do a job and get home.

Holy shit that would probably scare the shit out of me too. Glad they took it alright user.

>walk down street
>4 police cars surround me out of nowhere
>Guns pointed at me in all directions
>Get arrested
>Discover wrong person
>Oops sorry you matched a description
>Be 6'3 white guy

If I was a black guy from the US I would've stood there arguing in a foreign language nobody could understand then push my hands into my pockets before taking 100 bullets SHEEEEEIT

> 18 years old. New welding job. Early mornings not used to yet
>Dark on way to work still accidentally run a stop sign
>Instant lights and siren
>Stop, hands on wheel, cabin light on and what not
>You know why I pulled you over right? Liscence and registration please.
>Give him my dl and the insurance
> Reads insurance card and says my mothers last name on the insurance looking at me questioningly
>"that is my mother sir" (My mom has a different last name as me from remarrage
>Goes to his car and comes back about 5 minutes later
>"I am going to let you go with a warning because I know your mother."
>What how so?
>"We dated for a while. She was such a beautiful flower. She was the one that got away. I loved her so much."
>Play along with it and tell him to go back with her and that she is still single.
>Go to work with the biggest shit eating grin with the new knowledge that my mom cheated on my stepdad and that I got out of a ticket.

That was a great day. I grilled my mom after work after that. Ya found out that she was a cheater for a while before she left my stepdad. She has now had more partners than I have fingers and toes now I believe.
Also my stepdad was a cop too. Though he lived far away working at his pd till he got his pension.

>Tldr. I got pulled over and got out of a ticket because my mom dated the officer while being married to my stepfather

>go running before work
>about six miles
>come home and realize i have no real food
>i need something before work so i decide to make a protein shake
>two scoops
>and a coffee
>three hours later i feel the need to fart quietly
>i acquiesce
>but it's not quiet and certainly not a fart
>tell everyone i'm taking my break and saunter out to my car
>drive home, take my clothes off, try to hose the shit off of them and take a shower
>rush back to work, flying down the road
>cop stops me
>"do you know what I pulled you over?"
>"i was going too fast."
>he chuckles in a kind of angry way
>"why? why the hell are you driving like this?"
>look at him
>"i shit myself at work..."
>look down and away
>"...and i needed to get new pants and underwear"
>i look back up
>he looks down, turns back, walks to his car, gets in, and drives away.

Good post and good message since it's very true.
You sound rational which I can't say for most. Stay based familam.