I'll just leave this here

I'll just leave this here

It shouldn't even be called Italy just Napoli

There are territories without enough "natives" to create an ethnostate on this map or even people who don't identify as a seperate nationality.

Is this CK2?

When will it become true?

I'm making it now I guess
867 start date

Thanks, m8

independent Sicily WHEN?

western europe is stupid
and eastern europe is the complete bullshit

>poland still exists with its stolen German land

Makes me want to vomit my liver out.

>that third source

>all countries split into a gazillion pieces
>except Portugal

Feels good man

>barely contains the Po basin

>w*iteoid Georgi mad about losing clay to BLC(big Lezgin cock)

>watch dogs
>there are no dogs that are watching you

literally kys

>giving the samis enough land to be a minority in their own country

Loving this meme.


I've never heard of the Kainuu independence movement

ireland strong

what a meme map. most people in this region probably don't even know what "Ingria" really is, they most likely heard that word a few times only during history lessons at school

The daily retard-map.