Just discovered and marathoned this on Netflix

Just discovered and marathoned this on Netflix.
Great acting, great sets, costumes, flowery overly verbose dialogue that's just pleasant to hear spoken.
So what the fuck happened during season 3?
Did this Logan guy just get bored? Like what the actual fuck was that.

The fag that was in charge was way into his own ass by season 3.
Plus i got the feeling that while it was trying to be edgy it didn't had the balls to actually be edgy outside of shitty sex scenes...that said Katriona was great, i wanted to see her lez out...

>The fag that was in charge was way into his own ass by season 3.
I kind of got that, but did he lose interest? Was it canceled abruptly? Did he write himself into a corner?
They set up for characters that get introduced to have none of their story potential ever realized.
Some like Hartdegen get a valueless injection into the story, a meaningless character offering nothing but slight lesbian subtext and a obtuse Wells reference. Mr Lyle sent off to Cairo for a mummy adventure that never develops, or Dr Jekyll being teased to be nothing more that a totally unnecessary lab assistant to Frankenstein.

The whole "wolf of god" thing with Ethan and Vanessa puttered out in such an anticlimactically limp fashion I can only assume the creator had written everything out only to be told that the Underworld series already exists, so he just threw it all in the trash.
The only character who gets something resembling a true full arc of growth and discovery is the fucking emo monster!


This show biggest problem is it's writing. They clearly had no ideal what to do after s1 so they rehash the same shit over again.

i stopped watching it somewhere in the middle of season 3 because it got retarded with the bloody sex scenes

you mean like the literal blood orgy with billie piper?

I really wish this shows run could've gone better. I mean it got 3 seasons, but I could've watched it forever if they just fixed up the writing. I liked the cast, the setting and atmosphere of it all. Little slow at times, but I liked it that way. Still fucked it up.

>I kind of got that, but did he lose interest? Was it canceled abruptly?
i'm pretty sure they had Problems to schedule the cast. at least green just could not shoot a tv Show forever.

>tv shows

They're all the same; start interesting and go downhill from there, longer than should for their own good.

miss ives is LITERALLY poochie. search your feelings you know this to be true

He cancelled it on his own accord and is now back in Hollywood.

I recall hearing that Showtime wanted a fourth season but the creator wanted to end it at 3.

Dorian Grey has an affair with a tranny. That's it.

I mean he might have killed some monsters, or decided to be a villain, or had some god damn effect on the plot in any way shape or form.

Oh but wait he has sex with most of the main characters, which lends as much gravity as it did for the cast of Archer.

So, worse than Poochy.

Pretty sure that the last couple of episode were rewriten because characters go full 180 out of nowhere and tons of new characters that were clearly meant to do a lot in season 4. And then that fucking THE END out of fucking nowhere.

The other way around.
The creator had 4 seasons planned:
Season 3, we would see Ethan's corruption culminating into Miss Ives downfall into Dracula's arms.
Season 4 would be Ethan and Ives redemption song.

They compacted the two planned seasons into one which made most characters do nonsensical stuff out of character because they were running out of time.

Did they only decide part way through season 3?

I already know that. I like Eva green but she could be pretty bad acting wise here. She went too over top in some scenes.


Any scene where she was being possessed made me want to turn it off. I mean don't get me wrong. I'm madly infatuated with Eva Green, but fuck those scenes.

I'm just being honest.

She could be fine when it came to simple drama but when it time for those scenes where she gets posses it's was hard to take her serious and I found them instead funny.

Could you really take the scene where she's screeching from the top her lungs at the party dinner episode seriously?

*Dinner party

Yeah, that was disappointing - I thought they were building him up to be a seasonal villain at least, but just let him languish in plots that were pretty much separate from the rest of the cast

she enjoyed the ham
as did I

Remember when he told Billie Piper and her whores to get out?

That was fun.

I don't believe for a minute that he had it planned out with how bad season 3 is.

You could start out with them falling in season 3 beginning and redeem them throughout the season but instead you get a nothingburger ending?

He is literally a clock writer, he got a couple of episodes that were great which tricked people into thinking he knew what he was doing. He didn't.

The first that told me season 3 was going to be a mess is the creature on the boat lasts all of 2 minutes in actual screentime, then he spends 2 episodes walking back to England to find his living family.
And when it's all said and done THAT WAS THE BEST ARC IN THE SEASON!

I can imagine getting the chance to make a show like this and use all these characters, and then just trash the whole concept so lazily at the end of the story


>You could start out with them falling in season 3 beginning and redeem them throughout the season
But user that's exactly what he did, Ethan's got his 15 seconds with the devil only to get his issues resolved in time to save Miss Ives.

Ives end was always going to be death since even if they killed Dracula, the devil would always be around, they just accelerated a lot her falling into Dracula's hands because mid-season they discovered it was going to be the end, that's why there's an abrupt shift after that with storylines getting cut short and characters getting their comeuppance out of nowhere.

There's an interview where they explain all that.


It makes sense that Van would be killed by ethan to save her soul, that much was always obvious.
but they rushed the fuck out of it, and made the whole "wolf" part pretty much irrelevant

Logan is that you?


This was one of my biggest issues. I loved the show but I wish it had been done with Vanessa vs Satan thing after season 1.

Saying that, it gave us the asylum episode in season 3 which was amazing.








God, Mr Lyle must have been an awfully kind man, because you know she smelled shit, piss, and rotten milk for a year straight.


This scene remind of me alot of the masque of the red death


that was quite the point one would think, the show is nothing but references

Best scene of the whole season.

The Dracula vocal reveal was amazing as well.


Fucking Logan that hack.









>tfw you can never protect vanessa from the dark forces at work


Peter should have just bang her.




Jesus, did this guy just rub his eyes with lemons before shooting?



He was a junkie

>It's a Vanessa is the town's biycle episode.

Does anyone know if the Lily Frankenstein whore sufferage arc was actually going to go anywhere in a following season, or was it always meant to point out Dorians short attention span?

>Dorians short attention span?
How did that had anything in common with attention span?

>I just had dinner with Billie Piper two nights ago, as a matter of fact, so Lily is much on my mind. When Lily ended last season, it was in quite a dominant and powerful position, and she continues that this season in a sort of unholy marriage with Dorian Gray: these two immortal beings who have real plans for domination, and, in Lily’s case, revenge upon mankind for the ailments that have been heaped upon her her entire life.

>And Lily’s story is surprisingly social. It has to do with the empowerment of women. Her version of that, being as warped and demented and power-mad as she is, is an extremely violent version of it, but in I think it’s the second or third episode, we see a suffragette rally, and there’s a lot of talk about the place of women in this society, which is one of the reasons why I wrote this show in the first place. I built it around these strong female characters, like Vanessa Ives or Lily or even the Cut-Wife last year, Dr. Seward this season. And Lily has this acolyte she brings into her world played by Jessica Barden, whose character’s name is Justine.
>So it’s a surprisingly social mission that she’s on. It has to do with the male-female relationship in Victorian London, but in a uniquely horrific way.

There's a comic book which continues the story.

Dorian tires of his plaything easily, it wasnt long after they acquired their "third" that Dorian started to get bored, he was truly done with it when Lily brought every whore in London into his home.
The only reason he kept playing along was the interest of meeting another immortal.
But this is Dorian Grey, his attentions are always fleeting, no matter how unique the attraction.

They lied us about how they originally planned only 3 seasons, which is clearly bullshit.
Hyde, the Dracula-arc, stuff about Dorian Gay, the planned Egypt lore, etc - they all needed another season.

See these:
Someone ordered the director the end the show and lie about the length of it.
So insted making the show even better, they fucked it up completely and gave it an inconsistent, weak ending.

>comic book

He went full feminist on season 3, crazy shit.

So likely a money and/or scheduling issue? Ended up forcing a story that needed at least 2 seasons to fully develop and resolve, to be done in one.
Probably gave just enough notice to be able to half assedly rewrite the final half of the season to close the arc for the whole series.

Yeah, something like that.
I hope it wasn't because of Eva Green, tho.
After all, she's the most valuable (in money!) actress in the show.

>i'm pretty sure they had Problems to schedule the cast. at least green just could not shoot a tv Show forever.

I hope that isnt the case as well, but i think we all know it likely was her concerns that at least partially lead to a shortened run.
And it's hard to bee too mad at her she truly gave herself to that role completely, as hammy as some of the witch shit could get at times she gave a powerful performance in every episode, and it looked exhausting honestly

So say we all!

The cinematic equivalent of "rage quitting".

I was here all along, I just wanted to say thanks for all the webms.
This is one of those shows that really deserved better.

S03ep1 was something of the best things I've seen.
It was the right moment and mindset for me to see it and it felt amazing.

So very weird.

Ive been there bro
There are just some things that catch you in the perfect moment in life

Sebene deserved better than to die for an aborted storyline.

But Massa, all dem white peoples gots dess-tie-knees, not good ol sambo here doe!
For progressive as this show tried to be, this guy and the native american characters....yeesh.

Whos going to read the comic?

>For progressive as this show tried to be, this guy and the native american characters....yeesh.
Fucking hell, the fuck you forgot here?

We could ask the same of you boyo

>We could ask the same of you boyo
I fucking live here at this point.