> conservashits
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back to kikebook faggot. sage
lincoln hated niggers
go away
>You must stop...
Triggered much ?
>fraudulent business records
Stopped reading there.
When/why the fuck has anyone called the Republicans the Party of Lincoln?
It's funny because lincoln was a real piece of shit during his election campaign and he has a history of some, if not all, of everything listed there.
>muh switched sides
libcucks still mad they're the KKK party
Lincoln was the most authoritarian president
> believing the party didn't switch
That's some strong Koolaid you are sippin on ConservaCuck
Didn't Lincoln like suppress journalists and other shady shit?
>fraudulent business record
Is it just me or do they keep escalating his business history every time they bring it up?
Like first it was a few of his businesses declaring chapter 11 bankruptcy, then it was people saying he's an all around failed business man who inherited all of his money from his father, now they're claiming he committed fraud?
> conveniently forget that Trump scam students from his scam artist university Trump U
It's like you don't even into
> implying it's one person
Maybe you've been here too long friend
Kessler - the only living witness, only remembered this exchange 40 years after LBJ supposedly said it.
That wouldn't be problems for most people, but Kessler had serious credibility gaps in his previous dishonest claims.
The quote was obviously manufactured to sell Kessler's book.
>Being proud to be authoritarian
Fucking cucks.
Thanks for pointing that out user
I've seen to many pol posters always refer to that quote without fact checking themselves
It really didn't. The GOP is still the same pro business centrist cuck party its always been. With only the occasional populist breaks from the norm.
The Dems have rebranded themselves a few time however.
> except the part where all the progressives where republican until the civil rights act
>huge protectionist
>wanted to deport niggers to Africa or Panama
He did hate niggers.
How the fuck did you get "hates niggers" from that quote?
yes , his main objection was to persevere the union , your point ?
Yes because every generation votes and thinks the same right? You know full well that progressives of yesteryear would be racist conservatives by today's standards.
And really if you want to talk about the south switching its was long after 1968 when the GOP took a lock on the south. The dixicrats didn't switch parties, they died of old age and were replaced by a new generation of voters.
> the Dixiecrats didn't change
but the disenfranchised white racists went from voting dems to Republican real quickly after the civil rights act
Some did, many others did not. Only one or two politicians in congress that fought the 1968 civil right act switched parties. Most continued the the ranks of the democrat party for the rest of their lives often reaching high leadership positions. Robert Byrd was the last one I believe.
Honestly while most American anons on Sup Forums probably vote GOP you would be hard pressed to find any that don't have real problems with how the party is run.
Blind partisan loyalty bores me and many others yet its always the Democrat shill that has no problem with the DNC or any of its leadership. It really ruins credibility tbqh.
wtf i hate lincoln now