Should we apologize for being white?
I mean think about all of the bad things our ancestors did. And we all just sit around and benefit for it.
What does White Privilege mean to you?
Should we apologize for being white?
I mean think about all of the bad things our ancestors did. And we all just sit around and benefit for it.
What does White Privilege mean to you?
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I have one ancestor I know of who owned slaves, and he was a horse trader who apparently won them in a card game or some shit. People seem to think everybody owned their own plantation or something.
>be nignog
>bitch about being treated like shit as a slave
>bitch about white people keeping you down
>be chinkchonk
>bitch about being treated like shit as a railroad worker
>pick self up and fix the problem
If being black is such a burden, why don't black people start having white children?
>#BlackPrivilegeMeans to be able to benefit from the institution of slavery while simultaneously saying "I've never been a slave"
Wow... really makes you think.
Most "black" people in america are part white.
Black Privilege is having immunity to pink bellies.
Zero of my southern ancestors owned slaves.
All my other ancestors immigrated from scotland in the 1900's.
Eat shit and die.
>What does White Privilege mean to you?
It means encouraging non white to hate us to the point where race relations in the US become so fucking tensed that confidence in the system and the common American identity is utterly and completely destroyed.
literally Kang
I won't apologize for being white.
I will apologize for being so damned good lookin.
It really is an unfair unearned advantage because my parents were also attractive and liked to fuck.
People just look at me and like me.
When people look at me they don't think serial killer or chomo.
I don't know what it is like to have people look at you and think you are a pervert.
I am aware of my toxic attractiveness.
Again I apologize for my handsome privilege.
should blacks feel guilty about enjoying any benefits from institutions built upon Asian slavery?
Yea, let me just write out an apology for being white. While I'm at it, might as well start beating my self up over being a cis male, and also not being gay. Let's start a petition to make being white a hate crime, but even then that would be privilege wouldn't it?
I'm starting to accept more and more that AI and weaponized robots are the solution to our nigger problem
Jew Theodore Allen invented the term 'white privilege'.
That's all you need to know.
didn't modern african americans also benefit from slavey though? even the ones that moved here years after the civil war?
Yeah so fuck all you european immigrants that came in the early 1900s, ya'll be motha fucka slave ownerz in SHIEEEEEEET
I've not got any exact numbers, but am I right in assuming that the vast majority of white Americans didn't own slaves, and it was only the rich and priviledged few that actually owned them?
>tfw you will never benefit from slavery
Feels bad man
how much did colonial america actually benefit from slave labor in terms of development? was it mainly agricultural?
how much does the industrialization of america owe to black slave labor? who built the sky scrapers? who developed the system of government and banks, could it have been done without black slave labor?
I'm Asian, I benefit from the institution and I never had slaves.
Can I be an honorary white?
user, on behalf of all white Americans, you are now honorably white. Now, stop oppressing BLM and get cucked like the rest of us.
Anyone born post-slavery also benefits from slavery - including black people.
600,000 white people died in the bloodiest war America has ever been involved in trying to free the slaves.
Freeing the slaves hindered the economy, left tens of thousands of women without sons, husbands and fathers, and in some cases ended entire bloodlines.
There were only 400,000 slaves at the peak of slavery in the US.
>born into a poor prussian family
>never been into a position of power
>probably lost tons of relatives in prussian wars
>never owned any slaves, were probably slaves to someone over the course of the prussian history
>become a free state danzig
>become polish
>be the result of wars of white people over centuries to happen
>go to america to live out the american dream
>suddenly oppress black people
I'm from a country that never held slaves.
The closes we had were white convict labourers.
How precisely do I benefit from the institution of slavery?
I know that feel bro.
Yup, at the height of slavery in 1860, only like 2% of Southerners owned slaves.
Nice Pepe
doesn't he benefit as well since he's a citizen of the united states
>What if I think of my self as an individual and don't identify with my ancestors.
>what if two of my ancestors was and slave and slave owner? Would it be a principle of uncertain privlidge?
>tfw i learned a bit ago I had family that fought in the civil war for the confederates
I hope they treated niggers as bad as possible
Agriculture in the South was only slightly more profitable than that in the North, and the North had a massive industrial advantage. Tired of this "Dindus built the country" meme.
My ancestors didn't do anything wrong, unless you see killing Native Americans in combat wrong
Lol I moved to this country in 05 as a white man I don't give a fuck or take blame for black slavery in specific.
Although I feel bad for any persons whom was enslaved through out history. Slavery wasn't a single race issue. I wish people understood that more
Never. Fuck that shit. And fuck them.
Since my family have been poor northern (Indiana and Illinois area) farmers since the early 1700s and never had enough money for slaves, no, I'm not apologizing.
My family is descendants of peasants farmer. Never owned a slave due to being a peasant.
Yet there are people in Africa who today who are descendants of slave owners who sold slaves to America.
>ancestor was a negrier
kek !
Someone post this shit as reply to his tweet! DO ITTTTTTTTTTTT
>tfw don't know this feel
>tfw hasn't affected me much because I'm rich as hell despite looking as ugly as your typical Slav
>I mean think about all of the bad things our ancestors did.
My default response to this accusation is "I don't care." I say this because I don't care.
>You're a racist!
I don't care.
>You're a sexist!
I don't care.
>You're a nazi!
I don't care.
Seems to work out pretty well for me so far.
This desu
>Live in Northern state
>my entire family came here a couple of decades after the civil war
>somehow I benefit from slavery
>all the bad things our ancestors did
yeah, like ruining our country by bringing niggers over
You could be from the poorest county in Kentucky and still have more privileges than a black kid in LA or Orange county. With all the benefits of big budget highschools, pools and scolarships.
Mind telling me where the "white only" scholarships are leaf?
Its not that simple. Black WW2 veterans were denied the subsidized housing that white veterans had access to, which effectively moved millions of white Americans up to the middle class. Black veterans also didn't have access to the nations better universities because of segregation, meaning that they couldn't use the GI bill to anywhere close the effect white veterans did. And that's just WW2 vets. Segregation gave black Americans huge disadvantages, and many areas still of the country still have lingering racism which harms black Americans in a variety of ways.
Hell, you can even go back to the end of the civil war - the freed slaves were supposed to all receive "40 acres and a mule," with which they could be self sufficient in the American agricultural economy; this was only afforded to some freed slaves, and in most cases they either didn't receive it at all. In most other cases, the land was taken away from them. I know Sup Forums likes to be contrarian and talk about how niggers are ruining America, but to claim that they've had a fair shake is either willful ignorance or just plain hateful stupidity.
Didn't milo start one?
>t. somebody who's never been to Knox county.
>apologizing for being the pinnacle of human evolution and producing the most wealth and the greatest civilization the world has ever known
>Very small percentage of people owned slaves
>The industrial happened after slavery
>Most of our ancestors came over as immigrants during the industrial revolution
>Black people somehow think they created modern society by picking cotton before the civil war
Also, black people get the most handouts, most government help, most scholarships, lower standards to land a job or get into a good college. I don't see why they can complain at all. Ghettos are shit because black people kill each other constantly and glorify it
You misread my statement. I never implied these scholarships go to whites in LA. They in fact go to minorities or anyone who identifies as a minority. Also, if a monority kid in LA has a higher grade point average that he/she/zir can apply for a scholarship.
I wish black people still gave their kids really proper names like Cornelius Wilkins instead of obvious no-hire bait like Traevon Jackson-Gonzalez
if they really wuz kangs then they owned slaves. how long until poor black people have to pay reparations to rich jew bankers?!?!?!?
Yes, but it hasn't been officially started. Does anyone know how much he's giving and when this is starting? I could really use it
>I mean think about all of the bad things our ancestors did. And we all just sit around and benefit for it.
Benefit from what? Exactly? Cotton some nigger picked 200 years ago?
>tfw my great grandfather owned slaves and even fought for the confederacy in a Texas unit.
>what is welfare
Every single person in the world had ancestors who did bad shit. There isn't a single culture or society in history that didn't at one time actively hold slaves.
That doesn't explain how his family in particular benefits from slavery. Go tell your nigger sob stories somewhere else cuck.
What about the Irish?
>Anyone born post-slavery also benefits from slavery - including black people.
Please explain what benefits you are talking about.
Lol @ African Kings (nig nogs) took part in the slave trade by selling slaves to Americans.
Lol @ North African nig nogs enslaved over 1.25 million white europeans in the begenning of the 16th century till mid 18th century
>inb4 we wuz kingz
Haha. I knew nobody would respond to this.
Underappreciated post.
Shall we count all the peoples that have been enslaved at various points?
oh wait, that would take way too much time.
Spoiler alert, one of the best is China:
>hooked on opium basically by force
>raided for fucking tea and silk
>raped by the Japs
>civil war
>get shit together, but commie
>now 2nd strongest economy on earth
>~200 years from global tea farm to downtown Shanghai.
not to say china is perfect or all is Shanghai, but you get the point.
>not having the 'Feel'ds being worked by a bunch of Wojack slaves
If you made that... fix it
I can hit on any woman in the room, fully confident that I won't be rejected for any reason other than my personality.
Modern society
>have irish bloodline
>get cucked by potato blight, go to america
>"get fucked potato nigger, oh wait theres a war going on. How about you fight for us, and in return you get citizenship"
>"um, ok?"
>fight under sherman
>war ends, poor, wounded vet
>gets a farm in ohio, still in 3rd world poverty cuz middle of fucking nowhere
>go build a railroad
and that kids is how the irish benefited from black slavery
This is true. We can all go back far enough and find some victim of something in our lineage.
The real problem is the protesters are literally the only people that care about any of this. Ignoring them isn't working. And we can't give them what they want, because it's all insane. So we just have to wait it out.
Either way in November both candidates will be a death sentence for BLM.
They live in this country. They have never been slaves. Therefore they benefit from slavery as much as any ancestor of a white slave owner has. With the amount of white dna in the American negro, one could even argue they are direct descendents of slave owners and should pay reparations to people like my family, who immigrated in the 1950's
How am I benefiting? This country is full of niggers cause of slavery, Slavery was the worst thing to happen to white america
Most whites didn't even own slaves during US slavery era. Of they're blaming a whole group of people for what the small minority did, then blacks and muslims should be blamed for ruining our society
I would need to know a little more info to make you an honorary white candidate. Where in the states do you preside.
white is original sin
What Sanders, like most boomers, doesn't understand is that he himself is an old, (((white))) male.
if white people are guilty because our ancestors bought slaves, then black people are guilty because their ancestors enslaved their own people and sold them to europeans for animal skins and trinkets.
kunta kinte was enslaved and sold by black people
i'll apologize when they do
White privilege exists but only with those who are biased towards favoring whites. It's not YOUR fault that someone else is racist. As far as slavery goes, rich white people bought poor black Africans from rich Africans. Once the globalists figured out that mechanical industry was the future they split the nation into a civil war and turned everyone into wage-slaves.
Don't fall for the racism meme, the rich are our enemies not the blacks or the whites.
"Benefit from the institution of slavery"
What benefits? Did an estranged relative die and pass down the "family plantation" to me?
>be Irish
>realize your ancestors had it worse than niggers
>feel better
White privilege to me, is seeing a black person with a 2.0, miserable LSAT score get into the same program as me at Emory.
White privilege is seeing my Hungarian girlfriend, coming into this country with no money and growing up in a single mother household, need to outperform rich af blacks and hispanics while being handicapped because of all the benefits her race has conferred -- even though she just moved into the country, and has had to survive by becoming a loan slave and working nonstop for med.
White privilege is being constantly harangued for benefiting from slavery, even though blacks, as descendants from Ottomans, North Africans or West Africans would ALL be more likely to have slave owning ancestors than myself, being the son of a wop and greezy denbt greek
At least in Canada blacks are too much of a minority to have much impact when they ape out. For all the problems they may have, getting flooded with Asians in TO is a lot better than than dealing with mother fucking Atlanta. One step in the wrong direction and you're deep deep into the jungle book where delusional liberals who think they're "down with the brothers" because they have a BLM bumper sticker go to die.
There was a good chunk of years where the Irish population was literally halved from slavery and brit raping lol
Irish got mad fucked, but you're white so apparently you're a lucky faggot benefiting from the hardworking NAGROman
congrats on emory
I will also be going to the states for law school starting this august.
How do you like going to law school in the states as a Canadian? Any canadian specific insights or tips?
>People say things I don't like so I whine; The Post.
Idgaf if I benefit from it or not. I probably also benefit from being goodlooking but I don't here ugly people complaining about that. Either way people should stop worrying about whether other people benefit from their physical features or not. Fuck this victim culture bullshit.
Anyone else noticed how a certain ethnoreligious group uses blacks to achieve their goals?
How has no one noticed this shit yet? Come on Sup Forums you are better than this.
>The rich are our enemy
Fuck off you classist scum. Bolshevik ideas like this are our enemy.
White Privilege means you have all the egalitarian benefits of society. In other words Privilege is a baseline that everyone should strive for.
Nobody should ever be ashamed for having Privilege. Instead you should look for ways to extend the privilege to all persons who are positive members of society.
>1 post by this ID
guess you're also a shill
Slavery is more prevalent now in sub saharan africa than it was during the trans atlantic slave trade. America became powerful and prosperous because of whites. If it were because of slavery, sub saharan africa would be dominating the world right now.