ITT We ask based pupperfridgebro questions about the socialist utopia of Venezuela.
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ITT We ask based pupperfridgebro questions about the socialist utopia of Venezuela.
Old thread:
Inb4 mexican intellectuals
this thread will get filled of parasite venezuelan shills again
This is a thing now?
Prove you aren't a fat fuck.
Every venezuelan that has been "starving for over a year" is morbidly obese.
lol @ all the americucks sending him money. really makes you think
REKT >mexican intellectuals on sucide watch
seriously though. No need to be like that. chill out.
do not worry you'll get support from real mexican intellectuals, liberal faggots, chicanos and turkroaches :)
We now return to the liars with more lies
Reminder that venezuala was never soclialist and was ruined intentionally by global capitalists.
Hugo Chavez was this generations Che.
Wish I could send you a proper pair of nuts, faggot.
True retards
>hehe I hate socialism xD
>btw Americans here is my paypal send me food and money pls xD
Based Chavez never would have let Venezuela become like this
He's very skinny.
You called?
Ive never asked for paypal munneis, go back ro bed, trudeau
M...maybe? Who knows now.
I just killed your thread, fpbp
This woman was from the report on starving venezuelans.
Dear god one of you americans PLEASE send her some food asap
Can I donate oil?
Thats what I was saying Socialism will work bunt we need to remove the capitalists who wreck it. Chavez was a genius and was poisoned by the CIA
trudeau support fags like you though
Thank god american congress ear marked hundreds of millions of foreign aid for venezuela.
More free handouts is exactly what they need to fix the mess socialism left.
I'd donate a big Mac with fries into that JUICYEEEE cunt. Mmhhh
>really makes you think
Not this shit again...
Venezuela is capitalist :D hehe n-not my real socialism
you should had dropped the trip, retard
you confirmed you are not banned. cantv is just one isp
That goes directly to maduros pocket retard, pretty much like donating to """charities"""
90% of venezuelans use cantv faggot, thats why were an uncommon flag
Another starving family
really makes you think
Stop shitposting for a minute and consider that some random Texas user helped a Sup Forums bro out with supplies, without knowing him or expecting something in return. True altruism.
I am proud of you Sup Forums. A single person did more than all the libshits talking crap.
Also, based doge playing with the kek plushy.
bro are people talking about a coup happening anytime are there any rumors about something like this taking place
Get the fuck out Chang.
It's more socialism.
The last thing these obese fat fucks need is handouts.
Notice how OP hasn't proved yet that he isn't obese?
True autism
If no referendum this year to revoke maduro its gonna be pretty much civil war
Remember the pics of the fat looking african children that are starving? They look fat as fuck as they're malnourished and literally eat shit.
t. CIA faggot
Do you wish for the CIA backed coup that your commies kept talking about?
Pretty Badass indeed.
Stock up BOYs
Something big is coming.
that gives you liberty to be a beggar here? is it fair for the 90% that can't?
I am Venezuelan and i can post in Sup Forums from my phone
how did that all arrive without some commie postie stealing it?
Quote me on begging correa
t. turkroach diaspora
>We ask based pupperfridgebro questions about the socialist utopia of Venezuela.
Is Venezuela not truly socialist?
Thanks Bulgaria :)
I was able to verify his existence before I sent it though.
They have distended bellies due to kwashiorkor.
The people in Venezuela are just straight up fat.
Kek favors us
>has internet
>is starving
DHL mafia, no one touches their shit
>begging for toilet paper in Colombia
>literally fighting each other like animals for food
>muh socialism
>muh Chavez
is that the line you stand in to receive your socialist paradise?
Under 70kg now, 0 protein, i hope trudeau rapes you in your sleep faggot
Muh sanctions and embargoes and 3 week old yearly pea and milk festivals that turn into ketchup festivals while the rich still get food. Muh Putin
I'd stfu leaf if oil doesn't recover in 5 years we'll probably be sending foreign aid to Canada
i'm not going to dig shit from the archives, faggot.
but i was on the thread were the user got scammed of 200 bucks. scammer even wanted to come here, and wanted the money for the plane ticket.
>weights 300lbs
>is starving
You could be 5'2 for all we know
Someone sent me stuff, pepsodent, tuna, beans and things like that
Great, best way to fix a socialist country is sending them more welfare.
lol I gave him the 30. Hope it wasn't a scam but probably was. Oh well.
Go fuck yourself pedro, even everyone in Latin America hates your country
jeebus crisco how fucking ass hurt are you Ecuador
Ayyy you're the guy that made me and pupperfridge think we could pull this off.
I know, but that user isnt even from caracas. I never begged for anything, i do this Sup Forums explaining cause you mostly dont know shit about whats going on here thanks to the super gub we have.
Red pilling is fun.
I lold, but im 1.90
>America is just getting the chip cards
god bless americans sending these poor starving capitalists millions in aid
this is pretty heart warming
Compraste el pasaje kennedy coño?
They're huge
Ding ding, i didn't scam anyone, i can show you the PayPal screenie with timestamp to show you i havent used the money on anything else
Are you actually retarded ? People helping eachother is the OPPOSITE of socialism, people helping eachother and creating a safety-net for those in need is 100% what capitalism is all about. The State has 0 involvement in this.
La unica persona venezolana que conoci era una vieja bien pendeja, pero nos conto como batallaban para conseguir papel de baño.
Y en que trabajas amigo venezolano? Parece que la situacion alla es peor de lo que pensaba, te mando saludos y te deseo lo mejor! Saludos delsde el norte de mexico.
Congress literally just ear marked hundreds of millions of aid for venezuela
Thank god youre alive kennedybro, cuando pa ecuador?
You already got annihilated kid, just sit down.
Me voy en bus en 20 días, subieron al doble, apenas llegue subo la pic para que no jodan
They have been """"""""Starving""""""" for over a year now. Check your privilege
for you
>tE mAndO sAluDos y tE dEseO lO mEjOr
mexican intellectuals
Marico Eres tu perrito.
based, makes me have hope for this shitty world
i will never get annihulated here
Piguave pls. You're embarrassing me, go retrieve your bono and shut up.
And? Do you think this user (or anyone else over there) will be seeing a single dollar of this money, it'll all go to the government/ president
this for real. how?
thank god the west is sending these poor starving souls more welfare
We've had them for a while, and they suck ass.
Hola coma estas Kennedy.
I'm the $30 bro. When's your trip?
so how long till you guys overthrow your government
....or would you like some "liberation"
They look miserable! With all those smiles!