How would you improve National Socialism?
How would you improve National Socialism?
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By removing American white nationalist LARPers who think they can live in society where you're supposed to take care of each other and entire community
Make it inclusive as civic nationalism, while maintaining anti-miscegenation laws.
winning the war
National Capitalism
Image it as staunchly against tattoos and you get some decent filtering
wew we got an anarchist degenerate in our presence bois. Don't worry about preparing food, they usually bring their own cookbooks at all times.
By still being around when Europe and the US runs out of money.
You can't improve a corpse. National Socialism tripped and died in a mire of it's own making. It did not even last 15 years. I have things in my deepfreeze that I might still eat that are older then the reign of applied National Socialism.
Here's how you improve it: Have literally any other form of government. National Socialism culminated in the destruction of it's host nation that was bombed to shit and then divided up by the foreign powers that national Socialism waged a war of aggression against. It is objectively a complete failure as per the results of its implementation.
You can try to do mental gymnastics all you want, but the proof is in the pudding and the actual legacy of national socialism is abject failure, as evidenced by the consequences of implementing it.
you can call it capitalism but if you don't want to fall into China-standard corporation-ville you'd need some protective policies. Socialism doesn't have to mean giving money to the poorer.
>weed scholar tries to think
National Socialism was shit, it just worked because Germany was in really fucking shitty shape
To answer your question, get rid of the socialism part
Most hold no attachment to the ideology itself as they simply just worship Hitler as a genius. The typical profile is a social reject with deep nostalgia, albeit not all are American.
I wonder why American anons think our culture, so deeply rooted in individualism and inclusion, would be compatible with Nazism.
By calling it something else so it doesn't immediately set off fire alarms in normies' heads.
You might as well vote for Hillary.
>naziboo posts a non-argument
Define what it is, because I still have no idea what the fuck it's about other than anti-semitism and "national greatness", literally nothing exclusive to any ideology.
What, for example, would be a National Socialist's stance on the economy? Tax the rich or cut the taxes? Nationalization?
What about freedom of speech?
How did you possibly extrapolate that from my post?
Interested in hearing this
>took a shitty economically depressed into a world superpower almost instantly
kek it was incredibly successful.
The only thing that went wrong was Stalin and FDR adopted Hitler's tactics of running deficits to fund the war effort.
It was a Keynesian bubble.
NatSoc is a third way economic theory. So the state owns important infrastructure while ensuring people can run their own capitalist businesses.
Essential services are free such as health care and the rich are taxed more as a result. But, there are still rich, middle class and lower classes, although there is a big safety net.
So unlike communism and pure socialism, NatSoc combines socialist and capitalist elements.
It's still fucking retarded and only for robotic, unfunny German cunts. NatSoc also tends to end with everyone dying and your capital occupied with Russians.
National Socialism is an umbrella term for policies, when held by rational people, adaptive for the situation.
It's all about strengthening the tribe, and advancing humanity. It's actually very simple.
>implying it isn't already perfect
Focus on economic take-over instead of military.
As for freedom of speech, absolutely none apart from a crazy guy ranting into a microphone at a North Korean tier party conference every year.
I swear you Zealanders are low-quality posters and even worse quality thinkers.
Worse than fucking gypsies.
First, make it capitalist.
Second, make it real.
Ok Herr Billy McNazi, give me your definition of NatSoc and tell me where I went wrong.
I think he's just being retarded on purpose.
Banning protestantism.
The fact that it didn't last doesn't prove anything (other than that they were outnumbered). You're too indulged in liberal thinking. History doesn't have a bias. If people want something, it might come back. Also, in those 15 years, the German nation was free. That's a qualitative difference to states that lasted more (like the modern German state), but are not free.
more capitalist, abandon racism but still maintain social Darwinism(healthy body and sexuality), focus on culture and morality as basis of the ubermensch
Make it less aggressive.
Seriously,that's the only thing it missed.
I think its the growing aggression that went to fast, maybe extending it by 6-7 years wouldve made a bigger impact during the late 30's and early 40's. The news wouldve spread fast enough for those to understand and not be influenced by fear.
Natsoc was capitalist, you fucking retard
this. Even the very own Arthur Seyss-Inquart said it himself, that protestantism was the cause for the mass genocide
>avoid racism but still maintain social Darwinism
Then.. racism? Also more capitalism means that instead of national works you get plastic dildos and Facebook apps.
>it's still fucking retarded and only for robotic, unfunny German cunts
Tell me where you went right.
>Natsoc was capitalist, you fucking retard
No, fascism is just like marxism
Just instead of the premise of class struggle you have racial struggle
>having never heard of state capitalism
the state decides which industries are legal, and taxation would sit at 30-40%, plenty of shekels for national projects and science
social darwinism doesn't equal racism, though it is discriminatory against the retarded and diseased
What's the NatSoc stance towards religion? I see a lot of pagans.
Führerprinzip means you can't question the leader. So you are a robot. If you criticize the state you end up in a concentration camp
The Big Book of NSDAP Jokes never existed
Invading countries, extreme aggression and killing millions ... makes you a cunt
It had to look aggressive. That was the only way the fucking kikes got off their back with the debts. They had to stand up to take what they needed.
He doesn't think germany should be for germans. ie: lefty
are you onision?
Do I really have to lay down the fucking choo-choo track argument for something so apparent?
Christianity is filth , neittzche summed it up when he described it. its the faith of idealizing weakness, equality, pacifism
>No, fascism is just like marxism
>Just instead of the premise of class struggle you have racial struggle
>muh kikes!!!!!!!!!
an authoritarian, socially conservative, technocratic and scientifically minded social Darwinist regime for all humanity. the galaxy shall be ours
not an argument
>implying all variants of neo-nazis arent just LARPers
>fascism is just like marxism
No it isn't you idiot.
>scientifically minded
>nazi germany
lol, naziboos are so stupid
I'm sorry for my retarded alberto brother. They are retarded, to be honest.
more scientifc than socialism or liberalism
>le individual, muh ''rights''
>muh equality
by disassociating it completely with hitler, the third reich, and germany and WWII altogether.
Damn user, your intellect is really stunning when you flex like that
I wouldn't say he's retarded, his problem most likely is, is that he refuses to read any books and instead gains all his "knowledge" from reading Sup Forums posts and watching alt-right vloggers.
A very common Sup Forums problem.
>I wonder why American anons think our culture, so deeply rooted in individualism and inclusion, would be compatible with Nazism.
They simply just copy past american racialist views of society (where it was just pretty much "white/europeans are superior and more intelligent) onto Germany at the time and think its the exact same thing. Unaware that nazism was about ultra GERMAN nationalism, and not this "white power" thing they try to make it out to be.
And like you said, they dont understand the difference between americas liberal cowboy wild west individualism is VERY different than the Prussian led rigid conservativeness that ruled Germany since the 1800s. They dont get Hitler didnt really make up a whole bunch of new shit, but simply acted on some of the crazier things floating around the german mind at the time, like colonizing Poland.
But most self described nazis now are basically just losers living out a power fantasy where THEY are the leader of the SS death squad going out and killing Chad. That and they are drawn in by the theatrical nature of nazism, which is why they like posting military parade videos all the fucking time.
>only thing that went wrong is that they failed completely just as fast as they rose
makes you think huh
National Socialism is pretty centrist, for a homogeneous nation it is perfect and doesn't require improvement.
Virtually all of the german nobel prizes and nobel prizes to be left nazi germany.
Then it's not national socialism
Thats pretty good b8 m8
>homogeneous nation
Not gonna happen. At least in the western world
how to make natsoc great again:
-abandon autistic nazi imagery and idolism
how do people realistically expect support like this.
literally not an argument
>That and they are drawn in by the theatrical nature of nazism
I am completely drawn by the SS uniforms. They are amazing
make it national capitalism.
The German army was the first to employ psychologists into their ranks. When other nations found out, they first dismissed it as junk pseudoscience.
About 1943 the Americans started to employ psychologists en masse in their own army after admitting army psychology worked.
.nazi germany was also the most advanced nation of its era inventing many things before the allies. and in any case i don't advocate anti-semitism, so that point is redundant. no-one should be discriminated against purely on race.but the social Darwinist ideal shall live on
>that protestantism was the cause for the mass genocide
Can you elaborate please, I have never heard of this.
They even have the same origin, Mussolini started as a socialist
Economics of both are state capitalism
Just replace class struggle with racial struggle and rich with jews
Going to take the bait in hopes others see and understand NSDAP Germany better.
>National Socialism culminated in the destruction of it's host nation that was bombed to shit and then divided up by the foreign powers.
The twisted media showed "Six million" Jews to rally support against Germany. There weren't even six million Jews in Europe at the time per census, not to mention paid for relocation and fund transfers to Palestine for the families that wished to go, not against their will, mind you.
Germany never wanted war and sent numerous peace treaties to England and USA who, angered at England's defeat, declined them. USA willingly let Pearl Harbor happen as a means to enter the war.
Germany unfortunately lost against Russia due to winter setting in early, but their attack was a defensive one in retaliation to Russia moving troops East to start an offensive against Germany.
In response to your mention of bombings, the Allies bombed during the night, mainly civilian areas at that time and Germany refused to fight dirty the way they were.
If anything you can say NSDAP Germany lost because they've refused to fight in the dirty manner the allies were at the time. National Socialism had no play in it and actually produced a prosperous country compared to the rest of the world. A Reichsmark was worth 2.5 USD even near the end of the war.
WOW, really makes me think. Now i can forget about the holocaust and al the human rights abuses
>nazi germany was also the most advanced nation of its era inventing many things before the allies.
lol, germany was behind Uk in nearly everything (maybe excpet some airplanec) at the start of the war.
>nventing many things before the allies.
Seiss inquart said something about the nature of protestants, the lack of humanism from their part. I'm trying to dig it out, but i can't find it. If you really care ask me in a future thread to source you up on this.
Catholics were the group that longest resisted the nazification.
dont know, but I do know the nazi butted heads with Catholicism a lot. Hitlers dad hated the church and Hitler himself hated the power they had in the german government. If you read between the lines, Hitler was an apathetic atheist
By adhering to its original principles not the skinhead muh 1488 lets cover ourselves in tattoos and yell. Basically follow pic related
Also if we want it to appeal to normies we would need to rebrand. New symbol and new party name. There's just too much propaganda ingrained in calling swastikas and national socialism evil
Also considering the current state of the economy push the economic ideas of national socialism while not bringing up race. Not for awhile people are still bought into the "ebil waysist" meme. Make it about preserving national borders and national socialist economics. Race can come later and gradually
If we are to make national socialism great we have to become a legitimate movement however that means we must cover up everything that the people are brainwashed into believing is evil
>WOW, really makes me think. Now i can forget about the holocaust and al the human rights abuses
What I'm trying to say Joao is that the reason people are attracted to Nazi Militarism is because German psychologists worked to make uniforms, medals, weapons, songs and behaviour captivating.
WW1 German soldiers don't look evil or as interesting. Official photos from WW1 show German soldiers smiling, while photos from WW2 show them with like they're going for a shit.
>The twisted media showed "Six million" Jews to rally support against Germany.
try reading actual history instead of neo-nazi blogs
Because the whole world destroyed it by force after buying into lies.
Kids this is Ontario. Do not try to argue with Ontario for Ontario exist only to shitpost
>Economics of both are state capitalism
>state capitalism is the same as socialism
Kill yourself
>6 paragraphs of wild claims with not a single source
>There weren't even six million Jews in Europe at the time per census
> not to mention paid for relocation and fund transfers to Palestine for the families that wished to go, not against their will, mind you.
You mean allowing them to go with a small percentage of their own goods?
And it's only a small portion of german jews that went to palestine
>Germany never wanted war and sent numerous peace treaties to England and USA who, angered at England's defeat, declined them.
>what is the munich treaty
>Germany unfortunately lost against Russia due to winter setting in early
meme tier. USSR had over a million troops defending moscow. And what makes you think USSR would surrender if he lost Moscow?
> but their attack was a defensive one in retaliation to Russia moving troops East to start an offensive against Germany.
delusion. source?
>Germany never wanted war
then why the fuck did they invade Poland?
>the reason people are attracted to Nazi Militarism is
that they are completely uneducated about the subject
I think that's a contradiction, anons.
Capitalism IS globalism. Capitalism requires the destruction of barriers on trade and borders, and the free movement of people around the world.
The main driver of immigration is cheap labor and increased profits for rich capitalists who don't care about their country or culture as long as they get rich. And both parties support the oligarch agenda, directly or indirectly.
I get how this is good to a point
And this inclusion has been expanded from "different white cultures" to "let's bring in millions of 3rd worlders and applaud men who cut off their dicks" it has become destructive
get rid of the socialism
can I ask why?
what crucial elements would be missing from a 'national socialist' movement divorced from the context of WWII to the extent that it would no longer be recognisable as national socialism?
nazi germany was capitalist
No it's not
>Marxism: we're all equal *hugs a Muslim and a fag* now let's kill the rich and all white men
>fascism: preserve our race and national borders.
theres none. By the SS own estimates, there were 11 million in the areas they controlled in 1942
>then why the fuck did they invade Poland?
What hes going to tell you is that the Polish massacred 6 gorillion germans for no reason, and that Hitler invaded to save his people.
But this is of course bullshit because this supposed """"""massacre"""""" happened AFTER Germany invaded Poland, and was used for propaganda purposes as a retroactive excuse for the invasion.
The real pretext was a German false flag operation called "Operation Himmler" funny enough were german troops dressed as polish troops attacked several radio towers along the german boarder
by flipping that 666 of mine
doesn't stop them from renaming it to nationalism :^)
>State control of business
Second-rate shitpost from second-rate spain
Tailor it to America's needs.
It was capitalist. It just wasn't international capitalism
Instead of letting whatever chink commies take over your economy and power economic borders are tightly controlled however people in the country have economic freedom in their own country
Cuck identified
>for all humanity
Fuck off globalist
I'd improve any collection of people by shooting all the white supremacists first, then all the faggoty neo-nazi tards, then every bully I could find
they would not be missed by the survivors I feel quite sure about that
It could and should happen in Europe. The Americas are up for debate though
Africa for Africans. Europe for Europeans Asia for Asians
What's wrong with this?
The human trash can be segregated out
And hell American blacks already want their own segregation from whites.
german racial superiority, lebensraum, anti semitism (not sure about this one), german paganic rituals...
lmao, typical white cuck
capitalism is not free maket. Also it exists something called state capitalism
>krupp was in state hands
>IG farben was in state hands
The only thing that was regulated was foreign business to prevent foreign control. Think about right now how globalist billionaires go everywhere it was about preserving borders
Businesses were controlled during war time which is understandable and all sides did it to an extent
Right to keep and bear arms. Then I am OK.
It's nothing to do with Marxist socialism. Look up Spengler and Carlyle, War Socialism etc.
The USSR had state capitalism too. Doesn't mean we consider it 'capitalist' in any traditional way.
Businesses were controlled by a series of laws as early as 1934, long before the wartime economy. Reich food estate was established in 1933 and controlled farming with quotas, price controls, land ownership limits, etc.
The creation of new department stores was prohibited and their business decisions were dictated through licensing requirements, government mandated suppliers and price controls - all before 1936.