This is the most white video I've ever seen. Brings a tear to my eye lads

This is the most white video I've ever seen. Brings a tear to my eye lads.

Other urls found in this thread:

>swedish white pussy mate calling black bulls
sounds about right

>stealing my joke

kill yourself my man. reported to mods for karma stealing

for some reason it gives me the same feels as the Skellige song from Witcher 3

There's a girl living in the house I'm moving to that posted this on Facebook and she also posted a bunch of black lives matter, stuff, memey political insults, and stuff like that. Seemed weird. Hopefully she doesn't talk about politics as much as she reposts about politics.

Not all is lost my friend

>tfw soon I will inherent money and be able to buy land in the middle of fucking no where

The NEET life is about to pay off boys

>that cow trying to fug at the end
also she's got an echo on that mic, I don't think cowbells naturally echo.

>In canada


>you will never have a white gf that can talk to cows

Work on getting the cows first. When the white girls come to talk to the cows you can take the opportunity to approach them.


ancient Texas Trombone calling

This girl is married to a black male, sorry to dissapoint.

mummy is bringing mcdonalds friday :)

Bilal lurking in the forest.


tell me its true Sweden

Sorry but it's false. Check her instagram.

>not black

>Leftists, globalists, Jews and Muslims all want to destroy this.

this is some zelda tier shit

Really? Welp, can't argue with that. At least he's not a slav. Always something.

Do cows just come to noise?

>we wez cow herders n sheeeeeeeeeit

American farmer here. We just blow the horn.

Get up cow
Get up cow

kickem and yell get up cow


Are there many albanian Johans?

They come to anything unusual. They're naturally curious. Sometimes to their own misfortune

>ywn start a family with a völkisch Swedish woman and live off of the land far from the degeneracy

Domesticated herd animals rush over to anything they associate with humans (aka food source)

I know some cows that go absolutely ape shit when the truck of the person that feeds them pulls into the road by the pasture

This girl's channel is pretty cool. She lives out in the forest on the northern tip of Sweden.

this is actually the whitest video on youtube.

of course she does she doesn't want to get raped

>tfw you'll never settle down on a comfy farm with a wife
>tfw you die a virgin in some shitty run down city

Never have an Aryan woman chop your wood

fuck Romania made my day

Its phenomenal shes both her own aunt and her own grandmother

I'm pretty sure I'll be able to land a nice job where I'll be able to afford a decent house in a nice area, and eventually be able to retire somewhere out in the country with a nice plot of land. As for the gf/wife thing...

>But I, being poor, have only my dreams
>I have spread my dreams under your feet;
>Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.


Why are whites so mystical?

she seems mystical

Damn, that's good stuff.

smile on her face when she stabs

>What is landscape

my dick just exploded
holy fuck where do i get one of these women?

Fuck off, kikes

perfect 10s done exi-

Fuck, I've seen this video a few times.

One time a few of my buddies all sang it together.

I suggest you try something like that every once in a while Sup Forums

>want to make snarky comment about lack of diversity
>completely blown away by divinity

When is it time to take up arms to preserve this?
How long are we going to wait?

shes living with a fucking yuppie with meme hair probably doing software development or something. shes not with a viking living on a homestead taking care of themselves.

fantasy ruined.

>I got feels from this
>and I'm not even white

Goddamit you fucking swedes, do something before shit like this gets rubbed out by the fucking hajis you're letting into your country.

It would be a mortal sin to let your culture get destroyed for the sake of something as fleeting as political correctness or being "progressive"

>we will never see white hellmarches again

A man can dream.

we'll see

At least we will live to see the cuck marches

A thread about a beautiful white woman and white culture is almost dead. Meanwhile a thread promoting race mixing, and degenerate pop stars constantly gets bumped with pics of degenerate, disgusting black sluts. Pol is officially cucked. Sad.

>why don't you have a black gf
>why aren't you muslim
>lol look how cucked germany/sweden/canada is
I know what you're saying man

We need to promote the positive at the same time as dismissing the negative.

Not even white but goddamn is that culture worth protecting. Hispanics don't have shit. The most culture we have are several bean inspired dishes and hard drinking.

What are you?

Why do you come to Sup Forums?

Are you on our side?

>This is the most white video I've ever seen
>Not blacked

They like things they associate with food.