RIP GOP 1854-2016

2016 GOP platform

>ban abortion
>ban gay marriage
>ban gay adoption
>repeal part of the 1964 Civil Rights Act covering sex
>ban women in the military
>no to legalization of cannabis
>coal = clean
>ban gay conversion therapy

This is your platform.

Other urls found in this thread:

>>ban gay adoption
>>ban women in the military
>>coal = clean
>>ban gay conversion therapy
these are objectively good things

>dont care
>dont care
>sounds good
>sounds good
>dont care

looks good to me :3



>traditional marriage
>Trump's been married 5 times now or something

Why are Republicans such hypocrites?

I literally excluded all of the 1950's positions
stop memeing lad

The bible says stone adulters. If the GOP wants to follow the bible why isn't it stoning Trump to death?

>what is common law
the country was founded on enlightenment ideas
you choosing to be an iconoclast and wanting to remove Christianity from public life is problematic

i used to hate the GOP too, but Trump has killed that party and kicked out neocons

>the country was founded on enlightenment ideas

GOP isn't the constitution. The GOP is founded on biblical ideas.

Therefor I demands that Sup Forums go the RNC and tell them to adopt stone adulters Trump in the platform. What I though you guys were Christians on here?

>The GOP is founded on biblical ideas.
what a load of hogwash

all big parties were found on christian ideas because the US is an overwhelmingly Christian country
As the party of Lincoln and abolition, the GOP was originally the "left" party concentrated in the Uniquely American north whereas the Democrats supported aristocracy and "right" ideas in the South which remained the culture closest to Britain and europe

>thinking convention platforms matter at all

Because Christainity has been dead for decades

So why is their platform so backwards and crazy if the GOP doesn't support it? Trump will have to answer if he supports this platform.

>Because Christainity has been dead for decades

So what is the GOP? Christians in name only?

>all big parties were found on christian ideas because the US is an overwhelmingly Christian country

Democratic party isn't Christian.

Yes, like vast majority of Christians today

How much did the '92 DNC platform matter to Bill, seeing as he literally did the opposite of everything in there?

>Yes, like vast majority of Christians today

What is "real" Christianity? Every Christian I talk to says the other Christian isn't real.

>ban gay conversion therapy

Get rid of this point, and this would be the best platform ever.

>How much did the '92 DNC platform matter to Bill, seeing as he literally did the opposite of everything in there?

Platform shows where a party is at during a particular time in it's parties history.

>Get rid of this point, and this would be the best platform ever.

I meant ban on bans on gay conversion therapy.

fucking hell mate, where did the big bad Christians touch you

Western society is inseparable from Christendom
Modernism is just a rehashed hollowed out form of Enlightenment ideas, which in turn have the same relationship with tradition church teaching

take this for example
Marx believed in Historical materialism which poised that all events in History had an economic basis and will eventually end in Perfect Communism

This idea came from Hegel's dialectic which says that history is a pattern of causation and reaction that will eventually culminate in Spiritual Oneness ie Synthesis

That came from the Christian Idea that all of History was a divine story that would end with judgement and a reconnection with God

it's all the same shit. your hatred of Christianity is irrational because that very position is fundamentally christian in nature

Trump straight up raped the GOP platform on economic policy and trade as well.

The day that the Republican Party turns it's back on the fundamentals of capitalism and free market conservatism in favor of centrally planned economics, and big government intervention to the tune of a 45% tax on US consumers, is the day I cease being a Republican.

There is something wrong when the Republican nominee mirrors the economic interventionist policies of a self-proclaimed socialist, and something even more wrong when he gets the GOP national platform committee to then adopt this stance.

Trump seriously needs a starter course on Free Trade, starting with Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations.

>>ban gay conversion therapy
this is very progressive

>, where did the big bad Christians touch you

Yes actually. Christianity literally raped by childhood. Personally I would love to set up death camps for religious people.


This is amazing. Good stuff, we'll finally dumb degeneracy.

>"Good trade now means going into debt."
College decree didn't help you much, huh son?

Oh fuck, it was so obvious, OP. The right way for the GOP to win is to become Democrats. Why didn't I see it before!?

GOP believe in managed trade, not good trade.

NAFTA was drafted by the Republican shits. They have never supported actual free trade.

>The right way for the GOP to win is to become Democrats.

Most Americans support the Democratic ideology. Most Americans are center left wing.

[Citation needed]

Apparently more do than you think.

Honest question: why don't you join the democrats if conservatism clearly upsets you so much?

You like abortion, gay marriage and adoption, women in the military, DUDE WEED LMAO, guess what? There's already a party that likes all of that stuff! Go hang out with them.

You've not addressed the meat of any one of my posts
your thread is shit

>Apparently more do than you think.

How many Americans want to ban porn?

Yeah. I always leaned republican for the non-degeneracy.
Good trade is just icing on the cake now. Thank heaven for Trump who actually knows how a dollar works.

>You like abortion, gay marriage and adoption, women in the military, DUDE WEED LMAO, guess what? There's already a party that likes all of that stuff! Go hang out with them.

Because it's 2016 AD. To have a platform like this in the current year is akin to a party bringing back a pro-slavery platform.

>I must be smart because I type all of my sentences a space apart from each other
>I go on on about Christcuck nonsense despite breaking the Bible's rules on profanity by swearing in my faggoty post

>>ban abortion
>>ban gay marriage
good, ban all government marriage, it should have never gotten involved
>>ban gay adoption
>>repeal part of the 1964 Civil Rights Act covering sex
>>ban women in the military
>>no to legalization of cannabis
bad, prohibition doesnt work
>>coal = clean
>>ban gay conversion therapy

Disprove the point instead of bashing the formatting.
Dumb faggot.

>[Citation needed]

Gay marriage - support 60%
Cannabis legalization - support 50%
Abortion - support 70%
Single payer healthcare - support 50%


That's not a citation. List a source, faggot.

Go fuck yourself. Classicism is western civilization, and fortunately it managed to get into the church before Christianity utterly destroyed the west.

Fucking Christians, you nearly killed Greco Roman civilization with your death cult that doesn't give a fuck about earthy glory. THEN you have the fucking NERVE to say there is no western civilization without your desert Levantine heresy of the Egyptian pantheon.

sounds good


Fuck off, calling someone primitive isn't an argument.

>That's not a citation. List a source, faggot.

It's called google. Get off your fat fucking ass and look it up. Most agree with liberal Democrats socialists like Bernie Sanders. Sanders has turned an entire generation into left wing Democrats.

Conservatism wasn't about christfaggotry until the nutters took over the RNC in the 1980s. Should never have pandered to them. Goldwater was right.

>Because it's 2016 AD. To have a platform like this in the current year is akin to a party bringing back a pro-slavery platform.
oh youre memeing, nice


>It's another "I list facts now prove my facts for me episode!"
Explains the quality of your previous posts.

>Western Society


Prove me wrong user. Do you support everything the bible says, including the parts calling for stoning adulters?


that was the 60s, communist

Good man. That's a good source.

No, because I'm an atheist and don't necessarily agree with the modern GOP platform. Its still infinitely better than the political Left, which is regressive, insane, naive, and self-loathing.

Which proves me point. People who oppose LGBTQ equality are literally dying out. The GOP is becoming a fossil. Ask your average young person about LGBTQ rights they will all agree and support it. In fact it's one of the key reasons young people don't vote Republican.

>Its still infinitely better than the political Left, which is regressive, insane, naive, and self-loathing.

How is the Democratic Party regressive?

>Do you support everything the bible says, including the parts calling for stoning adulters?
Jesus Christ says not to stone adulterers.

It denies statistical differences between races, sexes, cultures, etc, leading to it supporting and defending some of the most regressive groups on the planet.

The 'straight white male Christian' they rail against is just as you say. A fossil. A corpse. A powerless relic. The Muslim however is young, strong, and expanding, and he is a hundred times more opposed to liberal values than the Christian.

The Republican Party is even too weak, only Trump seems to have any eyes in his head to where the western world is going.

>Jesus Christ says not to stone adulterers.

Doesn't matter. The bible says they should be stoned. The bible trumps Jesus.

Meh. It's the muslims. Ethnocentrism and what not. People don't like being blown up, and hillary's plan is to bring in some 65,000 muslims. Like you showed, gay marriage support is up and as such, this is literally ethnocentrism vs. humanitarianism.
>70% disapproved of EU handling of refugees.
That's literally all this election is, mate. Every other issue is meaningless.

>The 'straight white male Christian' they rail against is just as you say. A fossil. A corpse.

Not in the USA. religion is strong in the USA.

Hillary doesn't pander to Christians. Vote for her.

>The Muslim however is young, strong, and expanding, and he is a hundred times more opposed to liberal values than the Christian.

So neo-con war mongering?


>he drank the koolaide
BTW I have some magic beans for sale.

>Meh. It's the muslims. Ethnocentrism and what not. People don't like being blown up, and hillary's plan is to bring in some 65,000 muslims. Like you showed, gay marriage support is up and as such, this is literally ethnocentrism vs. humanitarianism.

65,000 out of a population of 320,000,000 is like 0000.1%.

>Every other issue is meaningless.

Climate change is the only issue that matters, not immigration retard.

Climate change = end of the human race.

You want us to all die? Hillary is the only one who can stop climate change.

Sounds comfy.

>he thinks a conservative is for "big-government intervention"
>is a "republican"


Let me ask you something.

Muslim birthrates are skyrocketing.

Birthrates in the west are below replacement.

Most people follow the same ideology as their parents.

By 2050 most western European nations are expected to have Muslim majorities or pluralities [no group is a majority].

Please explain to me how you expect modern liberal ideology to survive under those conditions?

Yeah, but that doesn't matter. Muslim is now synonymous with explosions. Explosions are much more visible than climate change. Whether it's true or not, people think more muslims=more explosions, regardless of numbers.
If you can make climate change visible, you'll have a shot. If not, they're going to go for the phenomenon they can see.

Gotta love those Ted Cruz delegates.

>that feel when your not this guy.

Trump is controlled opposition to push millennials off republicanism.

Thread will lock within the next 10 posts

>Muslim birthrates are skyrocketing.

Again what percent of the US population is Islam? Using your logic we should support legal aboriton since they would control population control.

>letting China manufacture everything for us is the Climate Positive policy
wew lad. Clinton doesn't care about the environment. she only cares about environmental voters

>One off
I almost called you Kek, sir.

I just don't give a fuck about abortion, gay marriage, gay adoption and weed.
Frankly, if the GOP stopped caring too, they'd have a chance to not fade into irrelevancy.

Almost all of the numale-sjw-progressive-bernout butthurt about the GOP centers around identity politics and weed. I'd rather have gays and weed with conservative economics than gays and weed with dem programs.


>By 2050 most western European nations are expected to have Muslim majorities or pluralities [no group is a majority].

That implies all the kids of muslims will believe in Islam when they grow up in a secular society.

>Clinton doesn't care about the environment.

Trump doesn't care about the environment at all. Only Hillary pick the next US Supreme Court. We need a liberal court to get climate change regulations passed.

>Protestant detected

And how many LGBTQ12345BBQ make up the US population, percentage-wise? The last time I checked it was 5% max. Not that relevant compared to the other demographics it could pander to such as Christians or Latinos.

I'm speaking of the western world as a whole. The United States are going to become a Hispanic plurality country due to mass immigration by the 2040s, which is likely to significantly change the culture as uneducated and undereducated persons vote for failed economic policies, gradually turning the United States into another Latin American socialist shithole.

The political right may be religious morons, but at least they aren't insane nutjobs who want to destroy their own countries for an internationalist ideal that is blatantly impossible.

>>ban women in the military
This is a good thing.

Two kek posts! Ima bring out a pepe for this thread!

>And how many LGBTQ12345BBQ make up the US population, percentage-wise? The last time I checked it was 5% max.

5% is far larger than the Westboro Baptist Church.

They won't grow up in a secular society, because there is no pressure on them to assimilate, and as noted, the majority of people have the same religious and political views as their parents.

How is banning gay conversion therapy bad?

of course you would support that juan. the females in mexico's military and police are the only ones who do their job right.

>The United States are going to become a Hispanic plurality country due to mass immigration by the 2040s,

And what's wrong with Hispanics? Why are you so racist?

>ban abortion
bad thing cause it's the only thing keeping nigs in check
>ban gay marriage
>ban gay adoption
Good, gays make shit parents, especially lesbians.
>repeal part of the 1964 Civil Rights Act covering sex
>ban women in the military
These are objectively good things.
>unironically saying men and women should share bathrooms

>no to legalization of cannabis
This is meh, could go either way. It gets rid of obnoxious fucks, but it's not really worse than drinking.
>coal = clean
non-issue, but if they get more environmental I won't mind.
>ban gay conversion therapy
Probably good if it doesn't work.

It's ethnocentrism mate. Races will always prefer their own kind. We're hardwired that way.
That's like calling a lion racist because he hangs out with lions and not with lynxes.

>Marijuana is for degenerates and is awful!
>"Hey, honey, want to go out with some friends tonight for drinks?"

Why is it that there are so many people on this board who will say ban the legalization of marijuana but won't include banning alcohol or tobacco?

Do you see the issue here? If you aren't for banning all mind/body altering substances for recreational use, than you are just as bad as a hive mind liberal. You know what's objectively more dangerous and worse than a lazy chronic smoker? A useless raging alcoholic. Are you that opposed to the idea and stereotype of if that you would destroy the idea of utilizing it to create jobs and economic growth?

Stop making platforms on your feelings and actually fucking weigh the pros and cons. "Muh degeneracy" is the opposite side of the same coin as "muh feelings" without actually thinking.

>How is banning gay conversion therapy bad?

ban on banning gay conversion therapy. It's literally anti-science they are putting in the platform.

>It's ethnocentrism mate. Races will always prefer their own kind.

There is only one race, the human race.

We've had alcohol and tobacco for a very long time.
It's tradition.

>the bible states that thou shalt not swear
In vain, do not take his name in vain. Say whatever you want but do not say his name.

You forgot about the megachurches, lad. Fit thousands of people to have a preacher tell them gays are going to Hell. Westboro is not the only one. Blacks also hate gays, too. The Democrats are in a bind about this.

Nothing is wrong with Hispanics. But the majority of these people are uneducated or undereducated, and have a very different culture than we do.

Not only this, but being poor, they are heavily inclined to vote for the candidates that promise them the most benefits, which is and will lead to a society with an ever-expanding class of parasites tied down to failed economic systems.

This is exactly why I'm going to vote for Donald Trump. Because the political left in this country refuses to talk about the most important issues this country faces, namely, the long term consequences of demographic change, the increasing power of international organizations, and the increasingly tight relationship between business and government [outside of people like Bernie, who to his credit rails against it]