Thank you, Justin Trudeau, for setting such a great example for ALL world leaders for what they should all aspire to be!
Thank you, Justin Trudeau, for setting such a great example for ALL world leaders for what they should all aspire to be!
Other urls found in this thread:
>unlike the US, Canada has NO "prisons for profit"
Leave it to the leafs to try and bash the US like usual AND still be wrong. Any leafposter with half a brain on here can vouch for this retarded aura of superiority Canadians cast over themselves when compared to Americans.
I'm willing the bet the average intelligent American is leagues ahead of the average intelligent Canadian, but nope, stupid Americans xD
Why is everyone in this country so tsundere for America?
This hadn't happened tho
Americans are dumb and baaaaaaaaad xD
Less then 5% of US prisons are privately run. Where does this retarded "Private Prison Complex" meme even come from?
why would this be a bad thing?
The left's war on Capitalism.
they had to put his name in there otherwise the average idiot on facebook / twitter wouldn't know who the fuck trudeau is
We don't do this in America because most of the people locked up for drugs are only because they have prior violent felonies and for some reason they were released.
>When your fuccboi talking shit again instead of just asking for a deep dicking
As much as I abhor the left's war on capitalism, if there is anywhere where capitalism and profit seeking should have no place, it would be carrying out sentences for the justice system.
It makes shitty corruption like this inevitable:
But this never happened? I don't get it, are people just straight making shit up to try and make Trudeau seem like more then a globalist shill?
>1 didn't happen
>2 can't 'lobby' in Canada
fuckin shitheads
Canada has "earnotes" on bills, which are donations from private endorsers to whatever party is looking the bill over. This is somehow completely legal and above board, Canada is fucked in how it deals with democracy.
>convicted of accepting money from Robert Mericle, builder of two private, for-profit youth centers for the detention of juveniles, in return for contracting with the facilities and imposing harsh adjudications on juveniles brought before their courts to increase the number of residents in the centers
If you think there's anything wrong with that, you're a cuck.
Police and Prisons should not be privatized... At all...
b-baka America-kun
obviously this is bullshit
But really you would be insane to do a blanket amnesty for all drug crimes because tons of criminals are arrested & convicted of drug crimes, simply because its easier to do it than linking them to robberies or assaults or w/e
In fact, that sort of situation likely constitutes the vast majority of people in prison for "drugs"
Dumbfucks will still believe it.
Because our main export is fucking freedumb you boot sucking communist
Why can't Canada just annex the USA?
>Police and Prisons should not be privatized... At all...
Well guess you shouldn't vote Republican than.
America with the shilling yet again
It's bullshit and it doesn't really sound like something he would do.
>Things you can do in a country with no niggers.
Actually, in the US, mere drug possession only makes up 4% all prisoners and not all of those are cannabis.
People in prison for pot is a non issue.
Hahaha this site is awesome
>"One of the big things people are surprised with is how down to Earth I am. I'm sorry, I dont know any other way to be."
>"The budget will balance itself."
>"There's a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime."
This guy is a complete muppet
Not enough weed to go around.
We're increasing production to 135 million kilos by the end of next year, which should give us enough left over for Michigan and Maine. We'll have to expand our marijuana plantations by 5 fold if we plan to annex the rest of the states.
dude weed isn't just a promise it isn't just a meme it's a nation's warcry
OccupyDemocrats is bullshit, but can anyone defend the existence of Private Prisons?
Have to make it known, this opening post sure did compel me to have some contemplation on the matter...
>Finish annexing the states
>The EU and Russia have joined forces to fight the new Canadian menace
>little do they know of our secret weapon
>April 20, 2018
>4:18 GMT
>hydrobaric bombs fall all over Britain and West Europe
>but no one dies
>because the bombs aren't filled with fuel
>they're filled with cannabis fumes
>it takes 4 days and 20 hours for the allied forces to sign a surrender
>only condition is that the greater Canadian coprosperity sphere provide the peoples of Eurasia with marijuana
Ein Volk, Ein toke, Ein Fuhrer
The beginning of a empire...
Possession for personal use hasn't been a jailable offense in Canada for decades now.
So this graphic is retarded.
Australia makes fun of us now, that blue needs to turn COMMUNIST RED.
>English, French
>Not Chinese, Arabic
Still pretty good
>invading Australia
They can keep their island and all their man eating spiders with it.
emjoy your crime wave canada for releasing millions convicts into the population. have fun when they purge you.
Would be based if he really did it.
This actually hasn't happened, weed dispensaries are still being raided by the police.
This is just occupy lying through their teeth again.
Because America is the greatest country in the world and you're not the only one that's tsundere.
You don't even have to be from America to know that.
Quebec Gold, motherfucker
Learn the name, you'll slurr it between laughs, coughing fits and doritos handfulls.
"Broken down to prison type, 19.1% of the federal prison population in the United States is housed in private prisons and 6.8% of the U.S. state prison population is housed in private prisons.[10] While 2013 represents a slight decline in private prison population over 2012, the overall trend over the past decade has been a slow increase [10] Companies operating such facilities include the Corrections Corporation of America, the GEO Group, Inc. (formerly known as Wackenhut Securities), and Community Education Centers. In the past two decades CCA has seen its profits increase by more than 500 percent.[11] The prison industry as a whole took in over $5 billion in revenue in 2011.[12]
According to journalist Matt Taibbi, Wall Street banks took notice of this influx of cash, and are now some of the prison industry's biggest investors. Wells Fargo has around 100 million invested in GEO Group and 6 million in CCA. Other major investors include Bank of America, Fidelity Investments, General Electric and The Vanguard Group. CCA's share price went from a dollar in 2000 to $34.34 in 2013.[12] Sociologist John L. Campbell and activist and journalist Chris Hedges respectively assert that prisons in the United States have become a "lucrative" and "hugely profitable" business.[13][14]"
None of this is alarming to you guys?
I agree libfags exaggerate the issue, but it's a huge lobbying power, generating tremendous profits, and you don't see how this environment would create a tremendous conflict of interest?
It's why private pharma or med research companies are so tricky to deal with. They're exercising legal rights and acting as rational, profit driven humans, but they'll let hundreds of thousands to by delaying a med release to extend patents.
Prisons don't mix well with profit imo, especially with how powerful lobbying groups can get
I dont know what that means nor do I care.
I love America.
Only limp wrist nancy boys talk shit on either side.
*Hundreds of thousands die by delaying...
Great example being heat lability. Tons of vaccines or meds can be heat stable or labile, requiring different storage temps. A classic example they give you in class is how companies will often release unstable or shitty versions of their product that require ultra cold temps to store and limiting their use in poorer countries from the additional costs necessary for transport, then releasing the updated versions 5-10y down the line so they can stop generic/multisource companies form moving in and taking market share.
It all makes perfect sense and you can't blame the guys, but then you see the death tolls and it gets a little dark lol