Homogeneous society is good

>homogeneous society is good
>said by people who have never lived in homogeneous society

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at least i dont share my country with niggers.

Surely a homogeneous society is better than living in a diversity hell.

Take half of Osaka and call it off limits for ethnic Japanese.

>Feel better?

Homogeneous society is good.

t. British expat.

Come over to our vibrant diverse society if you want Japbro.
There's even a name for when Japs go to nigger filled areas and are shocked at how terrible they are.

Why on earth would you want to have constant conflict with whiny minorites that constantly shit on you even though they're handed everything?

white areas of california is alright. southern cali should be nuked


I thought spics congregated in the south....

Actually I did faggot, then about 10 years ago we got flooded by spics. They bring drugs, they bring crime, they're rapists. Some, I assume, make good tacos but we have to be tough and we have to be smart or we're going to lose our way of life.