>that's considered white in america
That's considered white in america
Corny, "cringe", needs to be beat up, etc.
i saw about 3 seconds of it
not good
I'm pretty pissed that this is what's being taught in public schools.
>White Boy Privilege
>isn't even white
It's a private school that costs $23,000 for 8th grade. I love these fucking champagne socialists.
What did his parents do to him?
They indoctrinated him.
Kill em all.
His parents should put him in public school and give the 25 grand a year to the NAACP
it truly compelled me to contemplate
of course this is on the front page of CNN
Slam poetry is fucking pathetic
Yes Sup Forums has seen this. I posted a thread on it last night. Nobody cared. Just like nobody cares about your shitty thread.
Sup Forums sucks. They're a bunch of dicks.
That's a private school? Education is going down the drain. Why would any sane parent pay $23000 to send your kid to a school where they teach you that you were born a racist asshole?
both whites and blacks are stupid. am chink and ive expirenced racism and descrimination. but since im not a huge fucking pussy i confronted my probelms and accepted that i will not be as attractive as whites and stuff, but seriusly these fucks need to shut the fuck up about being opressed, everyone's expirenced descrimination and ur not fucking special.
It's on CNN? Wow I'm shocked...
lol i like how you guys have to talk shit about a 14 year old because you can't actually refute what he's saying
is there any place on earth with more insecure, ill-informed male losers than Sup Forums?
you have to really admire the pollies and media for making the average person feel guilty about their comfortable life instead of envious of the establishment and their far greater lifestyle
slam poets are the Thomas Kinkade of poetry
Go make a slam poem about it faggot
Here's your reply.
Same thing I think any time I see people thinking slam poetry is relevant
ching chong chong
thanks man, i'm really trying my best
ching ching ching
>Royce said that he knew about white and male privilege for most of his life, but never knew how prevalent it was in society until he attended a class called "Race, Class and Gender" that opened his eyes.
Wow. So kids are literally being brainwashed in schools. That is fucking crazy man.
They don't even try to hide it.
Maybe Brevik was right. This kid is beyond hope.
this kid is actually an actor
his mother probably wrote it for him
poor kid,never had a chance
look at these liberal weirdos
This kid nailed white privilege
k bye gonna make a group called asian lives matter
WTF I'm moving to Russia now
Damn, been paid
Redpill Privilege
Knock, knock
In the night
Dog is barking
Do he bite?
I am comfy
In my bed
Call the cops
Because I'm scared
Cops come
Ring the Bell
I answer
And I do tell
Have some coffee
Have some tea
Please officer It's all on me
Shake hands
Say goodnight
God damn
I love being white
No surprise there either. Burnt out hippie lefty parent who failed in their lifetime trying to brainwash the future generation.
We really need a civil war.
YouTube link? I ain't clicking cnn
>every time
poor kid
holy shit
Sup Forums btfo
i'm a #steinwhiner now
That is nice and very accurate. But how do I know this guy isn't a slam poet hipster who is just ahead of the curve??
the "father"
for fucks sake
This is what's truly fucked in the world. You should not have to apologize for being born a certain color.
Unless you're black.
This guy has to be jewish.
holy shit that honker