wishes that you want to happen to the world
>Trump in power
>World war 3, china the new commintern, EU allies, US axis
>World goes to shit
> Only more ethnically aware cunts work
>race war
>the south rises again
> I am finally happy
>every country with a population higher than twenty five million nuked to oblivion
>australia and nz go full isolationist
>also everyone in auckland, melbourne and sydney drop dead
by cunts I mean country, not a brit
a girlfriend
Berlin getting B T F O by some Syrian """""""refugees"""""""
Wishes can be magical and not possible, right? If so, here's my wish.
All women age down to how she was somwhere between 5 and 12yo. Future girls will stop aging somewhere in that range. Girls will be treated like property, if a girl was married before the change her husband takes ownership lf her, if not her father can take ownership of her, if no one has a claim to her anyone can collar her and claim her.
eh, a little pedo but I like your thinking
Don't try for it, you don't need women.
Great shit
Is that Ian?
>a little
No, a lot.
I want to write stories in this setting but I'm so lazy and unmotivated.
Well, I kind of disagree with that but I understand why someone would.
Do you think the upper limit should be higher? I think having it higher would ruin the concept. The idea is to eliminate women and the ills they bring.
I wish Trump would win and help make America great again
I understand the reasoning, however women can barely even handle childbirth in their prime. It would utterly kill her in your world. That's just from a logistical perspective
Oh, no, girls wouldn't be able to make babby, they'd all be too young. Reproduction would be done artificially, either using machines with material extracted from girls or through magical means created at the same time the Change begins.
I'm not an expert in this area: can eggs be extracted from a girl who hasn't started menstruating? If not then there would be magical trees(like the one in that Grow game) that a man can deposit his material in and then the tree grows a baby.
Good shit right here
>Russia invades Estonia
>NATO dissolves when France and Germany refuse to help
>Skyking x 4
>Fake straya
The one and only
>some disease making black people infertile
>seeing white people wasting money on creating black sperm and eggs and ending the disease
Drifting into a crowd of protesters with Eurobeat blaring.
Crusades in scandi
Return to traditions
The Great freeze in 2030
That's all really, i'm a simple guy
Can students at least get a grace period to go back home before Auckland dies?
>Fake Israel.
Independence disregarded.
>Own an island
>Own extensive armory
>Kidnap various 1%ers and politicians
>Bring them to said island and supply with basic tools
>Week later huntin' season starts
Fuck off cunt Sydney's cool
The Chinese are alright I guess.