I voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. I am voting for Hillary in November. Ask me anything.
I voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. I am voting for Hillary in November. Ask me anything
why tho
It's a slide thread you fucking abo
>Being proud of being a useful idiot
How do you justify Clinton's irrefutable criminality?
What are you going to do when she looses?
Obama inspired me and he wants Hillary. She is the best candidate to preserve his legacy.
>thinks that not following bureaucratic protocol is criminal
>doesn't know the difference between bureaucratic rules and laws
She did nothing criminal. It's all a vast right wing conspiracy against the Clintons dating back to the Arkansas years.
Do you find it even remotely odd that you shills have to make entire threads dedicated to voting for Hillary? If every trump voter made an entire thread about voting Trump, there would be hundreds of thousands of new threads created.
Instead, all three of the Hillary voters decide to make cute little meme threads of why this ancient reptilian cunt secured their vote.
She's going to win. What are you going to do when Trump loses?
poor troll is poor
you're trying too hard user
>blue-pilled drone: the post
Explain away the obvious corruption of the Clinton Foundation and why she has received millions from Saudi Arabia and other hostile governments. Please.
don't see the point.
I won't ask you anything other than to kill yourself tonight.
You and people like you are a blight on existence. Obama has been the most corrupt president of all time. Hillary will be worse.
Are you a nigger or a liberal or both?
Do you have cancer and less than six months to live? If so, I hear Club Hell is nice this time of year. And it's never booked up.
If you don't, then please go kill yourself.
Do you think the people largely responsible for the rise of the Islamic State and subsequent murder/rape/torture/slavery/suffering of millions of people, through their own gross negligence and ignorance, should be allowed 4 more years to "fix" something they haven't been able to even touch? I wonder if you understand how Russia is the only country to make any kind of progress against ISIS, or understand how Western and Israeli money, weapons, and training ends up fueling ISIS.
>Obama has been the most corrupt president of all time.
Nixon and Reagan say hi
where do you live. i want to know where i will move illegally.
I'm a Liberal.
Reagan was nowhere as dirty as the Clintons or Nixon.
How is your wife's son?
He said that before he knew how hard she would work on behalf of the American people. They were also in a heated primary battle.
not a troll m8
It's funny that after 8 obama years we would have racial tensions be so bad
Why has the KKK publicly endorsed hillary?
Is it because of her comments about "Super Predators?" Or because she backed legislation to lock up as many black Americans as possible?
Why should Hillary be allowed to email documents that are classified above top secret on an unsecured server?
What message will it send to BLM if they are rewarded for cheering on the death of innocent police officers?
Do you let the Black guys cum in your gay fucking ass?
Admitting that around here is like admitting you fondle children.
You're a degenerate, m8.
OK, so now that we know this is b8, how retarded do you all feel?
My question to you is this one:
Do you born with an extra chromosome in the 21 row?
They haven't but David Duke did praise Trump.
What does it feel like to be retarded?
Same here. When you get right on down to it, Trump would be disastrous. His foreign policy can't compare to Hilaries. She has dealt with hostile foreign nations on a regular basis. She will also help pass more social issues and increase the minimum wage. What more could you want?
I never thought I would be doing a 360 on Trump... But here I am, hat in hand, doing just that. I will say, and I can speak for this entire board when I say this, that we surrender. You've totally BLASTed trump and I bet that if you could speak to every trump supporter you would end his campaign in one day. From here there's only one logical direction for myself and every other poster on this board -- start to put 100% of our support behind Hillary's historical campaign. The most qualified candidate to ever run for office in the history of the nation, SHE is the only one who will keep our country on the right track!!!! #ImWithHer #HillaryInTheHouse
where do you live--like exactly?
Does the semen make bubbles when you fart?
I agree. Don't forget how Hilary will also help patch up race relations. Trump would further divide the country while She will bring us together. She also is a role model for women around the world. With hard word and perseverance, a woman can even become the president of the america.
There is no doubt she will win, trump supports are just neet fat fags on /pol
He will lose by a landslide
0.04 cents have been deposited into your account
Russia is a rouge nation and a bad actor on the world stage. They are bombing civilians and moderate rebel forces. They are not even hitting ISIL. Putin is Hitler 2.0 and is a war criminal for invading Ukraine. He props up the Assad regime.
Poo in loo
Fun fact: Hilary isn't the only SOS to use a personal e-mail address for government work.
Republicans really need to just get over this e-mail thing. It's fucking stupid. It just makes it seem like you have no other valid criticism and that you're grasping at straws. Just like the Benghazi bullshit.
Says you. There are plenty of liberals around these parts.
I will poo on streets while you neet loser get a woman as a president
ERR wrong. Double wrong for lack of comprehension. Now fuck off back to tumblr
Fuck you.
Voting hillary huh?
Have fun with ww3 faggot. Remember not to cry when the blast wave hits.
Nice try at English you shit curry smelling shitlord. Come back to pol once your civilization learns how to use a toilet.
Why is anyone supposed to care for whom you cast your vote?
You are castrated right?
Ironic. Every enemy has been warming up to us, on top of all the NATO countries that will fall in line to Trump's supreme. Face it, Trump has the world cucked by his uncanniness to go against the broken Status Quo.
I cried when Obama was elected. I got this clock app that would count down until he was ousted from office. I volunteered for Romney at the phone banks even though I wasn't old enough to vote. I did the same for Ted Cruz this time around and voted for him in the TX primaries. I am somewhat jealous that you can live in a world believing these regressive are good since their ideology is pervasive.
I do not, cannot and will never understand why someone would support socialist policy after the events in the USSR and Mao's China. I challenge you to read Mao: The unknown story by Jung Chang and Jon Halliday. It is a moving book. If that doesn't work - try Ben Shapiro's podcast. He is a great advocate for conservatism. Please take my advice seriously, I wish you no harm nor stigmatization.
(PS Its okay that I cried? I am a genetic female)
As long as you continue to vote in Southern New England, California, New York, New Jersey, Minnesota, and Washington, do as you must.
im in pa
Look mommy i can type and our saviour trump will win
Very interesting. This is a new line of reasoning that I have never before seen. I'll just come out and say it -- your post has made me switch up my vote. I am now voting for Hillary in November, and beyond!!!! #HillaryInTheHouse
Just like any other human being, I don't like to admit when I'm wrong. However the time has come and I have to say that your post has changed my views for the better. As a result I will be casting my ballot for Hillary in the general election -- the only true candidate who will end corporate cronyism and SMASH the wall street elite.
Some great points here. You touched on things that I had never even considered. Also, I'm loving the "journalistic article" quality to your posts! I've just got to say that you've single-handedly switched up my vote from Trump to Hillary! Together we will keep American on the right track!!
I'll admit I had my doubts, but this man makes a highly rational, diplomatic argument -- and written in the style of a journalistic article. This post has single-handedly caused me to switch up my vote from Trump to Hillary, and fight to keep America on the right path!!!
WAR - why are democrats warmongers, and Hitlary Clinton specially so...?!
I can't believe it, but in this journalistic article it looks like Ron Paul BLASTS Trump. Over the past year I've seen Trump draw the ire of many established public figures, both here and abroad - but I stood by and did nothing. However today, hat in hand, this new information has pushed me over the edge, and I must say that I am a changed man. In a "360" maneuvre, I've totally switched up my support -- I will now be casting my ballot for Hillary in November!! The only candidate who will keep America on the right track: and BLAST big business out of america while SHE's at it!!!! #ItsHerTurn #SheMadeHerstory
Wasting your vote, you can stick a fork in Hilldog, she's done.
As a man of reason, I know when I have been bested. Rather than act like a child and fight a losing battle, I will be the bigger man and switch up my vote. Therefore I no longer support Trump and will be voting for Hillary in the general. #ThisIsHerStory
how old are you?
Good point brother. I've never thought of it that way, but now that I do... My opinions have shifted. I will now pledge my vote for Hillary in November.
You bring up some great points here that I have never before seen. I hate to admit it -- but you've changed my mind. I've done a 360 and now pledge 100% to support Hillary in October and beyond.
Forgetting johnson m8
Usually a "360" maneuvre just isn't my style -- but today I'm changed man. I'm being 100% serious when I say that: you've highly informative post, and BLASTED my argument to the point where I will admit defeat. Your post has single-handedly caused me to switch up, and I will proudly cast my ballot for Hillary in this year's general election -- the only true candidate who will end corporate cronyism and SMASH racism out of america!!!.... and make HERstory while SHE's at it!! #SheMadeHerstory #ImWithHer
Great post, and quite an interesting argument. 5 minutes ago I could never picture myself saying this, but now I can say it with pride -- I will be casting my ballot for Hillary Clinton in the general election.
I voted Hillary in 2008, then Obama 2008, 2012. And now, Trump 2016.
Ask me how I'm not fucking cuck.
Incredible. After seeing so many of my felllow Sup Forumslacks switch up from Trump to Hillary -- I must say I've been inspired. I promise that I will cast my Vote for her in November and beyond!!!!
good god have you lost your mind man