Triple Shooting Caught on Facebook Live Stream

Skip to 5:20

>Three men were hurt in a shooting in Berkley, Virginia Tuesday that was webcast live via one of the victim's Facebook pages, according to WVEC-ABC 13 in Norfolk.

>The men, ages 27 and 29 years old, were taken to Sentara Norfolk General Hospital with what police described as significant injuries, according to WVEC.

>The live Facebook feed video included police securing the crime scene.

Why can't we all just get along Sup Forums?

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god dmn just shot up while chilling smoking a blunt. at least their last moments (if they dont survive) were having a good time together.



Wtf, I hate Sup Forums now for lying to me on how there is no police brutality on blacks on an epidemic level.

I hour 10 minute video. Nope.

Not sure if troll or moron.

No, their last moments would be suffering at the hospital, not chilling together, idiot.

So, these guys just livestreamed themselves breaking the law smoking drugs. The video also proves that most gun violence in general, and violence against niggers, is perpetuated by niggers themselves. This was probably a gang shooting.

Learn to read you fucking degenerate.


>smoking drugs

I thought canadicucks were on board the legal weed train.

I'm guessing a targeted hit

They look like good old boys that might have pissed off someone

goto 5:30 for shooting

I am against that bullshit. Weed is for fucking morons. Trudeau is only focused on the PR. I would never vote Liberal.

i thought there were no nigs in virginia

Everything west of richmond has huge pockets of dindustans.

The Dindu Nuffinus is an invasive parasitic species originally from Africa. It was introduced to North America around the beginning of the 17th century. It reproduces at alarming rates.

>not dead

Why can't I be educated and like weed? High as fuck right now and doing great. Being stoned on Sup Forums is the best. The jew hate is twice as strong.

>stay relax
>gon b aright
>stay relax
>stay wit me
>keep listen to ma voice
>you good
>i got you
>stay good

damn, who is this chill ass mother fucker?
10/10, would relax wit

>I'll just call the guy stupid and provide no actual argument! That for sure will work! I am brilliant!

Can someone tell me why these male niggers have long nails? It's fucking disgusting.

Agree. Dude held it down.

I fucking detest when people get all loud and wild during traumatic events. Nogs by and large LOVE that platform.

>tfw ;_;

I don't actually think it staged, I just posted a random picture from my folder

He'll never address issues like this.

>word around to is we got to pounce
>get pounced

Fuck me that's not fair to do to a person.
If you try to murder someone, you have to be removed forever. I don't care how.
This doesn't belong anywhere in society, even in the shittiest corners of it.


>Berkeley, VA
>taken to Norfolk

Wtf? Wouldn't Richmond be a lot closer?

After having lived my whole life in Virginia, and many years in Norfolk, there are a lot in Virginia. For the love of god don't ever move to Norfolk or Portsmouth.

>gun cucks will defend this

Civil War 2: Negro Boogaloo

Fuck off nigger

fr if i got dropped while with my closest mates and still had time to say good bye to my family i would be happy i have no reason to live anyways

Since OP can't into full story

>Three men were shot and suffered life-threatening injuries while smoking pot and recording video on Facebook Live in Virginia on Tuesday night, police said.

>The men are seen in the video sitting in a car, smoking and rapping when shots ring out about 5 1/2 minutes into the cellphone recording.

>The phone then falls to the floor, the video shows.

>Several minutes later, a man, who refers to one of the apparent victims as his nephew, can be heard saying, "Stay relaxed. Don’t go to sleep. Give me your hand. Stay with me.”

>Emergency responders arrive several minutes later, the clip shows.

>The Norfolk Police Department said the video has been verified as footage of the shooting.

>“During the shooting incident, one of the men inside the car was broadcasting a live video to Facebook. This video has been confirmed to be of the actual shooting incident,” police said in a news release today.

>Police said all three victims — two of them 27 years old and one 29 — were taken to Sentara Norfolk General Hospital with significant injuries after the 6:10 p.m. shooting. Two of the men are doing better, but one is still in critical condition, according to the Norfolk Police Department.

>Investigators have not released any information about the suspects or a motive. The investigation is ongoing.

>these guns were most likely legally obtained and the legal owners have taken courses on safety and proper aiming

>they shot 30 - 40 rounds, probably at a several yard distance, in a neighborhood no less

One of these is fact, and the other is a fairy tale. Explain how any form of gun control would resolve this issue.

nig or not, good on that man for helping them

>livestreaming yourself smoking weed and rapping for your homies
>get shot
>wait 1 hr for an "ambalamps"


If this was a gang shooting it was most likely an illegal handgun

Gun control would've done zip

>a fucking leaf



>Word around town is we got them pounds
Famous last words.

The word around town is that three people got shot in a car when this song was playing today.

Place restrictions on the sale and manufacture of guns.
All guns in America are "legal" at some point
Less crimes like this will happen.

That's not what they say retard. It's "Word around town is we got pounds." As in pounds of weed they're selling.

What does that even fucking matter if our government is illegally trading/selling guns to drug lords? Don't you suspect that *MAYBE* criminals in the states are getting those, as well, if criminals in other countries are?

why they callin the cops i thought cops were bad

niggers doin nigger things

I dunno there buddy, maybe try not letting your government sell guns to drug lords?
Obviously I don't expect some dumbass on Sup Forums to have any power to change anything.

Fuck you nigger

When the bass drops tho

Good News: None of the victims were late for work.

Ah, well I stand corrected. Many thanks kind melanin enriched gentlemen.

and just how do you expect anyone to do anything about a corrupt incompetent government and in the next post shill about how we should hand over our guns to said government
christ youre dumb

>all guns in America are "legal" at some point


niggers BTFO


This, the greatest threat to a black person is any white person, but especially a white (includes asian, hispanic, and black) cop

whats the best place to move too?


> Why can't we all just get along Sup Forums?
> we
Don't know, not African American

Yeah wow you could totally shoot up a school with that

Maybe try voting?
Land of the free?

It actually takes more effort to make this semi-auto than full auto. Do you want me to keep going, cucklord?

Go on facebook.
Get shot.

>word around town is *pat pat pat pat pat*
hard ass base mang

Evrahbuddy gots amberlamps.

Let me guess, BLM is nowhere to be seen, right?

Of course.

>The men, ages 27 and 29 years old...

How can someone be both 27 and 29, something doesn't add up here, who shot these men? The police?

>Reading comprehension