What can be done to stop them
Why are Canadians the worst posters on the board?
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Import enough Somalians to level it out
What the fuck happened to Australia did they get banned? I dont even seem to see any good black cock threads anymore these days
Stop being such a contemptible country.
If everyone stopped memeing that Canadians are shitposters, all the impressionable teenage Canadians that want to be hilarious would stop shitposting to fit the bill. If you want it to stop, just stop saying it.
Pls stop
A judge ordered the ips for all Australian shitposters.
(this actually happened)
They're just all posted by Canadians now
Global ban on all Canadian IPs
Half of these leaves aren't even maple, know what I mean?
Nuclear strike on all major Canadian Cities ought to do it.
Mexicans are far worse than us.
das it mane
See this? Do you see this?! This motherfucker gets it.
I'm glad the stigma of Aussies being shitposters is slowly wearing off.
I can't tell you how many times I wanted to make a good constructive well-thought out post only to realize that it would be a waste of time because I'll just get a barrage of shitposter memes thrown at me.
Believe it or not Australians are the most intelligent and the most knowledgeable well-read users on this board. The reason why we don't resort to showing more of this intelligence and knowledge more is simply because we are not taking seriously even if we do. So instead we just take the easy way out and just fun post instead.
Fuck off Melbourne cuck
t. Voted for greens
I'm ok with this.
I'm guessing they are all from the Maritimes. Incredibly blue pilled.
United Statesians are even worse by numbers alone
Texas is the only state I respect.
See this is what I mean. This kid probably has a 150 IQ and has a Ph.D in math and physics but he is forced to hide behind the shitposter meme because of Sup Forums culture.
This needs to stop. Australians need to be welcomed to contribute more. Our talents are being overlooked.
Same goes for this fine lad right here. If he was American he would probably have a 4.0 in an Ivy league school but he is forced by memes to avoid making intelligent contributions in discussions.
Me too.
my quality of life would improve drastically
>inb4 aussie lives matter
>tfw 122 IQ
Alpha shit poster here. Get out australia you guys are small time.
Gas all leaf posters.
>Promoting stereotype threat
Really we're going to have to build 2 walls
Get cucked you fish eyed fuck.
Maybe its all the aussies working in banff shitposting from here.
But seriously, ban Canadian IPs. We shouldn't be allowed to post.
It would be easier to just get Hiroshimoot to IP range ban Canada.
Trips wasted on a cuck
>w-we should be allowed to p-post!!
It's true. i've been saying this for a while, the Canadians are by far the faggiest posters on this board
Canadian's aren't doing it for fun like Australians, they actually believe the retarded shit they post
Because Americans are too fat, to waddle up to their computers.
why not dawg. Le Weedman get the job done. Race trade is great right now.
There literally aren't any Canadian shitposters. There are decent Canabros and then you have the faggot libcuck current year weedman posters.
M90 I'll have you know I can't do maths for shit.
I was more of an English boi desu senpai
There's the Canada spirit.
Sorry eh.
I'm soooorry eh.
It's actually Sup Forums culture mate.
I want flags to be disabled already.
Not even close.
Because every dumb fucking thought these fags have, and every dumb fuck leader these fags elect is protected by US lives.
We lost to the Aussies this year :(
Rob Ford not championing Canada? And instead some faggot Astronaut?
Aussies went from being pure shitposters to having a mix of shit posters, banters, and decent commenters.
Canadians went from whatever non-memorable posting style to complete whiney teenager shitposting.
It's like the aussies grew up and the canucks grew down somehow.
Quality threads like this just cement the fact that Americans are delusional to the fact that they are by a large margin the worst posters.
Independant Quebec. No longer Cucknada and Based Quebec will
Mix together.
LOL Bernie sold out to Hillary and the Globalists. Trump 2016! Watch:
>wow a candian told me that my nigger led welfare state nation building country was bad
I hate canadians xD
>French assholes
Pick one
Im using my Flag Card to prove my point.
Do I need to pull the Anthem card too?
How about pulling your get back to france card.
you'd sooner side with shit skins than anglos you fucking weirdos.
fake and gay. next.
Shitpost about Canadians.
Ayy fuck off Damo you fucking cunt.
I didn't vote for Trudeau. Unlike your province. Beside. You're just ashamed we get things rolling here instead of sitting around arms crossed.
Pic related is the FLQ (Quebec liberation Front) A terrorist movement that killed a British diplomat, Did a few shootouts and bombed some mail boxes
>I can't tell you how many times I wanted to make a good constructive well-thought out post only to realize that it would be a waste of time
Just being here is a waste of time bro.
>killed a british diplomat
Hah didnt they lock him in a car trunk just to forget him in there?
I do not know burger-senpai I think we should annexx them for the glory of the neo-colonialists.
sounds a lot like suicide desu
Your lands shall continue to suffer for your transgressions.
It doesn't make any fucking sense, Canadians are like English, Scottish and French mostly, right?
Those are not really that bad of Euro sub groups.
Is it not being American? I don't see why propagandization would be worse. The only thing that I can think of is that Canucks are upset that they aren't American.
its their french streak coming out they are being stubborn and arrogant and can't be proven wrong no matter the overwhelming evidence.
>doing so would make them face questions they cannot answer and would make them feel helpless in the void.
Its ok Canada we still love you you are just brain washed right now and infected with viruses.
>we will save you wether you like it or not..
Don't blame us, it's the cucks from Ontario.
First Puzzle Canadians have to ask themselves is why Justin Trudeau is good friends with pic related convited habitual child abuser and murderer and has made it his top priority to pardon him even over nation security reasons.
>its not the most difficult question to answer factually.