Hey Sup Forums. Studies reveal that Officers are 24% more likely to shoot white people than black people. I understand that you should probably comply with officers, and I understand that BLM is bullshit, but this isn't Nazi Germany. If you don't follow an officer's instructions and you pose no real threat to an officer, the penalty should be arrest, not death.
The fact that officers have become so violent is something we should be worried about, it's NOT a race thing, it's an officer thing. I understand all the arguments that are pro officers, but officers should not resort to killing the second someone tests their power level. It seems like they're so used to being respected and listened to with the authority and power that they have, the first time their orders aren't, they turn into sensitive murderers.
So Sup Forums it's not a black people problem, and BLM is fucking retarded for making it such. But when the authority kills you over a little non compliance, do you really feel free? Is this the America we want to live in?
In no way am I defending the deaths to officers, nor do I wish harm on any officer doing their jobs, but officers need better training when it comes to issues of non compliance. What does Sup Forums think?
Wyatt Hill
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
Aaron Young
I think disobeying the police is about as stupid as walking into highway traffic. I don't think it's right or how it should be, but you're a Darwin Award candidate if you run from a fucking cop, or hit a cop, etc.
Jaxson Jackson
People are stupid. There's a lot of people. 1000 or so a year compared to 300+ million isn't fucking anything. Maybe if people stopped robbing stores and murdering others in the street and went down to their libraries ad focused on better things we wouldn't be having these conversations. Maybe I'll start shitting gold and have my nose grow three times the size as well.
Joseph Roberts
>officers need better training when it comes to issues of non compliance that's a vague as fuck statement that could mean anything and nothing. please clarify your position and elaborate what exactly you mean by this.
in general, cops mainly shit on >niggers >obvious criminals >junkies and drunks >crazies >'activists' and 'protestors' like occupy shitters >other related lowlife degenerates
if you conduct yourself like a civilized person, you will be treated as such by police. that's my experience at least.
John King
What if a law ever becomes unjust? What if an officer is doing something unlawful?
Why are we as Americans allowing officers to use deadly force against people that don't comply? The penalty should be arrest, and the situation should be settled in court.. the penalty should not be death.
Taking our guns away wont be the cause of police state, allowing shit like this to occur will.
Charles Green
There's going to be crime, robbing stores and murder will probably never stop. Officers should not kill unarmed people that don't comply. This is America. If an officer cannot handle non compliance, then he should resign.
The penalty for non compliant people who pose no real threat should not be death. Officers are on a power high, the first time someone disobeys them, they get butthurt and turn into murderers. This needs to be addressed.
Ayden Morris
>police >pull over black people for no reason >don't murder all of them >only pull over white people when they're actual criminals
Parker Wilson
They need to start hiring guys with people skills and not authority fetishes
Wyatt Gomez
muh officer safety
Blake Parker
>The fact that officers have become so violent is something we should be worried about, it's NOT a race thing, it's an officer thing
Why should we worry? Our chances of dying at the hands of an officer are extremely remote. Even more remote if we don't act like White trash.
Cooper Rivera
I'm not carrying any dubs, officer.
Jack Johnson
>handicapped neighbor from down the block >got into a motorcycle accident and can not walk without crutches or even stand for long periods of time >was having a block party >everyone has a decent buzz going >cripple neighbor is riding his little john deer tractor mower back from his house with more booze >cop rolls up >starts telling the guy he smells like alcohol >tries to make him do a field sobriety test >we all are telling the cop he cant walk without crutches >cop is determined to make this guy stand up and walk a line >wont listen to us >neighbor refuses to get up to walk line >crutches are in my garage >cop drags cripple off the mower and drives knee into back of skull >we all start flipping out and start approaching them >cop pulls out gun and points it everyone >everyones getting really pitchforks and torches >back up comes >new cop tries defusing the situation >everyone telling new cop whats happening, explaining cripples situation >new cop starts chewing out the hot head pig >still take cripple in for a dui for riding a lawn mower 100 yards >cripple ends up suing the police station >wins because white and the cop was very clearly being a fucking tyrant >nice settlement >buys new mower and more whiskey
Kayden Martinez
Fight the unjust after it has been done. Running from cops is illegal, you have more power going to jail the fighting with your lawyer. You could even get some money out of it if it was that "unjust". TL;DR if you comply in any situation it will work out better - don't try to get out of an arrest it won't work
Landon Perez
blacks kill more whites than white kill blacks
I literally don't give a fuck about anything that happens to blacks until that changes.
Landon Robinson
>have a mexican helper because its busy time of year >guy is new, speaks shit english, but seems nice >just got done eating lunch, im speeding because busy and i want to get home before 9 >get pulled over >fuckin cops got me again! >one cop comes to my window, another to mexican window >"sir, you were speeding, blah blah blah" >just give me the fucking ticket im in a hurry >cop by mexican says "you guys got anything in the truck we need to know about?" >"no, officer, just some chemical and tools and parts" >"mind if we look?" >not my truck, i dont care "no sir go ahead" >cop gets us out of the truck, standing on the shoulder, they are looking in the back of the truck >out of fucking nowhere, the mexican just bolts >runs across the street, almost gets hit by two cars >cops run after him >speedy fucking gonzalez is tearing up dirt >cops catch him, cuff him, and bring him to the truck >"wtf are you doing man" i ask the coworker >"i scared police" >cops are talking to me, wtf is this guy doing >i dont know man, hes new. >mexican guy in the back of cop car now >look at him and the fuckin guy just pukes all over the window of the cops car. >cops notice, flip out, "wtf is this, i dont need this shit today" >im laughing, cops let me go >never saw speedy again
Oliver Mitchell
Dude the answer to police brutality is so fucking easy........drum roll please?
Austin Lopez
What the fuck are you talking about? Did you even read what I said?
Adrian Morales
>What if a law ever becomes unjust?
Then I guess it'll be time to disobey. If the law is truly unjust, like "every White family must allow a Black man to mate with the White woman to increase diversity" then shit has obviously gone awry and it's time to start killing people. That's a political, all bets are off. I'm not going to die for my right to smoke pot or anything retarded like that. Getting high isn't essential to the health of a nation or its people. If we legalize the herb through the political process then fine, if it stays banned then too bad abide by the laws faggots.
Mason Rodriguez
>Why should we worry? Our chances of dying at the hands of an officer are extremely remote. Even more remote if we don't act like White trash.
Why should we worry? Our chances of dying at the hands of a terrorist are extremely remote. Even more remote if we don't act like racists.
Cameron Gutierrez
Poor guy, just wants to live the american dream :(
Alexander Mitchell
Damn man, why did he think he can run. RIP
Dominic Butler
Of course white americans are more likely to be shot than black americans, only 13% of americans are black you fucking walnut
Austin Lopez
If you get shot by a cop 99% of the time its your fault
Ayden Young
You're a fucking idiot. That was taken into account.
Should I make it more clear for you, leaf boy? In any given altercation, officers are 24% more likely to shoot white suspects than black suspects.
Funny how you thought your were being smart. Now go rethink your actions.
Brandon Murphy
>he fact that officers have become so violent
Try again, idiot.
William Thompson
>Why should we worry? Our chances of dying at the hands of a terrorist are extremely remote. Even more remote if we don't act like racists.
Completely non-existent if we don't accept them into our countries. Or we can accept them to the point where they become numerous enough to wage a civil war against us and fight for their independence so they can run their parts of the country the way they want to and now we share a border with a third-world, assbackwards country.
No, fuck YOU Straya.
Adam Kelly
>If we legalize the herb through the political process then fine, if it stays banned then too bad abide by the laws faggots. >Implying people listen to prohibition laws
Gabriel Barnes
>but officers need better training when it comes to issues of non compliance. What does Sup Forums think?
Police are enforcers of the state. The state is the legal arm of the elite. The elite are your master. Ergo, if you disobey the police you are disobeying your masters. They literally own you. Your social security number is your livestock ID. You live to labor for and generate wealth for your masters. You are slaves with the illusion of freedom. You are free to do what you want in the confines of their web of laws. Realistically you have no freedom. If real freedom ever did exist in this country it died before you or even your grandparents were born.
The problems today are numerous and the solutions complex but one of the biggest things that could be done would be to repeal the amendments to the constitution prohibiting discrimination of voting rights based on sex and race then banning women and non whits from voting. Studying history leads to one main objective conclusion, allowing negros and women to vote were the top two things that negatively impacted the politics of the USA.
Grayson Carter
>officers need better training when it comes to issues of non compliance. Isn't this exactly how they're trained to respond?
Grayson Howard
Have you ever taken into account the fact that officers have remained violent, or even became more violent, but the numbers show less officer involved killings and shootings simply because the communities have gotten better?
So the point your trying to make isn't backed up by that data.
My point isn't the overall amount, it's the fact that the second an officer is tested, and no real threat is given to them, they become sensitive murderers.
Jason Bailey
Explain how you would control a difficult subject using words.
Sebastian Allen
"and if no real threat is given to them".. oops even if no real threat is given to them*
Jordan Gutierrez
So how often did daddy beat you as a kid?
Jordan Taylor
You faggots are smart enough to know that the media is lying when they try and spin the narrative that police are killing black people in disproportionate numbers.
Why aren't you smart enough to notice when they are lying to you about the narrative that police are hyper violent and killing suspects at alarming rates?
Is it because of the militarization of police forces? Because the police are scarier looking, they must be more lethal? Does that argument work on you when liberals are trying to ban scary looking firearms?
Please try to remain intellectually consistent.
Aiden Ortiz
It doesn't have to be with words. But as you see in the videos I posted, the officer made no attempt to chase the man down and tackle him, he simply just shot him down.
Also, in the second video, the officer never attempted to run his name. I get that the man should've just been upfront with the officer, but I could that the officer's feelings were hurt due to the man disobeying his precious orders. The officer didn't need to shoot him, it was a bitch move.
Jeremiah Mitchell
>officers need better training when it comes to issues of non compliance
Who gives a shit?
If some smack-talking faggot wants to buck the police, then I don't care if that wise-ass piece of shit gets lit up.
Anyone who thinks fighting with the police is an appropriate course of action needs to be put down.
I wish the police would kill more niggers for misbehaving, because that's the only way they'll learn.
Easton Turner
I'm well aware the media spins that shit, sensationalism is what it does. I've never had a problem with cops, in fact I have a kink for them.
Using the city with the one of the least amount of killing as your proof does make your point seem a bit biased though... Regardless of them not killing people NYPD cops are considered total assholes. Not a good example either way.
Jordan Murphy
>Officers should not kill unarmed people that don't comply. What the fuck is this supposed to mean? Not all people who don't comply are killed and some people who don't comply need to be taken down, which might involve killing them.
This is as asinine as the BLM protesters complaining that officers shouldn't kill someone just because he's black, disregarding that not all blacks are killed, that's not a basis of killing any person anywhere, and some blacks have to be taken down which may result in death.
If you have specific recommendations as to how police behavior should change, share them with people who might give a shit.
In the meantime, kill yourself.
Jonathan Walker
And are you basing this on your feels, or do you have data to back it up. Because if they were so quick to become hyper sensitive murderers, you think that would be reflected in the actual data on suspects shot to death.
Hey, I believed the police were becoming more violent as well, until I looked at the data.
Bentley Taylor
>Have you ever taken into account the fact that officers have remained violent, or even became more violent, but the numbers show less officer involved killings and shootings simply because the communities have gotten better?
That's just retarded conjecture. You could argue that the police in Sweden and Britain are inherently violent, they just don't have the chance to act on it.
>Hurrr, can't prove me wrong I win
The numbers speak for themselves. Police are a reflection of the people they serve; nothing more, nothing less. If the people are violent garbage then they can expect their police to be. I'd say that the police are, on average, better than the people they serve, since the people in any geographic area can be garbage but the police can drive in from the suburbs to serve them.
Caleb Evans
How did a civilized country like Egypt stoop so low to start acting like dishonourable american culture? Further, in February, Foreign Policy recalled, “hundreds of civilians stormed Cairo’s streets to protest the brutal murder of 24-year-old Mohamed Ismail, a taxi driver who was arguing with an Egyptian cop when the officer took out his pistol and shot him in the head.”
Ian Cooper
I am unable to find a national statistics on this sort of thing, and I certainly can't be bothered to compile them myself to prove a point on an azerbaijani diorama enthusiast site. But, if NYPD isn't representative enough for you, how about pic related.
That is because the national stats don't actually exist and republicans have voted down proposals to study it repeatedly but keep on licking those boots user maybe one day you can join the club too
Wyatt Diaz
>Running from cops is illegal,
The person you were replying to asked: "What if an officer is doing something unlawful?"
In America you have the right to use force, up to and including lethal force, to resist unlawful arrest and/or assault by an officer.
DISCLAIMER: as a practical matter this may very quickly get you killed without the cop suffering any harm. Cops defend their own, DAs and judges almost never go against cops, and then there are the idiot juries who think "hurr durr you should always obey." Kind of like Sup Forums
But there have been cases not just of running, but of forceful, lethal resistance where the citizen walked free. And the USSC has upheld the right to resist when and where an officer is acting unlawfully.
This creates a problem because technically the law says one thing, but practically officer training goes completely the other way. Cops are taught that they, not the law, are the authority. And that every command they ever give must be obeyed.
But if you truly have a cop acting unlawfully, and you really think you have the power to resist until calmer heads get involved and defuse the situation...you have the right.
Benjamin Wright
Only 1k people were killed by cops in the U.S in 2015. Not the many and if you figure in criminal history etc it makes sense considered criminals here could have a gun
Bentley Campbell
>Studies reveal Das raysis.
Leo Hall
> But if you truly have a cop acting unlawfully, and you really think you have the power to resist until calmer heads get involved and defuse the situation...you have the right.
And then you get arrested for resisting arrest. Go on and ask any lawyer if that's good advice, despite the technicality. It's not - let yourself be arrested and take care of it later.
Benjamin White
>republicans are ebil >you're a boot licker
So, can I assume you're just mad because I've presented evidence that reality doesn't match your preconceived notion of it, and now you're just lashing out randomly in anger?
Look, faggot, if you're so sure that you're correct, it shouldn't take you long to find data to back up your claims, should it?
I mean, it only took me like 5 minutes of googling to shoot down your asinine assertions.
But go ahead, keep believing that the cops on on some out of control murder spree instead of at general historical lows without any evidence if it makes you feel better.
Look, the simple fact is violent crime has (except for recent BLM inspired shenanigans) been at historical lows. It only stands to reason that with violent crime at historical lows that police use of lethal force would also be at a low point.
Daniel Baker
>And then you get arrested for resisting arrest.
As I said, there are cases where a citizen killed a cop and walked free because the cop was acting unlawfully.
>Go on and ask any lawyer if that's good advice
I didn't say it was. Did you not read the disclaimer?
Juan Green
>And then you get arrested for resisting arrest.
Just to be clear:
>officer tries to arrest unlawfully >you resist >officer arrests you for resisting arrest
It doesn't work like that. The subsequent charge is also unlawful.
Again, this is a good way to suicide by cop. But it astonishes me that American law gives you the right to resist on one hand, but as a practical matter makes it unusable on the other.
Anthony Price
so first, you are a fucking idiot, in regards to how you "reason"
exhibit A
and Exhibit B, even if you were correct, all its proves is that because BLM, cops are less racist than previous years
Trust me buddy, if a cop wants to arrest you he will. Will make up a random reason too, we're not talking about a calm level-headed cop in this scenario anyway if he's arresting you unlawfully. That's my point, you still spend the night in jail and put yourself as risk in that scenario. Why take a chance at your life so you can say you stood up to a cop?
Matthew Collins
From your linked article:
>Despite making up only 2% of the total US population, African American males between the ages of 15 and 34 comprised more than 15% of all deaths logged this year by an ongoing investigation into the use of deadly force by police. Their rate of police-involved deaths was five times higher than for white men of the same age.
Which completely ignores the fact that african american males between the ages of 15 and 34 commit far more crime than any ethic or racial group in that age range.
Plus their tear jerking page with all the faces of the dindus only has complete data for one year. If you are using that article to try and prove a point, I am not sure what it is.
Step up your game, syrup nigger, somewhere an aussie is crying over what a waste your shitposting is.
Video: Holy Sh*t – Insane Security Guard Catches Two Lads Pissing In A Car Park, Boxes Their Car In With His Golf Cart, Tries To Fight And Then Murder Them As They Flee!
>A little non compliance >Examples provided >Fighting with police >Trying to run over one
Bentley White
laws are opinions with guns you all think that if I disagree with you, I should have men with guns escalate violence against me until im dead, ie smoking pot google "non-aggression principle"
Anthony Howard
I for one welcome our new robotic overlords.
Ian Ramirez
Maybe white people shouldn't act like niggers
Dylan Robinson
Okay, so let me get this straight.
First you believe that there is a mass conspiracy by police departments in their reporting of officer involved shootings, despite the massive amount of paperwork and internal affairs investigating involved every time an officer fires their weapon.
Secondly, you are claiming that black crime rates are an elaborately constructed conspiritorial illusion that the entire criminal justice system is involved in, despite large amounts of that same justice system being comprised of black polices officers, attorneys, and judges in the same black majority metro centers that the majority of this black crime occurs in.
Are you poorly trolling, or are you a baked out of your mind Justin Trudeau poorly trolling?
Camden Jenkins
>Officers should not kill unarmed people that don't comply.
Can I punch you in the head a few dozen times? Don't worry, as long as I'm unarmed I can't harm you in any way. You're already a liberal... not like I can do any more damage.
Hunter Hall
>Luckily, neither was injured. kek he was like 2 ft from them
Michael Clark
Yep, the entire KKK consists of me and 5 undercover FBI agents.
I just use it as a social club because I have no friends. They keep trying to get me to incriminate myself by suggesting we go lynch a black guy, or burn down a black chruch. I keep insisting we go fishing and having barbecues. They have to come, it's their job.
We've been hanging out like this since the first Bush administration.
Gabriel Hernandez
>Officers are 24% more likely to shoot white people than black people. based on that statistics shouldn't we be forming a WLM movement and complaining that the country is racist against White people and our police forces kill White guys at a much higher rate then Blacks? I mean the idea that police are discriminating based on race is the supposed reason behind BLM so if the stats show we are the ones being discriminated then we need the PITY WHITE LIVES MATTER PITY US
Matthew Carter
If you fight the law, you better win.
Grayson Young
Actually, if there is no bias or discrimination, the police shootings by race should mimic the violent crime rate by race. It seems that there is actually massive discrimination in FAVOR of blacks and AGAINST whites.
Luis Lewis
the larger problem lies in the fact that not only can arrests and prosecutions be initiated in the absence of any complaint or victim, but the list of offenses for which a person can be arrested and imprisoned has grown disastrously long.
Chase Ross
White people are a majority of the US population, so black people are killed disproportionately. Only 12.3% black - that just brings in crime rates etc too
The cops are like an occupying force. Sadly, the cops all have the authority of the State over you, and everybody else, to the suspicious armed cops, is the enemy.
Serious people Sup Forums approved have some views that police patrols are expensive, unnecessary, and lead to bad outcomes.
We can handle our own self defense just catch the people who steal our cars n rob our houses while were gone.
>if you're such a liberal pussy you cant defend your family from a robber with a handgun you deserve to die
Ian Gomez
You'll get no argument from me that there aren't too many laws, and too many things are regulated that shouldn't be.
Hell, most cops would agree with you too, however if you ask them they'll tell you their job isn't to make the laws, it's to enforce them whether they personally agree with them or not.
The point is cops are not killing people at an alarming rate. It's a relatively rare occurrence, given the number of encounters they have with criminal suspects on a daily basis, and its not at some historic high or anything.
Kevin Thompson
its amazing that you form this opinion out of your ass without any actual statistics (verifiable and accurate) to back it up, it just feels right to say it, so it must be right
I find it simply amazing
John Brown
I've already posted stats in this thread, and have yet to see stats that counter it.
Luis Reed
Um, the burden on proof is on you that cops are killing people at an alarming rate.
Unless you're an anarchist and you think every action by the state is illegitimate or can assumed to be deleterious, in which case you are too retarded to even to bother contradicting.
Noah Powell
Yep, one problem there, I was fact checking, these statistics only cover "justifiable" shootings, they do not cover unjustified, and if its unjustified doesnt show up in this number
they also dont cover shootings of taserings, or deaths of that nature
have fun
Brandon Moore
Again, the burden of proof is on you to show that police are not only killing people at an alarming rate, but doing so unjustifiably.
Dylan Moore
proving to you that you are deluded, doesnt put money in my pocket or get me laid, please stay as you are, Ive donated some charity to point you in the right direction, but I am happy for you to continue in you ignorant bliss, I was more concerned of other anons, who might believe the tripe
Brody Lopez
>a little non-compliance You're a fucking retard. You have no understanding of law enforcement training or procedure. Gas yourself faggot.