I know a holocaust survivor. She's about 90 or so and has the blue ink mark tattoo from auschwitz. I've never asked her for any details, but is Sup Forums really going to tell me that she lied about the whole thing? I'm genuinely curious.
I know a holocaust survivor. She's about 90 or so and has the blue ink mark tattoo from auschwitz...
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Stab her in the neck. Along with Merkel.
She's alive isn't she? Is that not proof enough?
You didn't ask anything. What was there to lie about?
No one denies concentration camps. It's the lack of gas chambers they get up in arms about
Does she claim she personally saw the nazis killing 6 million jews?
How does knowing a holocaust survivor proves anything?
>Death Camp Survivor
so many survivors
really makes you think...
Weren't women executed upon arrival according to the 'official story'? So why the fuck are there female auschwitz survivors?
Or did she hide from the gas underneath a masturbation machine?
German efficiency is highly overrated.
She was in a work camp you dumb goy
>never asked for the details
>are you calling her a liar?
Maybe you should ask her opinion before we either support or shut it down
But yeah she is alive so those "death camps" must be real
Either way the Jew lie has done its damage so why even bother debating it now when we could be talking about how Americas legal system and inability to prosecute an obvious criminal has revealed the evil dictatorship that controls your country?
Why were there so many survivors of a death camp?
You tell me.
Whether or not it was designed as a death camp, it certainly became one when the supply lines were cut off later in the war and people were dying of disease and starvation.
The fact that the Jews were imprisoned in the first place, for nothing more than being Jews was a crime against humanity.
So while I'm willing to indulge holocaust revisionism, because there certainly is something amiss with the official story and the lack of evidence therefor, and post ironic danke Hitler memes, Hitler wasn't a fucking good guy. Churchill was an asshole too but there was no "St. Adolf" either.
He subverted democracy and ran a fascist regime that deliberately marginalized certain people.
So yeah.. I don't believe that Aushwitz was a deliberate death camp.. but the Prisoners should have been ordered released when they could no longer be cared for later in the war.
Americans pretty much pulled the same shit, but they kept their prisoners alive.
It happened but the numbers dont make sense.
Makes perfect sense. 6 million = ancient Jewish prophecy.
Oy Voy our prophecy came true! 6 gorillion have died.
No 6 Gorillion = No Shoah.
It has to be roughly 6 million, otherwise their religious prophecy hasn't come true.
>I've never asked her for any details
>she lied about the whole thing
Weak bait.
It was all labour camps...some Jews even got married in Auschwitz (just image search it)
They are all just furious that they worked for free and contributed for once
They barely had room to burn/bury the ones they killed. The stench would have been overwhelming more than it probably already was.
Not to mention, the strongest were kept alive purely for slave labor and mengele experiments.
ask her how the number was 6 billion when the tattoos dont go past 6 digits
You seem pretty reasonable to me. The only issue with releasing them was that it's likely the same number of them would die (even more so if they were caught because the Germans would assume they'd escaped). As far as why they were imprisoned in the first place... They tried to overthrow the government twice in the last 50 years prior to the war so the Nazis didn't want to have to fight another front
Actually hitter wanted all Jews out of Germany because the merchant banks (JEWS) were influencing German government and media funny how they took over America and are now about to declare war on Russia and China due to a failing economy.. Tfw you realise Hitler was the good guy!
Holocaust survivors are full of shit, all of their stories are based on paranoia and rumors spread by the inmates.
"Oy vey! They just took David and Anne to the gas chamber!"
"Oy gevalt there are gas chambers? How do you know this?"
"Uh uh uh... someone else told me... you think a Jew would just lie like that?"
Think how paranoid a Jew is on their own, now stick a hundred of them in close proximity for a long duration, and surprise, the Holocaust is born.
>I'm genuinely curious.
Hahahahahaha, almost 90% of Sup Forums consists of neo-nazi's.
>90 years old
Leave her alone
Let her live with her jewish bullshit.
She's about to croak any minute anyway.
I don't have a strong opinion on the holocaust but I want to see the arguments this pic creates.
There were camps, Jews died.
That confirms neither the methods nor the numbers.
>Labour Camps
And this. Don't ask for sources. Like I said, don't really care. I just save a lot of info pics like this and I've been here for a long time.
This too
>has the blue ink mark tattoo from auschwitz
what time period was she an inmate?
If she survived the death camp, it wasn't real.
She was at a work camp, not a death camp.
Ask her if they had pools.
Why is every survivor always from Auschwitz?
Oh...you named a picture Holocaust...game over I guess...
Allies bombed the supply routes which were supplying the camps, the guards barely had enough food to feed themselves. That's why it felt intentional to them, they saw the guards eating but they had only small meals, sometimes nothing when things turned really bad
Just like a jew would,they turned around and shat on Germany after having caused the war in the first place with these tremendous jew lies
The fact that these people have clearly been unable to perform labour for weeks and have not been killed should be a red flag about the legitimacy of the holocaust.
Oops, wrong one. Like I said, these are old. Haven't gone through my /pol folder in a while.
The Einsatzgruppen kept official records of many of their massacres and provided detailed reports to their superiors.
Commander SS-Standartenführer Karl Jäger wrote: "I can state today that the goal of solving the Jewish problem in Lithuania has been reached by Einsatzkommando 3. There are no more Jews in Lithuania, apart from working Jews and their families."
Sure, there was no plan to systematically kill Jews.
Fucking cunt.
they were the shit camp
also OP just made up their story and couldn't be fucked to look up any other camp names
They killed people by starvation, too.
Thats just a bunch of anorexic nudists.
I think imprisoning Jews was something that should have been regarded as an absolute last resort, and only in a transition phase to send them elsewhere.
Picks and time stamp or it didn't happen, also how could we be sure your pic is a legit holocaust tattoo. In fact you're just lying. Fuck off shill
Wouldn't it be bad to force it with fake numbers, assuming their Jewish prophecy was real?
those are starving homeless men in america during the great depression. they are all buried in mass graves in the midwest. they put a wallmart over 1 of them. i think the bodies are under the parking lot
The holocaust is a religious fairytale for the jews, like all their religious tales it's centered around being a victim. Saying you were in Auschwitz makes you famous among the Jews, I'm sure for hundreds of years Jews would lie about escaping egypt with Moses to be famous
now finish the job
>There are no more Jews in Lithuania, apart from working Jews and their families."
f-fucking MASS MURDER
She was happily frolicking in the Auschwitz swimming pool and playing in the orchestra before the allies started bombing supply lines. If the commies weren't so fucking ruthless then maybe Mrs. Goldberg and her tribe would have had enough bagels to ride it out before the war ended and they were safely deported to Palestine with all their wealth intact
Okay, now find 5999999 more
When people say the jews lied about the Holocaust, they're not saying some people didn't get detained, they're saying the situation was more complex than what the normal narrative was.
The jews were being deported and kept in concentration camps and put to work, but a lot of them were left without food due to cutoff supply lines and that's how they started dying. There was also a typhoid outbreak that killed off some more. In the end, the whole thing was just mismanagement on the German part; trying to fight a war AND trying to push immigrants out, so it ended terribly for both. But the jews make it sound like the Germans went out of their way to capture jews and then torture them and murder them in camps. It wasn't that.
Also the total number of deaths is a lot lower than what is said (6 million).
Auschwitz according to jewish religion must have been a sprawling metropolis , NYC doesn't even have 6 million people , does it?
>can you refute my anecdote I have no valid proof of?
The Holocaust is literally ingrained into their religion. No matter what evidence against it is presented, it will always be real in their minds.
>1 post by this ID
>1 year, 42 million corpses??????
Auschwitz was operating from September 1941 till January 1945 and killed 1.1 million people.
>400 corpses = 8.3 days therefore 4800 corpses = 1 year and 1 month
Do proper math.
Stupid cunt.
NYC has a population of slightly more than 6 million people.
The game was already over because everybody supports me, but I like pummeling you.
This is a big one.
>The soccer team
British POWs I believe
>Rabbit Breeding
Probably an experiment set up by the same doctor who sewed children together. Eugenics and whatnot
>The old allied bombing supply meme
Germany was an industrial superpower of course they could fix a railway with ease. It wasn't fucking 1835
Half of your other shit isn't even sourced
The camps were there, the people were there. They knew what was up. I don't really know why saying it was not true. Maybe the numbers are not correct, but does that really matter? Is it better just have gassed a few hundredthousands than millions? If that is the line people discuss about it is just stupid.
Of course jews were put into camps idiot, the disputed part is how many died and how they died
Never heard of people moving back?
Stupid nazi.
>and killed 1.1 million people
But the proof, where is it my Jewish friend?
>sewed children together
Jew pls
>Never heard of people moving back?
f-fucking death camps didn't work
Retarded strawmen arguments. Even Elie Wiesel never claimed that the concentration camps were purely death camps. Lots of jews were used for labor. This is well known, it is the official story. Quit strawmanning.
The thing is, they weren't just using gas chambers and whatnot, they were starving people, working people to death, using them for science experiments, etc.
Just something to factor in.
>sewed children together
>Whether or not it was designed as a death camp, it certainly became one when the supply lines were cut off later in the war and people were dying of disease and starvation.
You can thank the Allies for that.
>The fact that the Jews were imprisoned in the first place, for nothing more than being Jews was a crime against humanity.
My great grandfather was a German immigrant and WWI vet, he came to Brazil after the war. During WWII he was arrested solely for being German. He escaped prison thanks to being the founder/president of an important airline. Instead, he got home arrest. My grandmother and her sister were not allowed to speak German at home and couldn't own books written in German.
Nobody makes a scene, but oy voy the 6 gorillion. Japanese Americans were also treated like shit and put into camps, nobody makes the same scandal as they do about a bunch of kikes. Face it, there wasn't a plan to kill all Jews, and they only died because Germans couldn't offer them what they needed after their supply lines were fucked by the allies.
If you wanted to kill an entire group of people why would you go through all this trouble of death camps?
Germany was fighting a war on multiple fronts and needed every man they could spare.
Why would they devote men to guard instead of fight as well as supplies to feed people they were going to kill anyway? Sounds extremely inefficient especially given the circumstances.
Japanese as well as Italian Americans were also put in camps in America during WW2. The difference is there was no fighting on continental US soil so it wasn't like supply lines were cut off and people had to starve as they did in Germany.
Were there even 6 million Jews in all of Western Europe to kill?
Look it up, look it up,
Isn't Holocaust denial illegal in Germany Kraut?
>Maybe the numbers are not correct, but does that really matter?
Yes, the truth matters.
Don't worry though, just admitting the possibility that the numbers are not correct is a crime in your country. Hope you don't get taken in. Today there was a nationwide raid in Germany to detain people who defended Hitler on Facebook. 60 people jailed. Will you be next, Klaus? Time will tell.
>Not to mention, the strongest were kept alive purely for slave labor and mengele experiments.
I heard Mengele trained a dog to memorize classical music, and viciously attack jews who played a notes inaccurately.
Must have run out of poison gas and bullets along with other resources, they had secret food reserves though and intentionally let them just sit and starve.
>jews are not from the middle east
The digits were the specific camp. The 6 Million number is also based around pre-war census data, Nazi records of practices, and post war Census data.
You can argue all day that the 6 Million number is a Statistical guess. What is not really up for argument however is that Millions of Jews were killed in some form or another. Be it in a death camp, pogrom, starvation, disease or whatever. What is also not up for debate was that all of it was part of a state goal by the German state to exterminate those same populations.
>1 post by this ID
"I never asked her for any details, but is Sup Forums really going to tell me that she lied about the whole thing"
Just cuck my logic up user
yes, theres no real video footage of gas chambers
therefore its fake
>Were there even 6 million Jews in all of Western Europe to kill?
It was a last resort. Hitler literally offered to pay to send them off somewhere, anywhere on LUXURY cruise ships. Nobody would take them. Nobody else wanted them either.
The Jewish question's answer was literally A. Last. Resort.
Yes but a Jew that has family that lived in Germany for hundreds of years and got Germanized at one points is not considered to be an immigrant.
A dog born in a barn isn't a horse, no matter how many dogs were born there before him.
>The fact that the Jews were imprisoned in the first place, for nothing more than being Jews was a crime against humanity.
they wanted to eject the jews. imprisoning them was fine. the US imprisoned the japanee
jew bolsheviks did bloody revolution in russia and also germany after ww1. they controlled the banks and press.
in ww1 jews promised britain to get the US into the war in exchange for palestine
jews were a 5th column in germany and absolutely needed to be ejected if they were to fight bolshevik russia or western powers
the reality of the past is hidden from us today
>No one denies concentration camps
Bullshit. Over half of holocaust deniers think the concentration camps were mini clubmeds, and that the Allies are responsible for the condition of the Jews because the Allies cut supply lines to Germany
The gas chambers were a State secret. Hitler was very concerned about the possibility Catholic Germany would revolt against his rule if the full extent of their eugenics program was discovered. This was of particular concern, since the accelerated extermination program was instituted in early 1944 when the Axis was beginning to lose the war. Hitler could not risk a coup in his own ranks. Its why the SS ran the Camps and not the regular Army. Only the true believers could be guards.
>Isn't Holocaust denial illegal in Germany Kraut?
That your argument? Brilliant stuff.
>t. Achmed Özgürü, native german
But why waste time ? Why not kill them on arrival leaving 0 proof?
You guys realize Merkel's secret police are currently conducting raids, and arresting people like you right?
It doesn't matter, the term immigrant does not apply here. Just say Jew, they're already hellbent on being called Jews anyways.
>literally to stupid to look at the ID
>doesn't know what immigrant means
Unterschicht raus.
>let me tell you about your country
>The gas chambers were a State secret.
A lice exterminating secret? Those evil, evil goyim.
In, "Night", Elie Wiesel advanced a...certain claim:
Trying to escape, he ran away into the forest away from the Germans and ran 26 miles.
In one night.
Through unplowed snow.
Amazing, huh..? But it gets better:
While SHOT.
Gosh, I wonder if that happened, huh.
i sometimes wonder what america would have done to the asians in our work camps if japan attacked our mainland
Godspeed friend. Best of luck with the second coming of the German JudeoBolsheviks
No there were a few which were "luxury" camps for the Jewish Elite. The rest of them were bare minimum encampments. But yeah, of course blockades and sanctions led to the camps being poorly made. Germany was stuck between a massive war on two fronts fighting against the (((Allies))) and the (((Soviets))).