>far left
how fucking old is this
>far left
how fucking old is this
Sup Forums is still far left last time I checked
have you seen r9k or int?
Not very old at all.
That was around 2007. The year Sup Forums became shit; 2006 was borderline.
she wasnt that old only like 9
Yea, all the trap threads and general faggotry would indicate that. Haven't been in years
Sup Forums was far left when bush was president and far right under obama.
Its always just been contrarian counterculture.
8 years of trump this board will be communist, just watch
Yup, Summer 2007.
It was a fun ride of a year anyway.
Sup Forums equated to Sup Forums back in the day
Sup Forums still is, and always has been shit
Sup Forums is just anti-authoritarian.
As soon as the pendulum swings back the other way and minorities actually start getting gassed, this board will be the freedom fighting rebels preaching tolerance in our own sordid way.
This board is more of a thermometer for telling whether or not we've gone too far in certain areas. We've clearly gone too far down the multicultural shitter. Back when it was Christian housewives getting offended and trying to force their shit into law this site was full on "fedora."
Also Sup Forums is not one person.
/lgbt/ has taken over other boards so idk
i mostly see women hate threads, but i didnt know r9k was left
i havent been on Sup Forums in a while
>Back when it was Christian housewives
>became shit
a person can be great, but people are stupid
>the last time I browsed Sup Forums for more than 10 minutes was 7 years ago
Where does the time go?
Sup Forums was always shit.
>inb4 someone else posts this masturbatory piece of shit image
Fuck off. Very few people on Sup Forums give a shit about "traditional family values"; the majority of the posts on site are generally know to encourage being a NEET loser, fapping to anime, not getting a girlfriend, and shutting yourself out from the world. You may think you're hardcore Christian conservatives, but people like Pat Robertson and Jerry falwell would say you're filthy degenerates.
The reason why this site is acting like Neo-Nazis now is because it's edgy and funny. While during the Bush years, being a liberal and bashing Bush was edgy. I guarantee that if Trump wins, Sup Forums will swing back to the left.
Just look at what happened with Sup Forums and the Star Wars prequels (mocked the shit out of them for years, then TFA came out and they suddenly started writing essays about how the prequels are cinematic masterpieces).
right in the thought capsule so we can relive the regret when we're all dead
>he thinks a lot of polacks dont participate in traps and faggotry.
cute fantasy
And yet I've been browsing for years now
being contrarian is a staple of Sup Forums. just wait till 2020 , the pendulum will swing once more.
From about 2007-2008. Sup Forums used to be incredibly liberal, and overwhelmingly supported Obama in 2008.
I know most of the kids on Sup Forums these days are too young to remember, but I do.
this is a truly underrated and wise post
i forget Sup Forums exists most of the time. i haven't thought of it as part of the site for years.
>8 years of trump this board will be communist, just watch
Sup Forums has found a way (nationalism) that is vehemently anti-communist, but also vehemently anti-capitalist.
even if trump becomes president, he won't magically turn america into the fourth reich. the ruling ideology will be international capitalism, which is just as much an enemy to national socialism as marxism is.
/r9k/ is only left because they rely on government assistance to eat.
I thought their mothers brought them tendies?
Have those fucking assholes lied to me?
I supported Obama in 2008 as a fuck you to neocons and because I thought it would help race relations. Almost all of Obama's support comesdown to that and black tribalism.
>oy vey these far-left hackers known as Sup Forums are posting CP!
>oy vey these far-right hackers known as Sup Forums are posting celebrity nudes!
the more things change, the more they stay the same
all in the name of pessimistic irony
[spoiler]im ok with that[/spoiler]
And we see how that worked out now
I'm going to be honest, I'm 19 and not too familiar with politics.
At the time Bill came out with this, Sup Forums was still kicking and Sup Forums was mostly left wing. The whole "Pools Closed" meme came from anti-racism.
>there are people who have been around this long
i mean i browsed Sup Forums every once in a while back in 09 but what the fuck?
agreed. also, hi germany
Some mommies kicked them out, so a good 45-50% are on food stamps
>pools closed due to aids
>nazi niggers there to keep you out
anti racism? for real?
To be quite honest, read this book, even if it's only just the first few chapters.
This will explain to you what the whole Chicago club is about. Note that Hillary Clinton also comes from Chicago and did her masters thesis on this material.
It's just a starting point, but it's a quick, easy, effective starting point.
Yes, do you have Alzheimer's? The raid started because of the rumor that Habbo's mods were fucking with player based on if their avatars were niggers or weren't white
Since when does 4/chan provide for pedo's? Or was that before my time I came here? Lurking here since 2011.
i still think its fucking incredible how im communicating with actual persons thousands of miles away
does Sup Forums even know how much power it has?
it was fucking satire you troglodyte. were you even there at the time? I refuse to believe you misunderstand this
It's from like 2007 or some shit
Sup Forums is not part of this site. It's a trash heap for reddits worse
There was cp floating around Sup Forums really early back during the first couple of years because it was pretty much underground at first. Mods eventually cracked down on it when it got bigger, so Bill was kind of right. But then again, during the early 2000s it was very easy to find child porn on the Internet. It definently stopped by 2011
It was a joke when it first came out. Just like exploding vans. We just thought it was hillarious we were mentioned at all.
i was 15 and in it for the luls. pretty sure I spammed "NIGGER" in chat.
Back in the days of yester year, post iFrames on the site, moot added the /news/ board. AKA stormfront.
It was left as FUCK. Like yeah it had some nazi/neonazi stuff too, but almost all of it was super liberal, "Fuck Bush Fuck Neocons" kinda stuff.
It's actually been really interesting watching Sup Forums get... "conservative".
Sure you were bud. Sure
the internet has seen a fairly well coordinated crack down on pedo shit, but people used to post in threads all the time as sort of shock value, most of it probably was from pedos though.
you would see some of it leak to here occsionally, but i haven't seen any of it for years, most of it is safely tucked away in the deep web and very rarely rears its head on 8/chwan
fair enough
Sup Forums wasn't necessarily significantly more liberal/progressive a decade ago, it was just more broadly anti-establishment. If there was an institution, it existed to be torn down, etc. Over the years that sentiment has focused itself into reactionary politics because progressivism and identity politics have risen in both power and toxicity. And then obviously the creation of /n/ and later Sup Forums centralized and intensified this phenomenon.
The oldfags have also obviously gotten older and their values changed as they got out of school and into the real world.
jaded old fag is a tired character
it still gets posted here. it just gets deleted within a few minutes.
This. Hating on Bush and conservatives had to be the biggest meme of all time during the early 2000s. It's the equivalent of the Trump boner everyone has now
stop projecting your leafy green degeneracy
>thinking we won't be supporting Trump during his presidency
The pendulum will swing, but it has gone so far towards the other side that the media of all forms in tv, movies and music will still be Trump bashing throughout his office. The establishment may lose their head office but the liberal grip on the media will be hard to break. However the growing irrelevance of traditional media is making them without their biggest gun against a meme wizard.
Sup Forums also always sides with what is most funny and chaotic, Trump is great with banter and heralds the destruction of the world-wide western establishment that has fucked us for so long. Libs act like massive wet-blankets and whingers for the most petty of crimes, they are the perfect victim. Sup Forums will not soon forget the crimes and hypocrisy of the left.
Except for /n/
But as liberal as alot of Sup Forums was it was never progressive in the cultural sense.
i am pretty tired
>While during the Bush years, being a liberal and bashing Bush was edgy
No it wasn't you dumb shit.
It was incredibly popular in the mainstream and they even made TV shows about it.
And people still shit on the prequels more than they praise them.
You're just seeing what you want to see.
And #1 Sup Forums isn't Sup Forums so stop conflating the two. Sup Forums is still leftist.
It's been said a ton of times and it's still dumb shit.
best insult i've seen 2016
The Sup Forums of today says "Fuck Bush Fuck Neocons" (now dubbed Cuckservatives)
We haven't changed one bit. You just interpreted it as leftist support because you're a massive faggot commie niggerloving Bernie cuck.
The rest of Sup Forums was liberal as fuck though. They're faggots like you.
Nice comeback, that definently answers what I said to you. I am tired tho
Or /Lit/ or /lgbt/.
They are more left that Salon.
>creation of /n/
err creation of /news/, not transportation.
I also remember Chanology back in 2007 being a significant turning point because users realized they could wield the power of the chans for activist purposes, permanently changing chan culture. Before that raids/trolling/shitposting was all equally about pure anarchic fun regardless of the target or motives.
I only come to Sup Forums for Sup Forums and /k/. The rest is garbage
I don't visit often, but it seems lately it's swung to the right a bit.
>bashing Bush
Spotted the underaged
Better alternatives?
its been a while and god dammit i kinda missed the old Sup Forums before country flags were imposed in pol, when b wasn't just a porn dump part of the site and when people actually had real informed political opinions
now its shit constant shitposting and trump threads (not saying i hate the guy but you rip the arse out of the amount of threads you make about the guy) with the odd divide and conquer threads made by Mexicans,Canadians and aussys
i seriously miss the feel good atmosphere that this site used to produce but it got way too serious after pol started getting into actual politics but i think its more the by product of america actually suppressing opinion so much that this site became one of the last safe havens of internet free speech.
i was 14 in 2004, i seriously miss the freedom of the internet back then with the dial up and the amount of sites the internet used to have i generally used to think the internet was so infinite that it would take me forever to even be able to browser a fraction of what it offered.
If you go left enough you eventually circle the globe and up in fascism.
They couldn't call it far-right or it would offend their viewers. Fox typically blames the left for everything, so this was the most convenient way to fit their narrative.
What reason is there to leave?
Sup Forums is whatever someone wants it to be. Liberal cesspool of degeneracy. Racist message board. Laotian animated film fan site.
That said, the anonymous nature does lend itself to contrarian ideas. People post things here that aren't politically correct or socially appropriate to post on other social media, even if it is true.
/n/ not always was transportation, friendo.
No, dude.
Sup Forums is cancer, but completely necessary. It's the most infamous board that most normies visit first since it (at least used to) make the most noise on MSM. It's a barrier to scare most normal people away with its gratuitous gore and porn.
It's like when you go to the grocery store but there's a disgusting looking bum flinging his piss bottles at everyone and screaming obscenities. You want to go inside but you don't want to go through that.
You youngin's don't remember eight years ago. Being a progressive liberal was the sexy internet thing. Now, not so much. It's crazy seeing the change. Not in a "oh god this is terrible way" just in a "who'd a thunk it" way.
Maybe I haven't noticed pol screaming about fuck neocons. Confirmation bias I guess. I do remember a whole lot more liberal love fest on /news/ though.
>voted Romney cuz fuck Obama
>voted Trump in the primary
I am however, a colossal faggot. Do what you do pol, it's amazing seeing you work.
You are both right. There was a reply here a while ago where someone described Sup Forums contrarianism as
"Feeling superior to their conservative parents while also looking down on their liberal peers."
I thought that summed it up pretty well.
>implying i would tell you about secretclubchan
I heard Sup Forums has this hip new cool banana meme that's all the rage for kids like you
>Maybe I haven't noticed pol screaming about fuck neocons.
>We literally invented cuckservative and memed it so hard that it got debated on Fox News
Stop talking anytime.
Oh my sweet summer child.
Google "horseshoe theory"
>that one "chicken tendies general" thread was a year and a half ago
Where does the time go
But I don't wanna. I'm feeling all nostalgic remembering iFramed Sup Forums and when this place went by another name.
You could do that 20 years ago on Usenet too and nothing was really different. They shitposted just as much back then too.
bets that Kek wont let it
This. That's when that John Copypasta started to
The purge last year is what sent Sup Forums into oblivion as faggiest place on earth
Sup Forums is just Sup Forums's front room, it tries to keep newfags away from other boards
then people "grow out" of Sup Forums and discover new boards
or they grow out of Sup Forums without using another board (ideal for keeping their good health)
the what
>when Sup Forums wasn't a porn dump site
Lol stopped reading right there. Sup Forums was always a way to share porn first and foremost, and the other shitty threads that came along were secondary. There has literally never been a time when the majority of threads in Sup Forums were not porn related.
ive seen it twice in the past 3 years. once in a fifa WC thread laughing at brazilians on Sup Forums posted by an argentinean, and in a Dilma impeachment thread on Sup Forums posted by a brazilian.
The /r9k/ thread that spawned like 99% of the worthwhile tendies stories. Aka the only time that meme was ever funny. It was half assed and stupid everywhere except that one thread
Thats the whole reason I started browsing /r9k/. The memes were hot. But after a few months it went from funny to sad.
>They shitposted just as much back then too.