Where are you on the spectrum, Sup Forums?
Where are you on the spectrum, Sup Forums?
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>left wing
what ths shit, these political compasses are always very wonky, even the 2D where Social issues are on Yaxis and Economics are on the Xaxis is fucked
I'm not autistic, so not on the spectrum :^)
Where's nihilism?
> Communism
> Freedom
> Anarchism
> Left Wing
> Nazism
> Right Wing
Yeah okay sure, that puts me somewhere around triangle on a scale from red to Z
on Sup Forums? nazi
irl? conservative
>Communism is 'more free' than 'Conservatism'
>Anarchy is left wing now
This scale is retarded in so many ways
These are just so retarded, apparently the more left you become the more and more government you want until it all just falls off and there's none left as you become an anarchist.
>tfw america will never have freedom like the soviets did
Yeah, right.
in fagville
The only one that matters, monarchism. Shit image though.
Monarchist....nothing more based than this.
>wanting a king cuck you out of everything
thats a philosophy, not a political ideology you fucking idiot.
>communism and socialism
>towards anarchy and freedom
Fuck you for baiting me so good.
>Being this pleb
>Not reading based Hoppe
>one axis
>anarchism left
>not in favor of monarchsim
Paki detected.
Anarchism is a leftist ideology, before WW2 the term "anarchist" was synonymous with socialist movements. The first anarchists were mostly communists, communism being a stateless and classless society.
I think it's hard for a lot of Americans to understand since with confuse Stalinism with Communism and Anarcho-Capitalism with Anarchism.
"We must therefore conclude that we are not anarchists, and that those who call us anarchists are not on firm etymological ground, and are being completely unhistorical." - Murray Rothbard in Faith and Freedom, the man who coined the term "Anarcho-Capitalism"
>national socialist
Communism is slavery and and anarchism is chimpout faggot
Both extremes of the spectrum is slavery.
Anarchy eventually ends with the most powerful person bending the will of others, losing "freedom". People like you would become chattel.
Where is meritocracy?
Meritocracy is superior to these substandard ideologies you have there
your chart is so fucking retarded
this is the accurate political spectrum
>Communism, on the freedom side
>left-right spectrum
>meaning anything
The most logical political ideology and most successful.
Capitalism is my political ideology.
I'm not on your spectrum.
national socialism is very right though
>Communism next to fascism
? How is the left free? Seems to me Germany was doing pretty well under Hitler until they lost. How would society be if they won the war?
What is this garbage? Communism should be farthest left and Anarchy is farthest right. The monarchy is the only right wing one on the right side. It should be
Communism > Strasserism >Socialism > Monarchy> Anarchy
Multi Racialist Monoracialist
>communism not next to fascism
youre bluepilled as fuck m8
No, it is not, Redditor. Margaret Thatcher, most American presidents and Edwardian/ Victorian England were far right.
All American presidents prior to 1865 were National Socialists.
>Nat Soc
pick one
What? NatSoc wouldn't have allowed for monopolies.
>Nazi's are "conservative"
>Nazi=National SOCIALIST party
I don't see team mystic on that list
Anarchy is the furthest right? What?
Anarchism is a leftist ideology, it began with communists and the term "anarchist" was synonymous with socialist movements (Anarchist Aragon).
Proudhon, Kropotkin, Déjacque
I think Americans in general have a hard time understanding the relationship or history of these ideologies. That and confusing Stalinism or Maoism with communism. Communism as described by Marx or Trotsky is a stateless society. This is why the first anarchists were all communists, up until about 40 years ago when some American capitalist intellectuals reinvented the term.
"We must therefore conclude that we are not anarchists, and that those who call us anarchists are not on firm etymological ground, and are being completely unhistorical." - Murray Rothbard in Faith and Freedom, founder of "Anarcho-Capitalism"
ok i pick slavery because that would be heaven compared to living under nat soc
>American education
Good news, you're already enslaved!
feels pretty free to me britcuck
So you want to be british again? Don't be such a cuck m8
Guess I should invite Communism, it's either Monarchy or Communism.
Why am I listening to histoically inferior people, of course Monarchy is the only option for the civilized person, the iceage barbarian has no king, no structure, no government or anything.
>Communism and socialism
How does the government telling you how to use your resources freedom?
>it's either Monarchy or Communism.
Or you know... Conservatism wich rule the best era of America, Nazism wich rule the best era of Germany.
Monarchism is dead m8.
Marx's idea was that the people would control the government and that equality would be enforced. The stateless society would come afterward. I may have misused the term anarchy but I meant the type of society in which people like Jean Jacques Rousseau wanted to live where there were no laws and no goverenment. Whatever term you would use for Rousseau's ideas I would describe as the farthest right.
Oh stop being so dense, New Israel
>allowing people to be richer than you and have more power than you
Where's autism?
Hitler didn't go far enough.
Better than what we have now. All the other proposed idealologies are shit.
Monarchists go in the ovens with the anarchists and the fascists.
That's some fucking lazy nigger logic you have there.
Mad because Bernie Sanders lost?
This spectrum is re-fucking-tarded.
No, conservatism rule during the best part of your country... Back in the day when America have real power over the rest of the world and it was feared.
somewhere between monarchism and fascism
>being a weak willed waste who can only survive on handouts
mildly autistic
You have a problem with Kings having more power than you yet you have no problem with billionaires having more power than you.
Stupid nigger.
This image is dogshit
Wrong. Our first hundred year, the best years, were liberal. All our founding fathers for liberals. But of course the government got bigger and bigger and more and more corrupt, showing that a liberal society can never work and ancap is the only real next step. But, of course, anarchocapitalism is an absolutely terrible idea.
I think you're confusing Rousseau with someone else, Rousseau was a major influence on the socialist movement.
“The first person who, having enclosed a plot of land, took it into his head to say this is mine and found people simple enough to believe him was the true founder of civil society. What crimes, wars, murders, what miseries and horrors would the human race have been spared, had some one pulled up the stakes or filled in the ditch and cried out to his fellow men: "Do not listen to this imposter. You are lost if you forget that the fruits of the earth belong to all and the earth to no one!” - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I'd say liberalism makes you more of a slave than conservatism because you have to conform to every singe person's feelings, wants, pronouns, etc.
Liberalism back on thoses days were very different. I bet my ass that any founding fathers of any country would be conservative today.
My problem with Monarchism isn't 'Kings having more power' than me.
If we wore in the 1800 I rule for Monarchism but that's a dead system.
The fact that you automatically think about other people having more than you and you feel shit about it, that alone prove to me how much of a nigger logic you have, not matter you race.
Government = Evolution
no government = animal
I was was Leftist, now I find myself more Centered due to this whole year so far.
There is no need to explain to a nigger why Monarchy is superior and important.
What are you talking about? Liberalism is the same now as it was then. If our founding fathers were to run as president today, it would be under the LP, not the shitshow that is the GOP.
This. I'm tired of the bullshit.
theyre all shit
pick one
The founders didn't have any parties.
You had someone with policies and you cast your vote in, no parties so a 1party state.
>were to run as president today
left = more government
right = less government
you are literally retarded to the point you don't understand the ground level of what left vs right is if you think anarchy is left wing ideology
not an argument
Well I don't know about your founding fathers (I know mine weren't liberals) but from what I heard they weren't very pro-niggers. The civil war use slavery as a meme so I don't see how thoses people could be liberals. Again, I'm not american so I may be wrong.
>be me
>be not white
>be NatSoc.
>be proud
You mad?
Quality education there, Clapistani.
Would you like to tell the class the political factions involved in the French Revolution, and which wing they were affiliated with?
National Socialism teach you to be proud about who you are and your culture and don't try to destroy other people culture by immigration.
So in theory even blacks can be National Socialist... Wich is very different to be Hitlerian I guess, since he did introduce a more 'white pride' idea.
Our founding fathers were against slavery, they just knew there was more important issues to take care of first. Our country as a whole was never pro slavery, only about 2 percent had slaves and the first slave owner was black. The civil war was completely about taxation, and the union said they would let them keep their slaves to end the war but the confederates denied. America, as corrupt and big government as it is now, has always been more liberal than the rest of the world.
The right fundamentally believes in inequality and that some people are inherently better than others, thus deserve the reward for their effort. Anarchism, Conservatism, Monarchism and aspects of Nazism believes this.
The left fundamentally believes in equality and all people deserve a chance in life and people are ultimately the same. Liberalism, Communism and aspects of Nazism believes this.
It's very difficult to actually pin things down on a spectrum, but basically, if the ideology prefers inequality or equality philosophically, then it's probably either on the left or right. Anarchism is right wing because you have to work hard to survive, and some people get more for working hard.
I'm not entirely sure where Nazism or Fascism sits on this. They're ultimately quite Conservative philosophically and believe some people are better than others, but they also believe in collectivism, social justice and Socialist tendencies economically and politically. They're probably in the middle, but leaning right.
So who knows.