Tranny caught filming in women's changing room
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Damn he really let himself go...
Obviously this guy was PRETENDING to be trans which should be illegal to prevent things like this from happening. An obvious solution would be that there is some sort of test you must pass to be able to identify as trans and if you are caught faking being trans you should be arrested. Sadly you guys are too retarded to understand that guys like the one in the OP ARE NOT TRANS
Gay men have ruined this country.
This was the point all along you stupid fucking faggot.
Trannys are a tiny percent of the population, perverts are going to be the ones taking advantage of this law.
Fuck, you are one stupid piece of shit
I hope sincerely hope you kill yourself
Beat me to the punch.
The left is going to say he wasn't a true scotsman
but the test would be if you were pretending to be pretending to be a woman. I don't get it.
kek. finally a funny leaf. I usually see the candadian flag and ignore the posts but i'm glad i caught yours.
B-but autogynephilia isn't a thing! FtM's aren't sexual d-deviants!
>hurr durr you have to meet my subjective requirements to be a legitimate trans person!
No seriously, you shitheads made this bed, now lie in it. Fuck you.
Did I not just say have there be a test that the state issues and if you pass you get a special card to prove you are trans and if you try to get one without being trans its fraud
Fuck off troll
>Straight white cis man pretends to be trans as a false flag
Oh, how fucking typical.
And what kind of test would you suggest?
Bear in mind you have to keep the tumblr tranny crowd happy or they'll take your government job.
A psychologist with experience with trans people will need to give the ok. The process would take about 2 months once a week paid for by the state
You can obviously tell from the pic in OP that this guy is NOT taking hormones at all, he has super masculine features, but as soon as he gets arrested he says he's trans? What a load of bullshit.
straight cis white man ruins it for everyone, again
>A psychologist with experience with trans people will need to give the ok.
Yeah trannies are well known for respecting the opinion of accredited psychologists.
Congrats, you just lost your government job because any psychologists worth their weight in lead would diagnose 99% of trannies with personality disorders and then be called transphobic shitlords.
Bullshit and you know it. Any pervert can go ainto a womens room now. If anyone questions it. You faggots will destroy them on social media.
You are the cause of this.
>straight cis white man ruins it for everyone, again
We had a working system in place already, faggot
>on the taxpayer's dime, psychiatrists diagnose trannies as mentally ill and prescribe anti-psychotics (which work... hrmery MAKES U THINK)
>on the taxpayer's dime, psychiatrists diagnose mentally ill as trannies and prescribe them permanent hormone therapy and genital mutilation
keep your faggot shit away from my tax dollars
>how can we throw money at this problem?
t. every leftist ever
Trans is just fictional bullshit. Anyone can pretend to be trans. A man with a full beard could say he was trans and legally enter a womans restroom. This is why we shouldn't pander to the mentally ill
>as soon as he gets arrested he says he's trans
makes u think
I used my school's gym during their "woman and LGBT" time (from 1pm to 3pm) by walking in and telling them that i am genderfluid and identify as male today and there was literally nothing they could do about it.
the faggot-hour only lasted 2 weeks or so because i told all the bros at the gym to just say they're trans or queer because nobody can say otherwise, according to their own "logic"
do you realize your small band of mentally ill degenerates are literally going to collapse civilization?
Know what, have one fucking bathroom/changing room, single person, that locks. End of it. Not good enough for you degenerates.
You need to literally bring down society to cater to your fetish.
do you know how easily it is to fake this bullshit?
>obvious solution
>psychological evaluation and ID card so you can shit while you're not at home
Is this what a waning civilisation feels like?
Wait until they demand more trans teachers to brainwash our children further.
So you want to bring back segregation? A trans person is not worthy of being in the same bathroom at the same time as you? Go fuck yourself
No one is going to pretend to be trans for 2 months while seeing a psychologist once a week.
That looks like Michael Scofield if the breakout hadn't worked and he became T-Bag's bitch.
You dont understand you are Asian. In America we have a huge problem with white dudes committing sex related crimes like the guy in OP's pic. Sadly we need to do this to help stop predators
But people already do pretend to have xy chromosomes, to the extent that they chop off their dicks.
>No one is going to pretend to be trans for 2 months while seeing a psychologist once a week.
I already explained to you why that wouldn't ever work or even be implemented in the first place.
But hey, keep ignoring reality. It's what liberals do best.
>So you want to bring back segregation? A trans person is not worthy of being in the same bathroom at the same time as you?
If you aren't trolling here, you are truly a sick fuck. But personally, I think it's great. Wait until a little jewess in an upscale manhattan store gets a "Trans" hand up her skirt.
Then you'll suddenly see the Jews do a 180. I actually appreciate people like you (if you are for real). The faster you bring down the Great Satan, the faster the Russians might be able to save the world.
Sad dubs
>you are Asian
he's a David-kun
le sigh.
Clearly they cannot be trusted. Trannyism stems from sexual deviancy and degeneracy. Fuck all pawns of cultural marxism
>most drag queens are perverted fetishists
Is this news to people? I thought minority sexual empowerment was what we wanted
You must of meant XX and they are not pretending.
You say it wouldnt work cause tumblr would bitch. No they wouldnt
And we will later find out it was some white dude pretending
Some people are born in the wrong body. Havent you ever wanted to draw with a pink crayon but were scared someone would call you gay? Its the same thing, either way you want to draw with that pink crayon
Their bodies aren't 'wrong', their minds are.
This tranny mutilation fad will go down as the lobotomy of the 21st century.
HAHAHAHAHHAHA These comments are hilarious.
>You say it wouldnt work cause tumblr would bitch. No they wouldnt
Do you pay attention to any news whatsoever?
Something on the scale of what you're talking about (a non-optional government program with absolute authority to reject someone's alleged identity) would blow up in less than a week.
All it would take is one mentally deranged tranny to get diagnosed as mentally deranged and the internet would explode with stupid bullshit like "WHO ARE THEY TO DENY """HERâ„¢""" IDENTITY!!!"
Aside from that, the return on taxpayer investment is practically ZERO. There is no government body on fucking EARTH that would allow your shitty idea to be implemented.
tl;dr god DAMN you're fucking retarded.
>Some people are born in the wrong body.
Nope, you have no idea what you are talking about. There is as much legitimacy to this as someone who claims they are a dolphin born in the wrong body. They are pawns of cultural Marxism used to degrade society, and it is working. Tranny shit is satanic, Baphomet has both ovaries and male phallic. Why is it there was no such thing as little as 10-20 years ago? You're retarded as the retards that cut their dick off
>so you want to bring back segregation?
>"I'm Napoleon Bonaparte! Take me to the Grand Army, monsieur!"
>"Okay, but before we do so I think we should visit Dr. Weinberg, and maybe get you on some anti-psychotics"
>"I'm a woman born in a man's body!"
>"Welp, can't argue with that. Here are your hormones and you've been booked for gender reassignment surgery in early 2018"
Obviously this was going to happen, and hearing all these fags argue about it is ridiculous.
No matter what anyone believes, you have to step back and look at the facts.
"Trans-friendly" bathrooms don't require any sort of visual, psychological, or legal confirmation, which means anyone can go into any bathroom they want regardless of their gender identity. They argue that no one will do that, but that point still holds true. Some of these fags would argue that you can't reliably judge who's transgender and who's not (you can), but regardless of whether or not that's the case the problem still exists.
Separate bathrooms don't exist for gender identity, they exist for reasons related to gender differences. No matter what gender you identify as, if you can pee standing up and can impregnate a woman, the women's restroom is not meant for you. There's no practical reason to go to a restroom that isn't designed for you.
What it comes down to is, all this shit exists because of hurt feelings. People don't want to feel sad, people don't want to feel like their precious gender is being threatened. Allowing people into whatever bathroom they want is not the solution to this.
As long as the restrooms are separate there are no good reasons to completely ignore the separation. You either divide the restrooms or you don't. By far the most mentally defunct option is pretending the restrooms are divided when they're not. What it comes down to is, these people aren't supporting trans-friendly restrooms, they're supporting a complete removal of separate restrooms. Most of them are either too retarded to realize it or won't admit it because they know they won't get any support.
You sound like a liberal. I say that, because you propose vague, half-baked government-enforced solutions that involve procedures and practices that you don't even have a basic understanding of.
Your proposed plan is ridiculous. Either (A) you'd see an endless slew of trannies suing psychologists who accused them of being fakers, or, more likely, (B) you'd have psychologists giving the stamp of approval to everyone who walked in the door in order to avoid situation A.
Guess what, fuckers, this shit is gonna' get a lot worse when we bring in refugees "from Syria"... The West Africans that we get are going to LOVE this oppertunity...
And shit like
won't even fucking matter, because when Hillary's president, she'll constitutional judges mandate that people can be trans by their own admission, rather than any "official" certification.
This is all, of course, by design.
That wouldn't happen because the psychologist will be covered by the government meaning only the government could get sued and I think we can afford to hire a lawyer every one in a while.
Hillary and that sellout bernie can fuck off. Jill Stein is going to be our next president
Canada is the biggest cuck country...i cant wait til Trump annex and make it not so bad again!
>pretending to pretend to be a little girl
I ..
I don't even.
I hope this keeps happening. This is the future they chose.
If one more ignorant asshole says this im going to go fucking insane
Try to imagine how this story would be explained in North Korea.
With civil wars about to bubble over in the US and in Europe, THIS is what these fucking sick degenerates are worried about in life.
Win how? Bernie supporters couldn't even beat Hillary. Please do vote for her though, cut the Democratic party in half
Why don't you pretend to be a 44 magnum and shoot yourself
No one's this stupid.
>women are the ones who are most aggressively supporting tranny rights
>mfw this will only affect women
Enjoy 48 y/o trans-George peeping beneath the stalls
The Jews have created a culture in which any sign of perceived victimhood is now a sign of status.
"I'm not the bad guy, I like to cross-dress so I'm being oppress by the evil CIS male patriarchy too.."
You problem is going to come when China or IS arrives in large numbers, and then you'll suddenly need the "White CIS scum" you've been trying to genocide to defend you.
And they will sit back and laugh as you are pushed off a building, the feminists are put into burkas, and the negroes are castrated to act as harem guards.
Did one Jew not fuck you over already? You want to go for two?
I'll have to bookmark this page like I did with bernie articles talking about his political revolution
Be honest, how much did you donate tot hat commie?
It is pretty sweet
So you're pretending that they don't pretend to pretend or are you pretending that they pretend not to pretend?
What will happen to the fucking WHITE males?
Ruined the world
Theres people in this board who didnt get this was satire
I only donated 40 dollars to Bernie but that because minimum wage is a fucking joke and need to be raised
I want to believe, I really do.
>fucking WHITE males?
We will be sitting somewhere in the mountains, drinking around a fire and hopefully with a satellite that gets RT to watch it all unfold and laugh.
Yes, clearly the minimum wage is the problem. It has nothing to do with your shitty decisions with money.
I'm sure you'll see returns on that $40 any day now.
They don't even carry through with it.
Being white, male, and a pedophile is way worse than being a black woman or a mexican tranny.
and who decides who is trans and who isn't? if I put on a wig and say I'm a women, wouldn't it be sexist and intolerant if you deny my identity?
A social construct does not require hormones you shitlord! Literally anyone can be a girl, you, me, even this guy.
I wont see returns because assholes like you refused to support him so now he has become a sellout. I just wish I could get my 40 back to give it to Jill Stein
I already explained this, a psychologist hired by the state with experience with dealing with trans people
This though hot damn
All over my Facebook I see posts like "OMG look! The minimum wage in 70% of states can barely afford the average 1 bedroom 1 studio apartment!!!" and I'm like "what the fuck why is that where you're looking"
Because we've had SO many gay Presidents, right. Straight men had NOTHING to do with it. Not a bit. Nope. Would you like a list of straight male cucks in power or will you just produce it yourself and save me the trouble?
(And do I need to remind you about the faggot cross-dressing FBI head who was arguably the most vicious Commie/subversive hunter this country's government has ever had?)
Yeah how dare other people have different opinions and not support your candidate.
That should be illegal.
Yeah, statistically speaking, it would be surprising if this pervert is actually a real transsexual at all. A pervert is a pervert is a pervert. They are all bad. The point is we should never, ever do anything to accommodate them. Fucking idiot liberals.
I seriously cannot tell if this is satire or not.
Liberals have taken themselves so far away from reality, they are living a satire version of themselves
>psychologist hired by the state
what person in his right mind hired by the state is going to say "this person claiming to be trans-whatever is mentally ill, probably a spree shooter in the making..."
How fast would obama or clinton's fbi have them in leg irons and investigated for hate crimes? You've created a society where women, negroes, sexual deviants, muslims, etc.. can do no wrong.
It's going to bite all of you in the ass big time.
You are awesome, period.
Affidavit Page 1
>A trans person is not worthy of being in the same bathroom at the same time as you? Go fuck yourself
The point, you idiot, is that ANYBODY can SAY that they are a trans person. Including some very dangerous individuals. Have you worked with child rapists? I have. Fuck you.
You will only begin to care when some trans female-to-male tries to use the men's room and gets violently raped in there by a far more perverse individual or individuals than s/he could ever be.
So what's gonna go down? Trans people are gonna have to carry around a certificate of trans-ness? I don't think that'll blow over well with these postmodern "identity" retards.
>Bernie just now became a sellout
Ok you have to be trolling but in case you aren't.....YOU DENSE MOTHERFUCKER
Bernie was a sellout from day fucking one. The DNC wanted to put Hillary in the White House like they did Obama IE the youth vote. Problem is Hillary has no youth appeal so they dangled some dirty bolshevik in front of the idiot masses to rile them up for support and donations. Now that Bernie is officially dead in the water all those donations go straight to the DNC and then to Hillary. You Berniefags got scammed so fucking hard it's embarrassing
Pic related. Even in the best case scenario your "savior" wouldn't deliver a single goddamn thing he promised
We need jobs not a higher minimum wage you dolt
Shit, ya made the ladyboy mad now
It's fucking weird
Women are always complaining that all men are perverts yet they want them snooping in their stalls.
How do you prove whether someone is pretending or real? You can't. Anyone can say they are whatever and we have to accept it no matter how BS it may seem initially
Aint no vietnamese ever call me nigger
Obama is gay
You from Idaho too? Wtf is wrong with our state?
I'm glad this happened. People will shut the fuck up now and will realize transgenderism isn't what it's all cut out to be. AND it's a fucking mental illness.
And of course this happened in Target! Why the fuck am I not surprised?