Why has Sup Forums not accepted the fact that Central Asia is one of the last bastions of the White Race?
Why has Sup Forums not accepted the fact that Central Asia is one of the last bastions of the White Race?
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> central asian
> white
Good goy! They are muslim and therefore brown so we need to bomb them all to death!!!
hajis with pancakes on their heads armed with aks beat the american army
Central Asia was once the home of the White race, unfortunately, the Mongoloid cunts later invaded.
Now there's nothing left but a bunch of retarded Allah-worshiping Uighur and Tatar cunts.
Islam is what is keeping their birth rates so high
Because they are of the White race, that's why they are doing so well against us
romanian soldiers taming the haji bastards.
you know americans treated the afghans like animals when they cheer for pencils and paper.
Stop it with your divide and conquer bullshit
Good documentary to watch on Afghanistan and the U.S. Saudi relationship
how's a European male even meant to compete?
White = of European descent
Last time I checked, Central Asia is not Europe.
alexander the great lead his army through afghanistan.
they culturally enriched the natives.
"White people is a racial classification specifier, used for people of Europid ancestry."
"The Caucasian race (also Caucasoid[1] or Europid[2]) is a grouping of human beings historically regarded as a biological taxon, including some or all of the populations of Europe, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, Western Asia, Central Asia and South Asia.[3]"
Where do you think the term "caucasian" came from, retard?
ISIS is so strong, because they have white military leaders, slavs from bosnia, kosovo, albania and churkas from the churka lands like Chechnya.
The Internet is, but don't tell the Jews.
No one ever mentions that Central Asia was populated by people similar to Europeans until some 2000 years. As far east as Mongolia, Indo-European pastoralists roamed.
Many of the cultural trademarks of those deformed Mongols, are in fact something they adopted from Indo-European horse riders. When it comes to biology they also adopted certain traits from ancient Indo-Europeans. The Mongols for example have an surprisingly high percentage of individuals who are lactose tolerant, a trait that is almost non-existent in the Chinese and other related Yellow-skins, but is far more commonly found among Europeans and certain West-Asian populations.
Next time some SJW faggot talks about ''muh genocide'' of Amerindians and other lesser creatures, They should know that large parts of Asia was once inhabited by peoples not that different from modern Europeans. These groups were exterminated, or absorbed by hordes of Downs syndrome afflicted abominations.
>getting so easily offended by a meme
>posting pic of white skinned afghans
Cringe, >>>/stormfront/
Lappland is whiter, and nobody wants to live there either.
Small parts of Asia were inhabited by Indo-Europeans, so what?
It was ruined by the Soviets
Indians are also considered Caucasian. Are they White too? Fuck no.
reminder that some of alexander the greats successors set up a colony in afghanistan. some are white.
Chechnya and the Balkans are in Europe though. Syrians and other sand niggers variants are not, and therefore not White.
>The Mongols for example have an surprisingly high percentage of individuals who are lactose tolerant, a trait that is almost non-existent in the Chinese and other related Yellow-skins
holy christ you're a fucking idiot
Xinjiang actually has some remnants of white people in China (from Roman times)
But the Chinks are wiping them out, and Sup Forums is cheering them on because they are Muslim
This, ISIS' biggest expansion (where they literally quadrupled in size, and became bigger than many of the countries in the Middle East), was done under the commander Al-Shishani (The Chechen)
I reckon once Russian/SAA/Coalition air strikes killed him, ISIS started losing ground fast
China is trying to culturally enrich Xinjiang, and remove it from it's white heritage, with LCC (Little Chink Cock)
>Attacks the poster instead of refuting his point.
You're just as much a fucking idiot as he is.
All the way to western China and Mongolia.
How so ladyboy? Go look up the prevalence of lactose persistence.
Get back to prepping that group of British tourists. Better not keep them waiting.
Have you ever met a Central Asian? Some Pashtun are fair-skinned, but their brothers and sisters look like Indians. And if the Tajiks are white, so are Kurds, Turks and Chechens. Everyone else looks Asian, except for ethnic Russians (leftovers of the Russian empire/Soviet Union).
Perhaps you should stop browsing Sup Forums and actually bother to learn about other countries out of curiosity and not out of desire to propagate 'bastions of the white race'. Perhaps you should also learn that 'white' isn't really a social construct outside of the USA, and that everywhere else, it's about which region you're from. Heck, most people care more about where you're from than what race you are, unless you're in a Neo-Nazi rally.