
Why do people accuse Hezbollah of terrorism?

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they are the only muslims in mideast who have beaten the Jews and are capable of standing up to them.

Plus Hezbollah fight ISIS, and Hezbollah declare their desire to free the Palestinian people.

Both of the above actions trigger the jews immensely.

Because they are fighting Israel.
And the jews control mainstream media.
So anyone who is opposed to Zionism is labled as a terrorist.

we enjoyed killing them. My Merkaava, their dead asses. We killed 8000 and havent heard shit since.

You can gonto Disco in Tyre and fuck their women for a pack of cigarettes.

their women hate them. they are poor, fuck boys, fuck goats, and live in holes. Understand why their wimen cheat so bad.

Because the leader said he will hunt down every jew world wide and slaughter them.

They also are in charge of tearing down the last christian country in the middle east.

Because Israel is better at propaganda than they are. Ever wonder why the US media refers to the occupied territories as Jewish neighbourhoods?

You mean wahhabi and salafi states.

Like Saudi Arabia Kuwait and Qatar.
counties with billionaires that control Media in the arab world like Al-Jazerra and Al-Arabiya.
They make fake stories.



You can find a lot of videos like these.

Hezbollah is based as fuck

>Cheering on sand nigger terrorists

as queer boy fuckers. total pussies on the battlefield.

and you really csn fuck their wives in the dicos of tyre for a pack of cigarettes.

Sure you did Schlomo.

make me laugh again!!!! When have they beaten Northern Command?

They are delusional Jew haters who throw rocks at the only civilized people in the land they squat on. Hezbollah is a knock off Taliban for the bitter disalusioned goat fuckers. They produce nothing and are nothing but a cancer to the world like all Muslim Jew hating societies. Bitter 3rd worlder scum.

Because they hate Jews


>Schlomo internet defense force full-on activation.

Anyone who triggers the jews this hard? Proves Hezbollah is based as fuck.

Who are you kidding, Lebanese girls are uptight as fuck. In tyr as much as anyone else. They don't talk to anyone unless they're driving a bmw

Kek at this mad Jew raging that someone is putting up a fight

>hijack a Christian country and turn it majority muslim
>based xDDD
Consider suicide, friendo

And please tell me why Hezbollah is protecting Sunni and Christian villages alike? They don't have to, you know.


fucking jokes. their wimen are too easy. Whonsaid anything about Lebanese? i said direct wives of Hezbollah. They want to escape from these pigs. They hate them. One night with Yitzak and they purr like kittens. Will spit on a Koran while you tap that shit from behind.

Really. they hate their lives till we roll in!

We go werewolf on that shit.

Delicious damage control. The Hezbollah would rip the IDF a new asshole if they fought now.

Because they cannot accept the idea that Shia Muslims don't do terrorism.

This destroys the Sup Forums argument of Muslims and terrorism against Westerners, since it's restricted to not just a sect but particular school of thoughts whithin it.

Forgot to mention the Sup Forums argument was mostly pushed by JIDF. And yes, JIDF does operate in Sup Forums. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Internet_Defense_Force

They're more prominent on reddit.

They aren't.

Only Sunni are terrorist... And they say Hezbollah are terrorist because they want more power, same reason as why they want Assad out of Syria.

Saudi Arabia want all Shia's dead so they say they are terrorist while founding ISIS

this was nice. dropped this bitch in,Syria. Famous Hezbollah eating dirt right now.

lol. Based Hezbollah, smegbollah!

we have a genius Leaf here.

ugh, i wish they would ban you russian fags again. hezbollah is a terrorist organization because of numberous attacks they made on usa and israel.

>suicide truck bombings of the US Embassy in Beirut in April 1983
>the US Marine barracks in Beirut in October 1983, 241 U.S. and 58 French servicemen, six civilians dead
>the US Embassy annex in Beirut in September 1984
>hijacking of TWA 847 in 1985
>the Khobar Towers attack in Saudi Arabia in 1996
>assassinated Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq al-Hariri in 2005
>July 2012, Hizballah detonated a bomb on a bus in Burgas, Bulgaria - 5 civilians

now they are a "strategic military partner of the Russian FSB and military in syria with access to restricted weaponry.

anyone who supports them is a muslim sympathizer, a leftist, a muslim, hates white people, or all of the above.

>more sweet, sweet damage control
And nah, they're kicking ass and they now are better armed than ever before.

right on. The Smegbollah quiver when they see this image.

Udi Adam. My Commander!

you Red Boot or Northern Command?

my mistake hezzie. lol

>>suicide truck bombings of the US Embassy in Beirut in April 1983

>>the US Marine barracks in Beirut in October 1983, 241 U.S. and 58 French servicemen, six civilians dead

>>the US Embassy annex in Beirut in September 1984

>>hijacking of TWA 847 in 1985

>>the Khobar Towers attack in Saudi Arabia in 1996

>>assassinated Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq al-Hariri in 2005
Don't like it when it's your puppets that is being removed amirite?

>>July 2012, Hizballah detonated a bomb on a bus in Burgas, Bulgaria - 5 civilians
>A random bus
>in fucking Bulgaria
>must be Hezbollah
I remember Ben blaming Hezbollah like 5 seconds after the blast
>totally legit

BTW get out of the Golan.

stacked those bitches. where has your based Hezbollah been since 2006.

Licking that whooped ass since 2006? Thats a fucking decade ass whooping!

are you fucking serious? You are a comic! Sure boss. I'll just turn my Merkaava around and drive back home to Oz Zion!

Yisrael Chai!








So then why have they been beaten into submission and forced into the shitty Gaza Strip? Let's face it man, their way of life exists because Israel allows them to. If they wanted to go in there, they could. They don't because they know Hezbollah is immoral and will use civilians as shields. meanwhile people like you will scream about the evil kike, and how he must be destroyed because he dares to fight terrorism.


I fucked up. Confused Hamas with Hezbollah. Fuck them too.

>Hezbollah in the Gaza strip
Wow, just wow

good post, brother. this kid thinks Hezbollah is based. i almost shit laughed myself. american mooslim yapping visions of grandeur! lol!

Keep tryin be a good Goy

CTRL-F no Iran. Pol is pretty dumb.


thats how you win a war, pussy. You kill the support.

Im glad The Donald is going to teach white people how to win again.

>statin the obvious
you're in a troll thread niqqa


yeah. double fuck. still shit hole Koran pushers.

fuck islam. bunch of cry babies."they tiok iur kand"! boohoo.

fuck right we TOOK it, bitch! Will take more the next time you pull just a little shit.

Hezbollah will end up in Pakistan! lol

fuck you dude. you kill children.

this is why everybody will eventually hate you

fuckin kikes


Hezbollah = Twelver shia
Pakistan sunni country = Kills any Shia

Come on goyim you should know the difference.

boohoo. we get our asses kicked, Europe woke up, English are beatung us in the streets, cant bare go to the mean Poland or Russia cause they're so mean, USA is playing the Muslim Knockout Game, we are oppressed! whi,whi,boo hoo.

Fuck Islam. That shit is really about to go extinct!

Nigga, run!

I visited Tel Aviv last year... Totally came inside two former IDF enlisted hottie chicks... one I convinced her I was a Jew and that we would marry... Little did she know I lied. And she had non Kosher semen in her pussy. We're fucking your women on the regular... They like the thicker and longer Arab cock...

I exclusively fuck Israeli girls who I meet at mall kiosks selling facial products. I sample their facial and they sample mine.

Absolute whores, I tell you. Hot bodies but faces ugly as sin...it's a shame. Like legit deformed features like pic related.

Needed to really drop heavy loads with my cum shot to hide the hideousness ...

To the world. All our religions live in peace. There is but one new religion, founded by an illiterate robber.

their violence and government is truly like the Borg. They are Islam.

Death to Islam.

The hot israeli women are in the army and are very nationalist.

Eat a dick, Chaim

6 months, bitch, and your ass will be cowered as Hezbollah.

i hope i have the honor to march personally on Dearborn, MI.

all teams following. go to site 3. site 3 in 10.

Do you guys think Obama intentionally went and funded Hezbollah?

he has intentiinally hurt the white american, in my opinion

What are you babbling about? Why do you seem to write like an eleven year old? Fuck Israhell.

>>funded Hezbollah?

Are you delusional?

Why would he fund a shia anti-zionist political administration and military defense that hates israel and the american government.

>t. furious ranting Alex Jones

The obama administration Just put them on the terrorist organization list.
Because his Wahhabi Saudi masters told him to.

fuck off even the Lebanese girls here won't respect you unless you are some sort of fighter

They are as primal as it gets

Wait a minute, doesn't this board support Trump? Trump hates the fuck out of Iran, and it's proxy groups, like Hezbollah, and has repeatedly called out Iran for being hostile to Israel

>>Let put this in layman terms for you.
Obama is useing Daesh to his advantage by not attacking them. So they can try to get rid of President Assad.
He is funding and sending weapons and Tanks to the So Called "Rebels"
which somehow the weapons & Tanks endUp in ISIS/Daesh hands.
The rebels are really just a bunch of salafi Islamic extremist’s AKA Free Syrian Army

ISIS/Daesh is Wahhabi
Al-Nusra/FSA is Salafi

No one is buying your shit, JIDF.

Because they fire hundreds of rockets into Israel daily.

Hezbollah fought the IDF to a draw, at the very least, in 2006. That's pretty impressive considering IDF has 700k members and Hezbollah maybe 8k at best plus reserves.

In 2014, Benny Gantz, a top IDF general, admitted as much, by saying that Hezbollah had more combat power than all but the five top nation-state armies in the world.

All of this was started by Israel by the way when they invaded Lebanon in 1982 and a bunch of Shia pesants who could have cared less about Palestinians got pissed off and formed Hezbollah to repel them.

That's Hamas, a bunch of Pali terrorists

>I fucked up
oi vey! no kosher krisps for you at your JIDF terminal..

So does Hillary but she's not even building a wall so Trump is clearly the winner here.

>Hezbollah fought the IDF to a draw
Hezbollah beat them, and the way it was set up, they never even ran into their crack infantry. So they just started murdering women and children.
"Vice" used to have a fair video up about Hezbollah before they became cucks. I will always have a hard-on for Rosemary Church for this video: youtube.com/watch?v=w6fn5NZ6LBk

Obama lifted sanctions with Iran, and Sup Forums and Trump called him a coward for it, which I find interesting


>and Sup Forums
who is this Sup Forums guy and how can he be called out for his hypocrisy? How do we track him down?

>hezbollah is a terrorist organization
So long as we are calling out terrorists, how about that brave little nation of holocaust survivors and junk bond salesmen being called out for the USS Liberty?

American Education ladies and gentlemen.


Obama/Kerry signed a shitty deal with Iran that lifted sanctions that gave the US nothing in return, that was Trump's issue. Ever since Iran has been totally trolling Obama too doing missile tests and shit, not giving a fuck.

All the wars in the middle east right now are solely because Iran was on the threshold of nuclear capability. A nuclear Iran could not be attacked directly, Isreal would no longer be able to attack it's proxies either so an asinine idea was thought up by Obama for these idiotic Syrian/Yemen/Libyan terrorist wars instead to remove all of Iran's proxy power.

>Saudi Arabia
Attacking saudi arabia is a bad thing?
15 of the 19 highjackers were citizens of Saudi Arabia.

That fucking name, they're retarded as fuck if they pretend people to take them seriously with THAT name.

I didn't say anything leave me out of this

It's from the Qur'an, it means "Party of Allah"

"You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last Day having affection for those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred. Those - He has decreed within their hearts faith and supported them with spirit from Him. And We will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him - those are the party of Allah . Unquestionably, the party of Allah - they are the successful."

Because Hasbara suck nuts for shekels.

And the Saudi family is Jewish.

People take them seriously. IDF take them seriously. And western proxies in Syria take them seriously.

They have schools, hospitals, construction companies and own vast amounts of infrastructure.

They don't even need funds anymore becasue they have enough income from these types of holdings.

They need advanced arms and as Assad has basically thrown open his armories in exchange for warm bodies holding rifles, they are more serious than ever.

They are effectively the preeminent military organization in Lebanon, despite everyone supporting the Lebanese army with vast amounts of foreign aid.

Anyone who doesn't take them seriously is fucking retard.

Sup Forums supports Trump, and defends him whenever he says something, even if it's something extremely retarded

Watch Sup Forums defend Trump not knowing the difference between Hamas and Hezbollah, and not know about the Quds Force and General Qassem Suleimani (he literally says "Yeah I know who they are but just remind me again" then proceeds to go on about Kurds)


>Saudi family is Jewish.
in some ways but not others

its was a deliberate choice by Osama to choose Saudis for the attack. He had loyal Afghans and Pakistanis and even Chechens (and possibly Sudanese operatives from his time in Sudan) ready for the attack, but he feared they would rouse the suspicions of border officials. He chose Saudis and Egyptians because their nationalities would not be as suspicious.

The point is Muslims would take that name pretty seriously, you don't just fuck around with a group that has a name about a group described in the Qur'an