This is a thread for dumping, creating and discussing anti-Hillary memes for immediate insertion.
/cfg/ MEME DIVISION : Summerfags, Lurkers and Shills Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Advanced Meme Warfare:
the meme starter pack contains:
guide of advanced meme warfare 1.0
guide of using gimp to make a /cfg/ memes
blank folder - containing images and templates for /cfg/ memes
done folder - completed memes collected from previous threads
Social media tactics
he /cfg/ meme starter pack V2 contains:
/cfg/ Google Doc text file - July 12 2016 version
guide of advanced meme warfare 1.3
guide of using gimp to make /cfg/ memes
gimp programs for windows and mac
guide of using adobe photoshop cc 2015 to make /cfg/ memes
memetic warfare font pack - containing fonts used in Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump presidential campaigns
blank folder - containing over 100 images and templates for /cfg/ memes
done folder - containing over 600 completed memes collected from previous /cfg/ threads
Other Important Links:
/cfg/ Google Doc (updated everyday, text file is for backup purposes only) -
Mindeye's Red Pill Media List (watch the videos in the media folder, VERY IMPORTANT) -
CSPAN - Hillary Clinton Email Investigation - July 7 2016 with Transcripts -
CSPAN - Justice Department Oversight - Attorney General Loretta Lynch - July 12 2016 with Transcripts -
/cfg/ meme starter pack V1 -
twitter pic format guide
have seen some of you are still posting pictures of Shillary where she is smiling or laughing. Stop doing this. This is where the mainstream media has failed with Trump too - they used pictures where he looks mighty, energized, manly, like a true leader, and then they tried to paint him in bad light. But actually the picture itself says more than the text you put there in most cases, even so if we are talking about normies. Use pictures where she is agitated, evil, or smug.
peak hours guide
this. unless smile is sinister?
(((Saul Alinsky))) Rules for Radicals
What the fuck lmao
twitter guide for farming followers
Marketing tricks guide
>inb4 those fonts are terrible
I gotto say some of you guys spamming Hillarys twitter aren't that subtle.
meme from today, pity the template has been used a million times, but text is strong
I am sorry I messed up your OP posting.
Did not know you had more to come.
To TemplateBro.
This is the best I have seen from you. 10/10 - will definitely use.
I didn't make these. but they are severely underrated
>what the fuck
impressive no?
fuck that shit, it's war nigger. No offense
So how many followers have you gathered this far? How many people you reaching?
I'm at 274
no worries senpai. Nice template indeed. Need wayyyy more. See this meme:
Imagine a diff template and it's gold. My text
I'm dat halftone leaf
gr8. im at 250
yea that one really worked out eh, I'll be throwing down until election no worries, I'll do some more on black backgrounds, because yea that is one of my favs too. What. a. fucking. cunt.
>I'll be throwing down until election no worries
Sensational. We need more, much more, so many potential attack ads but effectivenes is lost when it's always the same templates. Big accts wont post anymore like "been there done that"
I just use liquify in photopoop to subtly adjust eyebrows, lips, cheek lines, eye lines, etc. Works gud enough I find
you guys did make a video comparing comey's report and hillary's lies right?
senpai, the amount of things we could/should be doing is staggering. Swissbro is working on Lynch hearing video but aside form that, no other video plans that i know of
Yes, evil smile is good.
Tell your waifu to post this if she did not do already.
Was it also TemplateShaman who changed the faces of Shillary and Berncuck in a subtle way to seem more evil and goofy?
That was also great, do more of those - 10/10 on the Bezmenov scale.
well it works out great for me, I do the parts other than the template at work all day, it's pure joy to come home and warp HIlldawgs face with the faggot Jew behind her.
The wall will be fucking glorious!!!!!!!!
More than 410 now.
Have something I did for fun.
Also, should I be using or gimp?
Can someone modify the hashtag at the bottom of the op image?
if one were to try and acquire photoshop 7, it would not be difficult, or over 200 mb. yes, two hundred megabytes.
modify to what? just remove it?
cool stuff you're posting senpai. saved
great thx
Forgot about a bunch of gifs I made a couple months ago, might aswell dump
to say Oathbusters if the font matches otherwise removal is an option.
Tried making an account again but failed.
It walways asks for my phone number.
Good one.
Have you seen the CNN one?
I hope Trump will talk about that.
Either way, we will surely spam it.
Will make a better version, I just quickly cropped out the rectangles from your picture.
Good ones.
So, gimp then? It more similar to photoshop and it's also free.
You didn't like the "It pays to play the Clinton Game" part? How about "Favor for a Favor" ?
rare for me, actual content in this one
better font
I like it, it was a purely stylistical choice to leave it out. Also I want to try putting #NeverHillary into pictures, so they see it even more.
Is this what you meant?
>#NeverHillary into pictures
absolutely essential. That's our main htag after all
really makes u think
>pic related
forgot to black out some info there fampai
I am a #BernMissile now.
Your account will look as a spambot account and it will be very obvious if you don't do these:
- Don't be comical. Get a name that is not suspicious. The whole operation is about getting lost in the noise, just being a normal negro/Bernfag. You don't have to overdo it or be funny i.e. no: Shani'qua Jones, La-a (Ladasha), Tommy McCuckson, Byrd Schydt and such.
- Before starting to spam our memes, make sure you have a profile picture and a header. Get a profile picture from /soc/ or from a random facebook profile as they are not backtracable/imagesearchable like if you would get it from instagram or google or some news-sites. Header picture should be something relevant. E.g. If you are parading as a negro, use BLM/Black Panthers headers. If you are a Bernfag, use some Bernie picture or even some Communist propaganda.
- You still can't start the spamming, because you have to follow some people and make them follow you.
- Since we have got a heated situation (Racewar, Hillary) you can have a 3:1 Political:Non-political ratio in tweets. In normal situation, keep these around 1:1. Post personal drama, food photos, and anything else normies usually do.
- Be subtle, and remember the main law: EMOTION IS THE HOOK, FACTS ARE THE SIDE DISH
- From my experience, the dumber and the worse (in quality, and in amount of strawman) a meme is, the better it flies. Don't think as if our victims were just like us. They can't think. They are üntermensch living on an animal like level. That's why have to hit their feelings, mainly their fear reactions hard as we can.
- Don't post anything pro-Trump - we are anti-Hillary and pro-Bernie. You can talk a bit about Trump in negative light, but your focus is on uncovering Hillary's dirt for the Bernsters and the negros.
I think we got a winner here
now a #berningman
treat the bottom black bar as a rectangle, and center the bottom text vertically to that rectangle. (nudge it down a bit yo)
Is this too much? Also op your name is gay af lol.
>bottom text
the #NeverHillary or the "favor for a favor"? cause if its the former, magyar bro will have to do it, I only added the latter
>Is this too much? Also op your name is gay af lol.
I think you forgot to post something. and what name? hope you're not referring to my handle, in which case never mention yours or anyone elses here pl0x
Hillary Clinton
She is a racist, 1%, corrupted woman who is part of the Clinton mafia, panders to feminists when her husband raped several women and was a VIP member on the Lolita Express of Epstein and she laughed about the raping of a 12 year old girl. Use Obongo's quotes: "She will say anything". Use up all the things she has said in the past that she has "changed her opinion on". Talk abou her having a disgusting, smug personality and dirty mouth - quote from the books about her "Filthy kikes" etc.
Bernie Sanders
You and everyone else believed in him, he was a messiah. And now he betrayed us! He became part of the corrupt establishment and sided with Hillary - the woman he was preaching against all this time. Stress how he is a traitor for "our" cause. If some Bernfags start shilling for Hillary, attack them and call them out on how Hillary is everything that Bernie was against and just because he endorsed him does not mean you must vote for her. Instead, Jill Stein is the new messiah. Stress how you are a proud intellectual and you will not vote for anyone else because it is a question of sticking to your ideals.
Ready to be posted.
>You and everyone else believed in him, he was a messiah.
My family says this about every democratic nominee "They think Obama is the messiah". This is how conservative christians think, not liberals. This a christian projecting their own faith and superstition on others to win an argument.
Good idea but bad text.
Maybe Moose can negrify it but I think this is good as it is for Bern victims.
Notice "traitor by endorsing Hillary".
I mean the color. What's a handle?
/cfg/ research division here, we have uncovered BLM Soros connections. On mobile, can't post link but always feel free to stop by and ask questions in the threads. Make sure to state you're from meme ops.
twitter ID, thought you knew it and was referring to that. no worries
I don't have a nignog account so I can't blend in but can't I drop Soros' name in BLM related shit I'm critical of or should I leave it alone?
Dat a boy
I once made this dank meme
Quality pretty poor I guess.
>Quality pretty poor I guess.
you guess right. But it's ok, just make a new one senpai
It is better if we build it up and it looks legit at the beginning.
don't fucking use account names