GOP Convention 2016 Cleveland

Will we finally get our habidding in Cleveland?

Will the Black Panthers and White Nationalists have a shootout with the police in the middle?

pls say yes


>none of them are accompanied by a female
>if any of them have gfs or wives, they are certainly at home getting BLACKED

what a time to be alive

Yes. Kek has willed it.

There's a murder every day here on the east side. I'm not going anywhere near Cleveland when the convention is near.
Shit is definitely going to go down. Luckily 25min south east nets you in redneck country so it'll be a good place to hide out.

I've never been in a situation where this row of white guys is even possible.

>all those fucking white males
Triggered delet this goy!

I dont know a stereotypical name for your shit culture/race, you should kys though.

He's an imposter of Canada. So call him ripoff leaf or something. I'm sick of him.

>police in the middle

Yeah white nationalists HATE law enforcement, I forgot.