
The values and lifestyle look nice but their religious beliefs seem nuts.
What does Sup Forums think about mormonism?

Cool underwear.

a lot of them are islanders and they are friendly

I'm in SLC now for work. I can't get over how nice Mormons are. They seem pretty successful too.

I'm not spiritual at all, but I'm wondering if I should just pretend and convert just for networking purposes.

I think Mormonism is by far the most bullshit form of Christianity; it's just fucking ridiculous. However, i can't help but admit that Mormons are a really good people; they're just really nice. I've never met a Mormon that i didn't like.

>I'm not spiritual at all, but I'm wondering if I should just pretend and convert just for networking purposes.

Having this thought too, but have no idea how popular it is around where i live

>their religious beliefs seem nuts
All religious beliefs are nuts.
My wife was raised FLDS. Her dad has three wives and a great farm.

They seem like they'd be good neighbors. All the Mormons in high school were a little weird, but generally very nice people.

Mormon here. In the book of John it says pray to God for knowledge and it will be given to him. The book of Moroni asks to ask god if it's words are true. Find out yourself

>All the Mormons in high school were a little weird, but generally very nice people.
This. Mormons I've met are a little bit weird (not sure how), but they were always bro-tier. I had a Mormon friend in history class who would always help me complete my lecture notes (I have autism and ADHD, so i have a hard time taking notes fast enough); that guy did a lot of awesome favors for me that made my school life much easier. From personal experience, I must say that Mormons are good neighbors.

Two faced,back stabbing people.
Very secretive.
Anybody older than 10 knows that their religion is a cult created by a charlatan who used religion to molest underaged girls with the community's consent.

>South Park memes

get out of here, redditfag.

They're better than Scientologists.

>implying Sup Forums hasn't been using South Park memes for years.

This. Mormons may have a weird theology, but Scientologists are out of their mind. At least Mormons tend to be nice people.

>what happened in the 1800's invalidates a religion today

A friend told me that the whole "nice mormon family" appearance was all a charade and they're just told to act nice even if they're miserable. Can anyone confirm this?

Its more common in Salt Lake City. Utah mormons get the brunt of it, but most LDS outside of Utah have better family lives.

It wasn't something that happened WITHIN a religion.
Its what CREATED the religion.
So a lie magically becomes truth over time?

I like it, I am a mormon polygamist (not a member of the Salt Lake Church). It very practical faith.

I think it's recent enough to be seen as false pretty easily, but that it has great social affects. I'm an ex-mormon, and I often regret all of the social and community elements I left behind. Nice religion, nice people, not true.