Is black lives matter hurting or helping Trump?
Is black lives matter hurting or helping Trump?
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People need to go to work right now and scrape up every cent they can.
When these assholes block highways, it's an massive inconvenience. No one can say what they hope to accomplish.
By the way, Ralph Bashki predicted this shit back in the 70s.
its showing whites that everything the racists say is true so helping
i dont see how they could hurt him
It's redpilling a lot of white Democrats.
Helping because everyone is sick of these faggot fucks
The election is in November
By then black lives matter is gonna do something stupid. Even more than the dallas shooting.
it WILL get that bad.
By the time Trump's name is to be called, i doubt a lot of people would be on their side anymore.
Helping. I talked to an old friend from college today. He was one of the most liberal people I've ever known. And he was bitching about BLM.
The Latino people that live down stairs were bitching about it earlier in the week. And the liberal, hipster potheads that live across the street even said, "dude, this doesn't seem like a big enough issue for all of this"
helping trump but hurting the country.
Do you think they'll do something at a 9/11 memorial service at the WTC?
That would end the movement right there.
As a latino dude, totally agree. I wish I could see these end, although they make for great habbenings. I don't want Shillary, but Trump-desu isn't helping my case either :(
Or if they try to protest onto a military base. That would be interesting.
First post, best post.
Would not put it past them.
Are you here illegally?
BLM is turning liberal whites into literal race traitors and on the fence whites into diehard racists.
It can only help trump. The people who didn't like trump to begin with are the same ones who would follow BLM into hell because MUST SIGNAL VIRTUE!
Every time some dumb unemployed nigs block a highway and people can't get to work they are sitting in their car thinking "fucking niggers, I'm voting Trump"
By the way what is it with nigs and walking in the street? Do their parents not teach them or what
Doubt theyd do something to the WTC memorial, but they'll be on full fucking defcon 1 chimpout that's for sure.
>By the way what is it with nigs and walking in the street?
If you've ever lived anywhere with a high black population you'll find they just don't give a fuck about anyone or anything to be honest.
They block sidewalks, they talk during movies, they walk on the road, they'll honk their horns at 3 am right outside your apartments. They just don't give one single fuck about anyone else.
No, but my parents are. I hate to sound like a dindu, but they're good people. Hell, we dont even have health care, dental, welfare, etc. We havent taken a cent from the government. But I can see what he means. Like when I see dirty spics in gangs with dindus, or stealin, or on welfare. makes me /mad/.
No effect. Nothing is going to damage or help him (or Hillary for that matter) at this point in the election. Everyone already has a solidified opinion of the candidates one way or the other.
I believe that if the election were held today, it's results would be within 0.33% of what they will look like in November.
Laws are only suggestion to blacks expect when they are being applied to other people.
I think they're being bankrolled by Beyonce as part of her "Formation" tour. That's why the protests are global.
you have to go back pablo
They dindu nuffin
Rules do not apply for the reason their ancestors were slaves and relatives were around for jim crow despite younger ones not being around.
I can confirm this, living next to niggers.
Make your parents file for citizenship using you to expedite the process.
>Ralph Bashki predicted this shit back in the 70s.
Shit like this has been happening long before the 70s.
Riots are just a part of society.
Which means you are an anchor baby and not a legal citizen. Since your parents were not here legally that means they were not under the jurisdiction of the US, and that means your 'citizenship' is invalid.
Over the wall with you, maybe if you don't make us chase you down and shoot members of your enormous family we can work out w way for you to come back over once you outlaws remember why you left the shit hole of Mexico in the first place.
the more black lives matter shows their true colors, the more the law and order candidate gains from it.
That's the most accurate thing I've read on here in a while and main reason I moved.
I like culture and diversity. Too much of one thing is boring. But blacks in general are just assholes. From the loud music to the shouting to getting cut off and glared at, it just grinds you down after a while.
Protip: BLM is a government created group simply used to achieve Marshal Law. The rest are useful idiots.
Bet you guys believe ISIS popped up on their own, too.
This, the BLM people are way stupider than you'd even think. Like, WAY stupider. It's only a matter of time before they go full retard.
And with that I'm moving to spotify
No one who is sympathetic to BLM would have voted for Trump anyways. It is turning off a lot of Democrats: white ones, hispanic ones, asian ones, even some black ones. Is it turning people towards Trump? In an election getting someone not to vote is half as good as getting them to vote for you. So, yes, it is helping.
Trump supporters would be better served convincing Bernie supporters and other Democrats to not vote. Instead of sharing memes made by Trump supporters, as the election draws near you need to bombard Facebook and social media with the same memes Bernie supporters made months back. That would be more effective.
Can one of you post a reasonable argument against BLM. I wanna post it on ZuckerBook to piss people off.
you might also consider that Samsung has given millions to Beyonce and Jay-Z over the years.
Fuck, is there any option left? Tidal is cucked, Spotify is cucked, Google is cucked, Apple is cucked.
martial law*
It is a well funded organization, but the organizers really don't have great control over the protesters. Things will get out of hand.
Why not spotify, leaf?
Torrents: uncucked
Yup, sorry, I`m tired as hell.
anyone else get the feeling liberals secretly approve of that nigger killing cops?
Everytime BLM bullshit goes and protest he goes up.
Don't jinx it.
Yeah but I have unlimited data and like being able to browse new music without having to download it and store it on my phone. 64gb is surprisingly few 320+kbps albums
One lib at work said, "well you it's not like it wasn't coming." I cringed and had to hold back in case he called be racist to get me fired.
It could be a means to try and motivate minorities to vote and give reasons for gun control.
I assumed the guy who replied to me was implying Samsung owned Spotify
Helping. Every news bit I hear about chimp blocking traffic or attacking random cops the more I consider a vote for trump
Good luck, would like to see them try langley, nellis or whiteman, please do it.
Nignogs don't have fathers.
Exactly fucking this.
Why do you think no liberal affirmative action movement or anything is every lead by actual black people. It's only the white guilt fucks who have never interacted with an actual black person in their life who spearhead all of this crap because they don't understand the simple reality that blacks in low income areas who've always grown up around this simply DON'T CARE WORTH A SHIT
i'm a provocateur at local BLM demonstrations. because i have tattoos and wear a bandana over my face, they think i'm one of them.
feels good to start shit and watch some stupid nigger eat shit when a cop slams him on the pavement.
Next time, get a phone with an SD card I guess.
Maybe iheartradio, I dunno. Pandora? I don't follow this shit closely
I guess you can stay faggot. Only if your mom makes us some tacos.
BLM thuggery occurs - law and order disrupted - people pissed/scared - who is the law and order candidate that can fix this - 45th POTUS donald trump
And subject to the jurisdiction thereof,
Oh hey illegals are not under the jurisdiction of the US so neither are their kids! Not that it matters, all spics and blacks will be removed from the US soil one way or another.
I have a Nexus 6p, great phone but no SD slot. Buying phones off contract sucks here but I pay ~$25 a month less than I would if I took a new contract
>shows their true colors
>listening to rap
Both, but they cancel each other out.
I have white friends who are for and against them. Also had a random friend request from a mutual friend who is part of the movement in San Francisco.
>mfw the friend blocked/deleted me or maybe it's just a glitch ever since I made a post about hating ANTIFA
>denied the request from the BLM girl
Oh, but because I went to one fucking bar partying hard they thought I wanted to be a part of their bullshit.
It's helping but not as much as his trips to California where Mexicans come out to burn American flags. That's incredibly rage inducing and he should get more of it.
Tidal has nothing to do with rap aside from the owners, they have pretty much the same library as Spotify. I mostly listen to post-rock and a bit of punk these days, the only rap I really listen to anymore is Eminem and really shit tier rap like Juicy J while working out.
And it's not just the Mexicans. Half the protesters are white Antifa members from San Jose, Oakland, and San Francisco.
shill nigger
They are super helping trump
Can someone explain this to me? I've been told that BLM doesn't have a central leadership. Much like Anonymous, anyone can take action under the name of Black Lives Matter. If this is true, how can Beyonce and Jay-Z donate to BLM? You can't donate to Anonymous, right?
You liked the video so much, you posted it twice.
This. There is nothing truer.
There is a central movement, but there's also hubs with minor leaders. One just got arrested last week or less.
The end part sums it up pretty well.
Actually, this is partially incorrect. Although affirmative action pushers such as HR managers are typically white rockabilly femicunts, my manager at work is a black afrocentrist and hates white males. She puts us to work while the others get light shifts and nice day hours.
>4 maybe 5 lesbians (two of them are young short-haired dykes)
>One gay
>4 gooks
>5 blacks
>5 hispanics (one including the assistant manager)
>Rest are white women
And the white men? Dirty work, more cart pushing, later hours, maintenance, cleaning, unloading, etc. We may get more hours, but it's more work on our backs and being taken advantage of. I regret working hard to impress the management. We're just taken advantage of.
its helping. because even with peaceful intentions, every event they throw gets railroaded by rejects and the whole thing goes to pot. its like a bbq in the park. blacks can get together in groups over 20 without some fucker pulling out a gun or some other colossal fuckup. keep on protesting and trump will win in november.
are you kidding?
these black shits matter assholes are helping trump:
>blocking roads prevents hard working honest people (in other words, white people) from getting to their workplaces or resting at home. conclusion: THOSE FUCKING NIGGERS...
>more and more Soros and wallstreet funding is showing up and people are starting to wise up in who gives these people money? dont they have jobs? how do they eat? who pays their bills? so they get comfy lives while I have to work like a mule? conclusion: THOSE FUCKING NIGGERS...
>all their shouting and chimpening accomplishes absolutely nothing because they clearly have no goal at fucking all. nobody, NO FUCKING BODY can say in one concrete objective sentence what they actually want. their "goals" are always stated in vague, ambiguous, hopeful and hateful ways, conclusion: THOSE FUCKING NIGGERS
and they will vote trump
We must meme this into existence
Savage. Just like the rest of that science forsaken fucking country
Well they're going to mobilize the black anti trump vote obviously. But will they be enough to counter the amount of Trump support drummed up by the Dallas shooter?
>Blacks rioting has to be predicted
It has always happened and probably always will
Did enjoy the clip though, where can I watch the full film?
You missed the "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof" clause. If parents have allegiance to a foreign power (an example would be... hmmm... say, Mexico or China or any Muslim country ever), the child would be subject to that country. The 14th amendment was for, and only for, the repatriation of emancipated slaves who would swear allegiance to the USA and no other power.
You should help your White coworkers to find different jobs. Let your manager get fired. If they treat you like shit, try to find another job. Fuck'em.
helping immensely. the leftist insanity we see run rampant online represents maybe 1/3 of the country, most ppl still have common sense
Can you guys stop saying stuff like this? Some of us Trump voters are colored you know? We want the illegals out just as much as you, but just the illegals.
>That video
They even predicted it down to the sniper...what the fuck..
I live and work in Baltimore and it's this times x 100. Shit never stops. Can't wait to finally move out of here.
this is good.
Im working on that now. I'd be happy even working some shitty job at the mall like Hot Topic or Starbucks where I can at least have normal daytime shifts and an AC unit running. I'm sick of frying out in the sun sweating then coming back inside to help smelling and looking like garbage.
The sad thing is, one of the white co workers is an old cunt who's constantly pulling me to help her at the registers while I'm in the middle of other shit. She always monitors me like a guard. The rest aren't always around. One white guy who's a low-level manager is bro-tier, but he has money from this place. The other is a hard worker as well, but he's rarely on the same shifts as I am. Same goes for this one other guy in my position. It's like they split us up deliberately.
When I do leave, however, I'm going to help the other whites. They all hate the manager, even the others who are non-white still hate her black ass. She can't get fired, though. She's head manager and there's no proof of her being racist.
>Black guy quit a couple weeks ago
>Replaced by another identical one
Well they fucked up big time in my estimation. Let me pontificate. I have traditionally voted third party because that way I can say I voted and I'm not responsible for whatever current shitshow is going on. After the bullshit at the Trump rally in San Jose, it no longer seems like a war of ideologies, but a low level race war and I'm voting for the white guy who wants to punch someone in the face.
Ha. Latino countries are shit-tier so I don't blame you for your family not wanting to go back to Central/South America. But if your folks are not trouble makers then Id say you could stay.
You want to stay? Then you need to organize a counter BLM group, and you need to smash them.
Talking on the internet does not cut it now; you are like those #notallmuslims who claim to be moderate but then do NOTHING to solve to problem. White people only have overwhelming force on the table. We can't fix the Black community from the outside, only smash it flat and let those who survive try again with a huge 'don't do this shit again' sign on the wall.
So you better fix your shit like yesterday or you are going on the boat or in the ground very soon.
>Replaced by another identical one
Are you saying that they all look alike?
I fucking hate Beyonce.
They won him the election
I'm doing my part by voting for Trump. I do not have time to protest as I am busy being a productive member of society.