How is it possible to be this retarded?
How is it possible to be this retarded?
It's just denial user. Next will be vehement anger.
mental gymnastics and people watching too much tv when being a little child causing them to believe the real world works just like a Disney tv show
Holy fuck. This delusion.
>I am running for President
>However, I endorse somebody else for President
>Please vote for her
>I am running for President
I heard you guys were still giving donations...
So could I get a few dollars.
Seriously, if you can donate money to a candidate who endorsed Hillary, surely you can spare a few bucks.
whats gonna make the hill-shills vote for the old kike now if they couldve just done it before?
Sounds like what Cruz and Kasich did.
>hey lets work together you get state A I get state B
>tells people in both states to vote for them.
I bet he's still taking donations though.
just keep donating goyim
That could be fun.
Please say no one actually did this for his campaign?
Surely not even plebbit is that out of touch with reality and consequences of actions.
don't worry he's gonna evenly distribute the donations amongst all of his donaters
>in touch with reality
pick one
>Surely not even plebbit is that out of touch with reality and consequences of actions.
He's just trying to steal more money
These people are NUTS
He's waiting for that hillary indictment. Honestly I'm glad he's staying because imagine the shitshow if Bernie left and hillary went to jail. A trump vs Sanders election would be more fair anyway
>leafposting this hard
I said literally nothing incorrect. Kys my man
>hilary chooses bernie as VP to get bernbot votes
>hilary gets convicted
>bernie becomes presidente
>tfw bernie pardons her
Fuckin hell.
These people deserve the pain that's coming their way.
I feel for you lads, people stupid enough to go into debt for a political candidate need to be quarenteened and prevented from breeding.
>hilary gets convicted
and here is where your plan fails plebbit
He already lost the FBI primary.
If you endorse your opponent, you win.
>Really, super autismo kid I knew from tech training in highschool
>Has campaigned for "legal weed" in our state multiple times
>Has been shouting non-stop about how amazing bernie is since he started running
>Sanders endorses Clinton
>His relationship status went to "Open" with his """girlfriend"""
I didn't think the cuck meme was real.
literally made me laugh out loud lads. jesus christ
Perfect post
he's senile, not retarded
Sarcasm. The whole post is sarcasm. Also fuck you you stupid brit.
Sanders is using Jewish trickery perhaps
>secret 6th stage
top kek
There's no way that someone could be this delusional. They've got to be trolling.
I hope these retards remember that he said he was going to make sure he does everything he can to get Hillary to be president before they donate hundreds of dollars. These "people" are dangerously stupid and are allowed to vote.
I dunno man, ask trump supporters.
>A trump vs Sanders election would be more fair anyway
And it would be happening if the American voters had their way.
pay denbts
This is what religious fanaticism looks like. These fags are zealots, make no mistake. Their religion is progressivism and their savior is Bernie.
If they could vote Bernie into a dictator-for-life position or some sort of authoritarian government, most would.
I'm not even joking.
"He said he has a plan."
Yeah to take some of that sweet donation money and retire.
What I don't understand is why are bernfags so vehemently anti-hillary. They're both faggots who are pushing literailly the same shit