what pokemons can you find in Auschwitz?
What pokemons can you find in Auschwitz?
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Koffing of course
All shitposting aside, what kind of disrespectful cretin pull their phone out at the site of the greatest tragedy known to human history
Mr Mime
Good goy.
G I wonder why
I'll take "Cameras" for $400 Alex
If people had smartphones in 1943, the jews would have walked themselves into the auschwitz and climbed into the ovens looking for Moltres
Kek i bet people would be playing in Nagasaki or Hiroshima if it was released in japan.
Bareheaded Cubones
Why wouldnt they? Those cities have been rebuilt
Rattata and its evolution
Nosepass and Probopass
Any Pokémon that knows Poison Gas
It was a tragedy that so many Jews were in one spot and weren't gassed
Makes me wonder what's in the forest around Chernobyl.
not be an edgelord or anything, but I'd do it anyway. fuck em
>the greatest tragedy known to human history
I found Koffing ofc
Fun fact: Pokemon was not created by Nintendo.
Pokemon was created by the Jewish elite to destroy the Christian faith. They are pushing the theory of evolution on unsuspecting children who do not know any better!
Muk right by the elephant's foot
rats lots and lots of rats
Jews are successfully shilling the holohoax and jewkémon go at the same time. Bravo, Jewry.
No it's about normalizing anime so they can turn everyone into 2Dsexuals. Also data collection.
Remember them all goyim
>holocaust museums on countries where it never happened
That always pissed me off
What's that picture from? They all look like 1970s New Yorkers.
Rattata and it's evolution meowth
>greatest tragedy
Looks like I wasn't too far off. It's a 1981 British nazi fantasy camp where guests get treated like POWs.
All kinds of ghost pokemon.
All I know is my neighborhood has gone to shit since Team Valor moved in...
>the greatest tragedy known to human history
>implying anything happened there
No, Auschwitz.
Dunno where you're talking about mate.
>tfw I only played red as a kid
>tfw I finished platinum only recently
>got an entire collection of games until the recent ruby/sapphire renake for the 3ds, but cant find the time to play them
>all of a sudden everybody is playing this cool new pokemon game on their phones
I feel so old, yet so young at the same time
the pokemon with a shekel on its head lol
It's never happend, goy.
>All shitposting aside
look buddy, i'm on your side, but you should know by this point that Sup Forums has no idea what the above means.
Why is it only the JEW musuem gets upset by this? Why arent the war museums, asian, native american centers etc getting mad?
Did you like Platinum?
now this is trolling.
I last played pokemon on the game boy color I got as a kid, there was so much nee shit introduced it blew my mind. its gonna be weird downgrading when I finally get to play the gba games
because jews have inferiority syndrome, low self esteem, and are still butthurt about being literally the most hated group of people on the planet. they get mad about everything
>greatest tragedy known to human history
Oh, boohooo, you call that the greatest tragedy in human history? Not the A-bombs getting dropped on hiroshima and Nagazaki? Not the incident at Fukushima? Not chernobyl?
Seriously? 6 million kikes get killed and you want us to feel pity for them? The americans killed over 200 million natives in a long genocidal campaign that spanned from one coast opf north america to the other, literally bringing the natives to near extinction! That is over 3 times the total number of casualties of WW2, which was about 60million!
Why do you think jewish lives matter more than native american lives?
I kek'd
You're right.
He had them all there and he fucking let them go.
God damn it.
never FORGET
No fucking way.
Good to know the White House is in good hands.
Best Goy 2016
Nazis didn't have sideburns and they didn't wear aviators.
10/10 bait
So now the Puerto Ricans want to be both White and American. 51st state when?
Plenty of them, I guess.
>who has there phones out at the site of the greatest tragedy this century
I don't think anyone would play it at Dresden.
greatest tragedy known to human historytm
German = Nigger
going to my family in poland in 2 weeks time
maybe i should pop in to get some koffings
Wow, fucking brilliant
The real question is, what pokemon can you find at Chernobyl?
Is it fucking worth it?
Nobody feels sorry for a bully who pick up a fight against bigger bullies and ends up getting a bloody nose.
>25 replies
since when was this board filled with fucking retards?
why dont you find out?
there are tours into chernobyl
Nice bait
That shadow on haunter's head almost looks like a yarmulke.
Are you saying Auschwitz should be rebuilt?
Why do we like the yellow dudes again
Get some electrodes
I think this adds to the pokemon go conspiracy right guys? Only holocaust sites are getting triggered, really makes you wonder...
nice reading comprehension
It really didn't happen. Its not even funny if you think it did.
gen1? Likely just ghosts, and muk/grimer, few rats and birds flying through.
Fuck, I wish Pokémon Go was created when I visited Auschwitz in Poland. I wonder what I would have found in the camp, the barracks, gas chambers, and the railroad tracks.
Definitely not this one
>"This isn't the first time somebody came here saying 'gotta catch 'em all'"
let me guess, surfing and posting on goodgoyimbook the whole time your there is just fine.
Pokemon 731 of course.
Oven Rotom