A new dawn of Kino is here
Come together
What Xbox game is this?
>Dad still in prison
Rverse Flash is out there somewhere..
so good
So, now quips are kino?
it's ok when dc does it
Why is everything blue?
H-he's fast!
I bet its because Zack thinks yellow is too bright and not serious enough.
is the flash tv series good?
>DC outquipping Marlel
>doing it better too
Fucking lol
it's like smallville
the arrow collabs are lows though
i watched the first two seasons and some of season 3 and it's awful
like really bad
Awful but more fun than Iron Fist, which is also awful
Autists will hate it.
Normal people who like cool shows will like it.
DC does One Liners not Quips
It's fun. Season 1 is capekino.
Season 2 and season 3 so far are more hit and miss.
he's a fast guy for me
Looks like iron man's suit tbhf. Especially from the back.
Season 1 is kino
The rest is still kinda fun except for some gigantic missteps that really anger me.
No. The CW stuff takes SJW rhetoric to levels I previously thought no studio would dare. It's embarrassing.
more like cum together tbhfamalamalamalam
"Supergirl" is pretty SJW-friendly but "The Flash" isn't.
>Barry Allen
>not Wally West
Blue lighting means he's more connected to the speed force.
Isn't his dad a nigger? Didn't they just do a musical episode where a character has two dads?
Daily reminder this was in PG-13 version of the movie. ON BIG, HUGE SCREEN.