We're just anti-trump here because if he wins all your cucks are gonna run up here to hide.
We're just anti-trump here because if he wins all your cucks are gonna run up here to hide
They threaten this every single election cycle and I've yet to see it happen, especially the cancerous Hollywood fags. They'll never leave their cozy areas where they can wallow in their decadence and excess, and none of the people bitching and whining about Trump have a real education, degree or work experience good enough to qualify for a visa.
How come they never head south to Tacoland?
nice try leaf
They won't leave. They never leave.
Tacoland outside of Tacoland city, is uncucked as far as feminism, fags, etc.
I would like it to remain that way.
Can't Mexicans go live in Canada now? No visa required for entry? LOL, Canada will become Mexico 2. All Weedman's fault.
Visa aint a green card. It's just useful to seasonal workers and tourists
No they're not shut up
The vast majority of Liberals have nowhere near the qualifications to immigrate here legally
They'll have to get residence in some shithole third world country before we can take them on as refugees
Pedestrian overpass to Canada! That way the Mexicans walk over us—
It won't make a difference
>Canada is one person
Honestly, if Trump wins, I may try to move down to the US. It's better than our unqualified meme PM in the current year
They'll apply for asylum and get in.
Or a highway. No, that'll never happen.
>They threaten this every single election cycle and I've yet to see it happen
We've had some influx after Bush's second mandate. But even though running from Bush's disasters was kinda justified they'll come in even greater number this time. Trump is litteraly Hitler to them.
I'm coming temporarily. Till I get everything together for citizenship to Iceland or new Zealand.
I've come to the conclusion that they might be the least likely to get nuked.
only the faggots
>Thinking Americans (or mexicans now) need visas
China will get there. They won't let these two Islands just sitting there and you can bet your ass your precious Kwanzania won't move a finger when they do it.
If there was a real war right now, the United States of Kwan would lose.
Most Canadians are smug dullards who get off on moral posturing for the sake of vanity.
get the fuck out kike. We've had two terms with harper, the Americans had to terms with bush. We're gonna have two terms with a cuck, Americans had two terms with a nigger.
The same cycle is affecting all the west. I can't stand you self hating kike-chinks that speak with our flag like you got the right to express yourselves in our name.
Nah they're too lazy. They will just end up complaining for 8 years. Yes that's right im predicting a 2 term Trump.