If America is so powerful, why haven't you colonized this planet?
Moon colonization
The Nazis control it
Mexican intellectuals
>thinks humans landed on the moon
With what purpose?
The moon isn't a planet, my silly bean-eating friend.
A) it's not a planet
B) the are no resources to harvest
C) there's no river for you to cross
because America's shuttles break and blow up
A. Aliens are already on it and won't let us
B. We secretly already have one
C. Nazis are on it
D. All of the above
this, USA got their ass handed to them in Antarctica AND the moon. Had to bail both times.
>What is Helium-3
Because mars is 100 times more viable and NASA sucks dick doing other shit for government contracts
Newt's on it.
Why do Mexican "people" think they can talk down to civilized counties where in Mexico acting like a primate is the only way to survive. Mexican chimps need to GTFO and the walls getting 10 feet higher
Helium-3 isn't even worth a damn. It's basically a meme.
With VP Newt we'll be starting soon!
Colonizing the moon is a waste of time
This. When talking about space travel distance is relative to planning. Mars is so much better in so many ways it's stupid to think the moon is good for anything yet.
U need to get the 10ft of bull dick out of your wifes pussy
>he thinks there are planets outside of the earth + moon
maybe once you get a nuke strong enough to blow up the firmament... until then...
>Mexican intellectual
>implying venus is the better options the long run
Fuck off flat earth retard. Take a flight and look out a window.
I have, looks flat.
Look up operation FISHBOWL. Interesting name huh?
>floating habitats
No, this is literally the stupidest idea yet. If we can't have a base on mars there is 0 chance of floating habitats.
You are required to be 18+ on this site miguel
>There are mexican Sup Forums posters on wizchan.
The moon doesn't have any oil.
Niggers keeps losing us down.
Worth a lot of money once we have a fusion reactor. I give it 30 years.
And why would we do that?
You mean 20, right? It's always gonna be 20.
1 its not a planet
2 there is a international agreement that no nation can colonize the moon or own property on the moon and none will ever make a base on the moon
this is because of the cold war.it could be used to spy or launch a nuke from. any attempt to colonize or build a base is seen as a act of aggression and can be met with nuclear force as a deterrent
>Mexican intellectual
Because we'd rather go to Mars instead
...The high altitude nuclear tests?...
Why would that have anything to do with flat Earth
DEAD Please go.
Department for Extrasolar Aerospace and Defense.
I know your game.
>What are Moon Pies?
>not choco pies
Never change mexico.