What is the best gun for defending your family from a mob of rioting niggers?

What is the best gun for defending your family from a mob of rioting niggers?

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one that is bolted down to the ground so they cant steal it


evacuating to somewhere safer

pump shotgun





A policeman's gun

Punji traps, concertina wire, IED mines

If all else fails use napalm

makes my stomach turn looking at that mentally ill faggot. why do you dog eating gooks even come on Sup Forums?

Chainsaw,if you got the fame of being crazy,literally nobody will try to invade a house with a psycho chainsaw owner.

12 gauge pump action

Any semi-automatic weapon of reasonable magazine size and caliber.
Probably an FN Fal, the weight of the weapon and its ammunition wont cause you any problems because you are sat on the roof of your home and dont need to carry it anywhere

Whoa calm down you dumb idiot.

a magazine to load your magazine.
why not just load the first magazine?

>blacks are rational

it's 5 minutes away, kiwi.
the correct answer to "what is the best gun to dfened yourself with?" is "the one you have on you"

fully automatic love and respect

job application launcher


m1 browning with unlimited ammo

maybe the plastic mag can be opened like with a little door so you load several bullets at the same time? idk

i think it's supposed to be a small rail gun?




Haven't we bombed u enough?

Liberals have proposed common sense gun control measures that would remove guns from the hands of the mentally ill.

Show them this.

Caseless ammunition. The G11 was kind of a prototype, the whole casing was meant to burn off


Fires caseless ammunition

Also lol @ railgun.

>Multiple Super Aegis 2 with a mix machine gun turret and surface to air missile options.

We've had this thread several times.
The general consesus is that the ar-15 is the best for you burgers because of ammo availability if shtf.

If it's a mob, you don't want a gun. You want lots of battery acid in glass bottles. Better spread, and people are a lot less willing to get melted and burned than shot.

>kraut space magic


Pic related would be like the pipe bomb in left 4 dead

>What is the best gun for defending your family from a mob of rioting niggers?

A printer printing job applications.

KFC barrels, or watermelons, spiked with sedatives/poison

Will our simple human minds ever be able to understand the mechanics behind this thing?

a bucket of kfc and some freshly sliced watermelon

Job application

>Everyone is on Sup Forums 24/7

I sleep sometimes.

Didn't the US buy the plans? Figure them out, we need some of those to finish our Gundam. Laser weapons will also do

bunch of gears and twisty things

the best gun? probably a mosberg 500 with 00buckshot or #9 dust for just fucking them up and letting loose hell.

best weapon? flamethrower or Molotov cocktails. the primate mind hates fire on an instinctual basis.

A job application launcher.


The natural enemy of gorillas, the leopard

What would make the biggest mess?

A shield of niglets trained to say daddy while holding their arms out.

#9 1oz high brass.

i would rather have sex with a chainsaw than get shot by that.

>It had to be in brazil.

I just don't know what to say anymore.

12 gauge pump with buckshot.

Saiga 12, with 00 or #4 buck.

For backup, bar of soap and some deodorant, blacks hate that stuff.

Since gun control is strict as shit here, I've heard a good solution to deter gypsy mobs was shotguns with shells filled with rock salt. Can anybody confirm if this is really a thing?

>implying the gun matters
>the man behind the gun is what matters

one ace shot behind any gun and youre fine

Tight pants tight groupings

Available from here:

Pardon me mate, but what in That is suppose to be so special?

Assault Rifle-15 ghost gun with heat-seeking clips and a shoulder thing that goes up.

Sweet. They don't ship to here, but it's good to know they come pre-made and I won't have to make them myself or have them made.

That 15$ price tag. That's for how many shells?

Carrying a shitload of ammo and, since no extraction was required, the gun could fire bursts extremely rapidly (so you could consecutively hit the target before the recoil kicked your shoulder).

hurr, nvm, I'm retarded, it says a 5 shell pack right there

They sell them in a pepper verion too, pricey, but non lethal.

Ahh thanks mate

You need a ghost gun that can fire a 30-caliber clip in 5 seconds.


Although the G11 would certainly be a very interesting gun to use on a mob of rioting niggers, I'm personally more of an MG 42 traditionalist :^)

Jesus fuck what is this?

>peruvian banter


A weapon that strikes a primordial fear into the African man.

Checked. Also a mine sweeper would be fucking gruesome.

The small version of that pic reminded me of pic related at first:


Something you don't have to shoot anything twice with

X15 Flamethrower
It's kinda pricey at about $1600 but I'd rather pay $1600 and burn a riot to ashes than lose my $200000 home

>Not choosing ISIS Hunter Orange


FAL is the original nog remover

Kraut Space Magic

Africans often screamed tribal spells that would (allegedly) magically turn their opponents' projectiles into water in case they were hit; needless to say, it didn't work out so well.

>Ork engineering


A double barrel shotgun is the best home defense weapon you can buy.


Normal guns is too inefficient when it comes to clear chimps
Get a M45 Quadmount if you can, 100 percent chimp proof.

If that's not enough, get a Tank.(secretly visit your local National Guard Armory for more information.)

i love the FAL. such a beautiful gun.

Kek, either that or release a chicken to cause a riot within the riot.

job applications

How lucky ya think nigs are?

Work-boot nunchucks

An entire Iowa Class Battleship. Nothing that 20 Bofors L/60 Quadmounts can't handle.

They forgot that white people stole their powers

Something loud.

These are dumb. I used them a lot. Also watched one hot feed a round and put shrapnel in a guys leg.

Social justice

But would they be effective against a mob of rioting niggers?

12g pumb and a .38.

>tfw only a 10/22 and a .357 because no fun allowed in mexico

It's also the most common rifle used in US military, so a lot of veterans are trained on it. It makes sense to use what you're intimately familiar with. Then, even if it jams, you can easily clear it without a second thought (very important in danger situation). I think this kind of familiarity trumps any kind of technical specifications of other gun that you're not so familiar with.
Also 5.56 AR-15 has low recoil and it's easier to keep on target, and easier for women to shoot than bigger caliber.