>Fresno police shot and killed 19-year-old Dylan Noble. They say they felt threatened when he refused to follow commands and kept moving his hands.
>Fresno police shot and killed 19-year-old Dylan Noble. They say they felt threatened when he refused to follow commands and kept moving his hands.
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This looks like a good shoot. Faggot obviously wanted death by cop.
>This looks like a good shoot. Faggot obviously wanted death by cop.
The police orders could not have possibly been more calm and clear.
They told him at least 20-30 times to show both of his hands, and he kept sticking them in his pockets, reaching for his waist, his belt, or something while walking toward them.
Either he wanted to die, or he was higher than a motherfucker.
I'll bet the same exact thing happened to the guy in Minnesota. Footage from after the shoot proves nothing.
looked like he was trying to keep his pants up but it looks to me like he was high on some shit. However do you care to share how police are supposed to deal with hands like that? When are they allowed to shoot? Its one thing if they know he had a gun or saw that he had a gun but is it okay for them to just assume he has one?
Niggers are fucking retarded and suicidal.
Does he say I fucking hate my life?
Definitely a taser moment though.
> Its one thing if they know he had a gun or saw that he had a gun but is it okay for them to just assume he has one?
Yes, that's why it's important to listen to their instructions. If we start prosecuting cops for good faith shootings such as this, they just won't bother to do their jobs.
This guy forfeited his life, and the blame for his actions is solely his own or his guardian.
I think so also, even though it was a dindu.
Maybe that's why so many thugs get shot
When they see a cop they try to pull their pants up
He wouldn't have to worry about his pants falling down if he had just got on the fucking ground when they told him.
>taser moment
When you think someone might pull out a gun and shoot you, you don't use a taser. That's stupid as fuck. Tasers aren't nearly as effective as people like to think.
Video related
'almost everyone in the thread doesn't know that Dylan Noble was white' the thread
call me crazy but if I were a cop on a callout regarding armed suspect I would assume suspect was, in fact, armed...
>dat fuggin feel wen white fuk bois be appropriatin' yo victimhood
Thats why I'm thinking he was high or mentally ill.
Well I can't really argue this but I feel pretty bad for the kid he needed help and all he got was a bullet.
The reason I feel this way is that I've been in a situation like this in my life. Long story short my shit dead beat father called the cops on me when I was younger for saying some stupid shit to him. About 6 cops busted down my door before I even knew who was at it thrown on the ground and cuffed and got tazed and sent to the psych-ward.
They said he was armed? If thats the case SORRRY.
The tazers don't fucking work anymore
A couple hundred people had heat attacks and they lowered the voltage.
websites like Sup Forums are to blame for this shit
all of you people feed into this machine of racism and hatred
our men in blue (heroes) are stuck with you idiots...
it's in the prelude to the shooting, the sherriff says the boys in blue were sent to this job because 'suspect was armed with a rifle'
dont be sarcastic
You can watch videos of cops getting killed because they wait to long to pull the gun/trigger.
If you're in their position what are you going to do.
This isn't a cop problem, it's an Americans-Are-Fucking-Low-I.Q.-Mongs problem.
We get taught the basics of fucking police interaction in school. For instance - don't run, because then they automatically switch into "this fucker had dun goofed on something" mode which leads to guns and misunderstandings.
What a retard. Noble was pretty retarded too.
Cops just dont get enough training. As seen in the video, they dont know how to react to an uncooperative suspect. They just bumble around yelling until the suspect baits an officer into shooting him. Even when Noble is on the ground flailing his arms after getting shot, theyre still unsure of how to proceed, so they just shoot him again kek.
The suspect they were looking for was armed.
What this guys was mething out about I don't know.
Maybe a rubber bullet cop or something.
No need to be blasting a dude on the ground with a shotgun.
I did skip over most of the talk just to see the video, why was he stopped?
What about the suspect that was mentioned?
Not entirely dindu. A mixedin.
Is that what you really think? You're saying the people replying don't see the white male getting shot in the link provided? No one quickly Googled who he was? No one saying how stupid he was regardless and how many times the cops gave him clear instructions? Dylan Noble is somehow a black man's name?
Fucking this.
>OMG use Tazers
>Sydney cops start using Tazers instead of guns when dealing with mentals
>Some drug fucked Hue on Holidays gets tazed, dies
>Sydney cops starting pounding abo heads off pavements
It's literally never ending.
Then when the cops DON'T shoot first, and civilians die like at the recent Lindt debacle
That said we just had a female cop shoot a Muzzie at a mall, manage to hit him like 4 times non fatally but also take out 3 old ladies doing their shopping. Maybe the lady cops should stick to pepper spray.
A non-lethal something effective would've been more appropriate.
I'm all for shooting the shit out of deserved criminals but fuck me I am getting tired of hearing someone getting killed for 'suspicious behavior."
Every time, "god dammit now what."
Same thing for mass shootings.
Fucking christ with the mass shootings.
These people are fucking nuts.
Why not shoot the guy with rubber bullets?
If you think someone is going to kill you, would you use real bullets or rubber bullets?
How the fuck did this man get shot twice with a shotgun and manage to keep moving around? A pistol is one thing but a fucking shotgun
Black Guy
>yeah kill those niggers that were shot by police!
>should have stopped doing all their shit!
>they brought it upon themselves!
>dindunuffins amirite fellow Sup Forumstards?
>fucking should shoot more niggers!
>race war now!
White Guy
>oh, they should have used tasers
>not justified even though he was acting potentially threateningly
>cops just don't get enough training!
>well it is everyone elses fault that the police couldn't subdue him without shooting him
>hes a gud white boy, he din du nuffin
Sup Forums everyone! :^)))))))))))))))))))))
You can hear him start to scream "I hate my fucking life" right before they shoot him.
Suicide by cop.
Get fucked pol that second pair of bullets was bullshit do not even try and defend them.
First two rounds were fine, but shooting a kid who is writhing on pain from being shot and is in shock because he wont follow orders.
Get fucked.
Cops in the us are trained that anyone within a 20 foot radius can and will kill an officer before he has time to react.
Its not lack of training its that the training the receive makes them paranoid as fuck.
The problem is that most non-lethal options - tasers, pepper spray, rubber bullets, beanbag rounds, etc - aren't guaranteed to stop a determined, violent suspect.
Invent a non-lethal sidearm that works every time - the real world equivalent of a phaser set to stun - and every cop in America will use it as their first option. But until that option comes along, cops should not be disarmed and forced to fire a taser and hope for the best when someone pulls a gun or a knife on them.
It's funny you have to be more careful around the police than you do around violent gang members.
But Sup Forums is ok with it. I mean it's not happening to you right?
Just wait till these same jackboots are ordering you into the vans to be taken to your mandatory liberal re-education camp. We'll see how much copdick you suck then.
Because it was a pistol you dimwit.
Never change Australia
>Shoot a guy 4 times
>"If you don't obey our orders perfectly we will shoot you again"
do cops think getting shot in real life is like getting shot in a video game?
We do it for free
Can't fucking win unless we get rid of the left
>A literal hillshill
>call come in for a dude walking around with rifle
>cop arrives on scene, sees Dylan rip hektic skidz through an intersection
>dylan pulls over into a gas station
>cop and partner think dylan is dude with rifle, tell him to gtfo of truck. Dylan can't show his fucking hands for whatever reason
>off duty cop pumping has at same gas station yells to cop that he saw dylan grab something from the glovebox
>cops noticeably switch into high alert
He then failed to follow instructions from the angry cops with guns, and walked towards them with sketchy hands.
I understand that completely.
Even if we had magic bubbles, the kid faces a judge, the judge lets him out and they're doing something again.
I don't know what to do or what can be done.
The coverage, protests and legislation that follows is just tiresome though.
day of rope NOW
I don't get it though. Why do they execute him when he's incapacitated on the ground?
that nigger was retarded and asked for it but why did he shoot once he was on the ground already wounded? get close to the fucker, cuff him, and call an ambulance, how long is the police school in usa? a fucking week?
He keep reaching for shit.
Holy shit this video
>cop shoots a guy
>guy falls to the ground
>guy puts hands over the gunshot wound
>cop shoots him again
Jesus Christ look at these idiots
It never changes.
to add on to what this dude said, tasers cause involuntary muscle spasms, which can lead to involuntary discharge (of the gun kind)
>It's funny you have to be more careful around the police than you do around violent gang members.
Dude was literally told thirty times to put his hands up. How the fuck is that hard?
The cop goes through everything that happens step by step.
I hate the book but it was by it.
14:39 does the kid say "I fucking hate my life?"
Christ almighty wtf is going on
He didn't end up being the suspect?
I mean seriously, what kind of lucky day is it to not only hate your fucking life but to get pulled over by cops that think you are an armed suspect?
I've gotten pulled over by cops before, my first reaction wasn't these guys want to kill me so I'll make them.
Cops stop me I ask them what the fuck do you want like a white man.
>what seems to be the problem officer?
>the fuck you want, nigga?
Like a white man.
wait sorry it was 13:58
Yes, it's called suicide by cop.
Makes you think
I live a few miles away from where this happened (not in Fresno, in the nicer, right-wing town next to it). I think he absolutely got what he deserved. However, his supporters are pissem that (((blm))) is getting all the attention. I think, through the will of KEK, we can manipulate the situation to have his supporters get physical with black lives matter. They were already waving Confederate flags at his tribute.
This is pretty interesting actually. It just goes to show how limited and deceptive some camera angles can actually be, from the body cam every round is justified.
List your professional combat training and experience. The same should be demanded of anyone advocating a similar position, or putting forward a similar criticism. It's the only way to cut back on the shilling we have to put up with. No one without professional combat training or law enforcement training is worth listening to on these matters.
>from the body cam every round is justified.
not those shots when he was on the ground. Both his hands were clear, and he wasn't reaching despite the officers claiming so. That's murder.
I watched this four times before I realized that he killed himself.
>Not greeting every cop with "the fuck you want nigga"
It's like you don't even want to get shot
Suicide by cop. He's clearly mental.
What? The guy walked you through the video, his hand starts moving towards his waist band.
Watched it two times to make sure but he screams: "I fucking hate my life." after not doing what the officers tell him to do.
Then when he's on the ground he gets told that they will shoot him again if he reaches, which of course he emulates by making his hand go under his shirt.
The dude wanted to die. The cops did him a favor.
This is not police brutality, guy obviously wanted those bullets. I feel bad for the cops that got to put up with this shit every day then get treated like their racists or statist killing machines.
This is why you should never listen to the majority.
>Just wait till these same jackboots are ordering you into the vans to be taken to your mandatory liberal re-education camp. We'll see how much copdick you suck then.
Logical fallacy and clinical retardation. Go shitpost in a happeing thread. Adults are talking.
>The guy walked you through the video, his hand starts moving towards his waist band.
No shit he did, he's a fucking. Of course he's going to defend those officers. Mute the video and use your own eyes for fuck sake.
That was reported by the police when the story first came out. Nobody believed them. Now there's proof.
He was reaching underneath his shirt
That's clearly a Canadian shitposter.
Was this? I don't think so. Why pick such a violent painful method out? Sounds horrible, I think he's definitely on something the erratic movements explain it
Clovis? Fuck I'd give anything to leave Fresno and go there.
Yep. Move on over. If you're on Sup Forums, you'd fit in.
They need to start teaching niggers the law.
To have their day in court, not have court in the streets with cops.
This nigger just wanted to die.
I don't understand what the fuck is wrong with these people. Why can't they follow simple commands? Keep your hands in sight. Do as the officer tells you until you're allowed to leave. Why did he keep fidgeting around and hiding his hands? Why do so many people do that? Is everyone retarded?
he was reaching for the bullet wound you fucking retard, which is a natural reaction to being shot.
US cops are literally trained to empty their clips once they start firing.
involuntarily discharge of the imaginary gun
So you agree that he was reaching. Progress.
Not a good excuse. The rational thing to do in that situation if you get shot is to yell at the cops and beg them to handcuff you and call the ambulance. Always keep your hands in sight. Yes, you got shot. Yes, life is a bitch and unfair. Yes, you were a retard for not listening to the cops. But you can still survive if the shot wasn't lethal. At that point it's best to comply.
That doesn't change the fact that it was excessive use of force.
Why don't the fucking thug apologist morons on social media care about videos like this- that indisputably prove how right the cops are to act this way?
Why the fuck are people in California flying the Confederate Flag?
IMO it makes you look retarded as fuck if you fly it outside of the south. Especially if you're not even southern.
fuck off tyrone
>Not a good excuse.
Keep saying that bootlicker. It's an instinctive reaction. If you can't get that through your skull, you're delusional as fuck.
Unfortunately I don't have the shekels.
Also I can't believe how that kid was still moving after he got a shotgun point blank.
fuck off Juanita