Racial Politics are Bluepilled

The financial elite are stirring up racial animosity to divert peoples' attention. As Sup Forums already knows, these people are extremely powerful - often more so than a country's politicians - so their influence through the media has direct effects on society.

Ever noticed how all this identity politics bullshit started just after occupy wall street? The movement was unfortunately filled with degenerates but its message was sound. It is impossible to reach the elites' level of wealth and influence without having connections to them, regardless of how successful your business ventures are. They operate through nepotism and corruption and have corrupted the world's governments and free market to serve them. So inb4 >commie.

They are the globalists, the "jews" and the new nobility. Their MO is divide and conquer.

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Preaching to the choir here coal boy

Sup Forums gets extremely distracted by race and gender issues. I'd say they're actually the most popular topics of discussion here.

REEE give me (You)s

we already know about soros, the useful idiots, who obongo is nothing but a race baiting asshole, etc

sure we discuss all the time niggers this and niggers that or women this and women that but even thought we hate those retards, we clearly know who the real enemy behind the curtain is.
but its in their nature to be evil: they have money, power, wealth, they are evil and cant help it but on the other hand niggers and women are retarded puppets that instead having free will and a free choice, choose to be useful idiots and thats why they get most of our hate, because instead of joining us to fight the real evil, they help them believing their are not

If you don't have something to fight for, you will end up fighting for anything

I don't think everyone realises this though, otherwise there would be fewer tumblr-level threads.

And Soros isn't alone

how do you figure OP?

And class war isn't?

Only spiritual war is redpilled

>discuss racial subject brought up by liberals
>all agree that liberals are braindead morons
>stormfront pipes up to ruin any real discussion

Tell me more.

concerning the fall of rome (or america) "The story of its ruin is simple and obvious; and, instead of inquiring why the Roman empire was destroyed, we should rather be surprised that it had subsisted so long. The victorious legions, who, in distant wars, acquired the vices of strangers and mercenaries, first oppressed the freedom of the republic, and afterwards violated the majesty of the purple. The emperors, anxious for their personal safety and the public peace, were reduced to the base expedient of corrupting the discipline which rendered them alike formidable to their sovereign and to the enemy; the vigour of the military government was relaxed, and finally dissolved, by the partial institutions of Constantine; and the Roman world was overwhelmed by a deluge of Barbarians" its probably time i learn mandarin and plan my exodus.....

The ''elite'' all worship Satan. Maube consider God exists and stop struggling with the flesh.

Here's where you are wrong.

The entire reason whites, europeans, etc, are subjugated to such a degree is because they lost their racial identity.

Until the 60s, whites were racially aware. Until the 60s, we had a nation that did not grant immigration to the third world, nor did we cuck for other races. Every ww2 veteran was a white nationalist. WW2 was fought over economic reasons (NatSoc threatened global banks and central banks).

All politics are identity politics.

Politics, noun / the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.


all individuals have identity.

Not only that but ''white'' as a homogenous identity is an american marketing and Jew creation.

Americanism destroyed the uniqueness of many different european culturea into one big, ''white'' mess defined by suburbs and commercial products

And even within America there are distinct white cultures that are dying

Soros is shorting the market. This is well known. He wants chaos. Chaos breeds uncertainty which causes the market to go down. Soros would profit more if Trump is elected than Hilary. Is Soros secretly Red Pilled?

No he's just an opportunist. He hates Trump more for the fact that he can't be controlled to the extent that Hillary can be controlled.

>All politics are identity politics.
>(because) all individuals have identity.
Nigger that's like saying all politics are food politics because everyone eats.

Nonetheless, who do you think is promoting everything you mentioned?

Yeah, he's not alone. But he's the one out in the open right now literally saying 'borders are the obstacle' and then having to recant that but not really.

>Chompsky pls go

But yeah, I agree. Rich white people fucked up the economy and convinced everyone to be pissed at middle-lower class white people. Fucking genius

A hedge makes a lot of sense. Say what you want about him, he is a good investor, and is right more often than wrong.

Well Occupy Wall Street was a failure because all the leftist cucks and shitskins and feminists forced straight white males to the back of the line when it came to public speaking, so instead of it being about economics it turned into a bunch of incoherent social justice nonsense

More have said similar desu.

>The European Union (EU) should “do its best to undermine” the “homogeneity” of its member states. (says Peter Sutherland)
>Mr Sutherland is non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International and a former chairman of oil giant BP.

They even had a name for this act of discrimination. They called it a "progressive stack"

I did mention that in the OP. I don't support the movement as-is, but it's core message was true.

I was at the actual occupy wall street from september 17th on and I can tell you progressive stack was introduced a month and a half in to stimey the movement. We had white collar white guys on our side, talking about the excesses they had witnessed in their professions, and they were organizing people in the beginning.

Fucking progressive stack and all that shit was introduced to force those guys out, by hook or by crook.

Holy shit! are you for real?

>implying that it isn't leftists pretending to be stormfags to derail discussion.

>are you kidding me!?!?!