If I buy a gun because of the current political situation am I a paranoid pawn of the Military Industrial complex

If I buy a gun because of the current political situation am I a paranoid pawn of the Military Industrial complex,
Or a god fearing patriot willing to do what's necessary to maintain the values that make america great?

If peoples houses all around you are burning down, are you a paranoid pawn for getting a smoke detector and a fire extinguisher?

What are you, some kind of faggot? Just buy a gun, learn how to properly use it, and handle it responsibly and respectfully.

>unironically recommending Kel-Tec products
>no Canik TP9
>recommending Maverick 88
>recommending a nugget
>recommending a semi auto PPSh

kind of a dumb list. Some good suggestions but some absolute stupidity mixed in as well.

If you want protection but don't want to support the MIC, just buy from a company that doesn't have any military contracts. A Hi Point for example.

I am in my early 20's currently living with a part time job. A gun and regular purchases of ammo would cut deeply in my budget. Not to mention my college will not allow it on campus and my parents are opposed to all guns. Should I get property first or just keep it in my car, risking police searches going wrong? Not opposed just assessing risks

Being "paranoid" isn't a bad thing when you're actually right about it.

>Am I a pawn

Pawns dont arm themselves

The guns I have narrowed it down to are Ar-15 Rugar 10/22 and Mossberg 500 / Remington 870

solid, just get a good one. Buy a lower and build it out and get a PSA upper or just get a Colt off of CDNN. $800 gets a fantastic rifle these days.

>ruger 10-22
the marlin model 60 is a 5x better gun out of the box, but that tube mag. Choices.

>mossberg 500
OK, but honestly, save up for one of the three B's of shotguns - benelli, beretta, or browning.

>remington 870
I'd never buy a post-private equity buyout remington.

AR 15 over the others for home protection. .22 is unreliable and shotgun is very limited in number of shots and chance of over penetration. Also look at cheap 9mm pistols if you're interested. Ruger 9e is good, as is S&W SD9VE. Walther PPX can be had for $300. A steal for the pistol you get, as long as you can live with it being a discontinued pistol.

Buy a gun because only faggots hate self-defense. If you do not exercise your rights, they will be taken from you.

>private gun sales

you aren't paranoid OP just mentally retarded.


You're not a nigger. The police are your friend.

>recommending t*rkshit

it's a p99 clone. for $300 they are actually pretty good.

if you don't like turkshit you can always get a sigma, a 5906, one of the old brick style rugers, etc etc. There's a million choices.

What's wrong with any of those guns?

>Not recommending nugget

Cyкa Блять

compressed rust and polymer with a designed service life of 200 rounds
rattle trap, not built to last
been in every war in the 20th century and lost. unless you get a Finn model, you are going to get a shot to shit barrel that can't hit a barn from the inside.
>semi auto PPSh
historically cool but likely a hackjob reweld closed bolt conversion made by Century. no good for personal defense.

a nugget is a fun toy but a terrible first gun in almost every regard.

Ideally people should 22 it up, both rifle and pistol, and move from there.

Good enough for the zim-zam.

>jammed after one shot

5 guns you need to work on owning

22 rifle
Hunting rifle (can technically use the AR but hunting is much easier with a propper rifle)

Keep 1-2000 rounds of ammo for each gun in stock.