How did he get away with it?
How did he get away with it?
Evidence showed he was in the right and broke no law, in fact he followed Florida's stand your ground laws.
He got charged with second degree murder instead of manslaughter. If he was charged with manslaughter he would have been convicted.
The fact of the matter is George Zimmerman had no intention of killing Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin in self-defense. However, Trayvon Martin was unarmed and Zimmerman had a gun, so there is no reason Zimmerman should have gotten himself into that situation.
>in fact he followed Florida's stand your ground laws.
Almost FPBP.
SYG played no role in the Zimmerman trial. It was ruled as standard self defense.
Ok, thanks for the info.
Zim Zam didn't use his gun until he felt his life was in danger. Try again faggot.
He got help from that fiend Sam Hyde
You're retarded.
You can't "accidentilly" kill someone in self defense. Either you're retaliating, or you're not.
Manslaughter had ZERO chance of conviction if the prosecutor took that route.
>If he was charged with manslaughter he would have been convicted.
He still would've walked, though I bet it would've been a little longer of a deliberation. Self-defense is just as good a legal defense for manslaughter as it is for murder two.
If someone is trying to kill you or do you great bodily injury, or you have reasonable grounds to believe that they are trying to kill you or do you great bodily injury, and you kill them, it's fair game. The state has to prove that you did not have reasonable grounds to believe that the corpse was trying to kill you or do you great bodily harm.
A person who has been attacked, and is being straddled with their head repeatedly bashed into the concrete by an assailant, has entirely reasonable grounds to believe the assailant intends to kill them or do them great bodily harm, and thus is justified in killing the assailant. Throw in that there was a struggle for Zimmerman's gun, and it's even more black and white. An assailant who's knocked you down, has been smashing your head into concrete, and is trying to take a gun you've drawn in self-defense is about as lethal an immediate threat as it comes.
The state couldn't have gotten him on imperfect defense either. It was about as open and shut a case of justified self-defense as you're likely to see.
The question is, how did Trayvon?
How did it blow up so big from a simple SD situation all the way up to the President of the US and his officials?
That's beyond fishy. It's outright corruption.
god was on his side
Because he was Obama's son
Race-baiting media
Corporate news media does not serve to inform, but to draw ratings. They do this by constructing narratives that are often tangential, or wholly unrelated, to the facts.
"White man guns down unarmed black teen" is great for ratings. Then you get into people with a social agenda to push, who are more than happy to scream about that narrative, thus generating easy interviews that will draw even more ratings.
The fact that one of the two major political parties in the USA has adopted as its core strategy pandering to the victimhood feelings of minority groups, and that party happened to be in power at the time with upcoming elections, made for a nice convergence of media and political dishonesty.
"Hispanic man shoots black attacker in self-defense" is not nearly as catchy, or ratings-producing, as "white man guns down unamred black teen"
Trayvon Martin shouldn't have died that night. George Zimmerman shouldn't have been out patrolling the streets armed. Trayvon shouldn't have walked back and attacked Zimmerman though. He was a teenager. Every nigger and their dog can call him a child all they want but he was 17 years old when he died. He'd be considered a grown adult in most parts in the world. He made the choices he made that night by attacking George Zimmerman. George Zimmerman, I believe, shouldn't have been out patrolling the streets looking for a confrontation either. Just because you think there's crime in your neighborhood, doesn't mean you should go out of your own way as a civilian to find it and report it. The police are there for that exact reason. He was an armed citizen looking for trouble and he profiled a young black man for something he hadn't even committed yet. Travyon Martin committed a horrible act by attacking George Zimmerman because in the conflict he lost his own life. A life of 17 years old that could still be alive through smart decision making. The kid wanted to go and be a nigger and act hard, and he got killed like a nigger.
>However, Trayvon Martin was unarmed and Zimmerman had a gun, so there is no reason Zimmerman should have gotten himself into that situation.
Whether Saint Tray was armed or not is entirely irrelevant. The injuries that Zimmerman sustained during the altercation proved beyond doubt that Trayvon intended to cause him harm, and that Zimmerman was in danger when he pulled the trigger. Even if he was charged with manslaughter rather than 2nd degree murder, it's unlikely he'd have been convicted because his case of self-defense was watertight.
The jury (which was all female, and 5 out of 6 were mothers) really wanted to find him guilty, but they had no choice to acquit because their feels and the evidence did not agree.
Wait, I thought Sup Forums hated mixed race people, especially mestizos.
>neighborhood watchmen shouldn't be out watching the neighborhood
He BROKE NO LAWS, that's how my sweet little hupshky woopshky
>George Zimmerman shouldn't have been out patrolling the streets armed.
I loved the ZimZam trail, so many ledditors invading this place, so many left with a redpill as a suppository. Facts and the truth will always Trump emotions and lies.
wtf i love trayvon now
>I'm going to justify George Zimmerman literally stalking a black man because he thought he was suspicious
If I walk around in a neighborhood and some nigger rolled up on me and looked at me funny, then called the cops on me because he was scared of my white skin. Do you really think it's a good idea on the niggers part to do that?
>If he was charged with manslaughter he would have been convicted.
>George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin in self-defense.
These are contradictory statements.
The best case against Zimzam would have been a wrongful death suit in civil court.
The nigger was banging the spic's head on the pavement and would not stop. The shooting was justified.
>How did he get away with it?
Like this...
This has literally happened to me before.
Cop that approached me after the call was even black.
Want to know how/why I survived the encounter?
Cause I didn't fucking attack anyone.
Zimmerman did NOTHING wrong.
If that's literally his job, like say he's the neighborhood watchman and there's been a string of break-ins recently, yes, it's a good idea.
Now, if you then responded to being followed by a neighborhood watchman by punching him, knocking him down, and then bashing his head into the concrete while he screamed for help, you would richly deserve the 9mm present you're about to get.
By not doing anything illegal.
also can't be flimflammed
There were other robberies in the neighborhood that the police hadn't done anything about. It's likely Trayvon was behind at least one of them (the unexplained jewelry found in his backpack).
George Z is a hero.
Because he's white
stand your ground
He did NOT get away... First chapter of his history has closed...more will came and it is not going to be nice
SYG was not brought up in the trial.
It was standard self defense.
He dindu nuffin.
>media victim
not the point, he was in the right to defend himself
After the fact it's easy enough to break it down tactically. From a cultural perspective it's easy enough to see where everything went wrong. They both fucked up. Martin didn't need killing *before* he went into attack mode, but Zimmerman provoked it by being a dumb beta cuck.
By being innocent, obviously.
It's an important distinction.
If I take offense to your following me I should be allowed to kick your ass.
You can try to flim flam the zim zam, but you will never be able to zim zam the flim flam.
>but Zimmerman provoked it by being a dumb beta cuck.
From what I recall, his initial approach was all fucked up. He tried to aggressively assert dominance in a situation which didn't exactly warrant it. There's ways to make approaches which psychological disarms the suspects, and then there's the way Zimmerman did it.
There's also cultural issues which I'm sure Zimmerman didn't tap into. When niggers don't have anything going on and no particular place to be, they act shady as fuck when seen through the eyes of a WASP. It's annoying as fuck and if you haven't been around it, it's difficult to discern.
By all accounts Zimmerman was passive aggressive. He failed the police psych evaluation twice and his Krav instructor thought he was too meek. He was out of his depth and didn't have the personality to handle it on the fly.
Broken system.
How did he get away with it?
>The jury in the Zimmerman trial was all female
>5/6 were mothers and one was a minority
>the prosecution could not prove either that Zimmerman's actions were premeditated, or that he intended to kill Trayvon
>the defense was able to prove that Zimmerman was in clear danger when he pulled the trigger
>despite most of the jury wanting to find him guilty, facts trump feels, and they could not hand down a guilty verdict on the evidence that had been provided
he was in the right and had an amazing defense team
case closed
This was the first public case since OJ that I had faith in our judicial system
If it were up to people like you, he would have been lynched because of "muh feelings"
because it was a good shooting?
By being a jew and having a father who is/was a virginia magistrate.
And mexican mom was I believe a state clerk for Florida.
So, he wasn't at all white, however the him in a kkk hood depiction is especially ironic because the kkk has always been nothing but a bunch of fucking kikes.
Is also true though, that defense team was on point.
>literally stalking
What's the legal definition of "stalking" in the US, friend?
IF I had a son, If If if if if I had uh... uh uh uh a son he wouldn't...provactive tweets. He'd look like jaden smith
Friendly reminder that Baby tray tray was going to purchase ingredients an illegal homemade drug concoction
it's not his job but it's a honorable thing to do. We don't want the kind of ligitation they have in Asia, where literally babies can be kicked in the streets without anyone doing anything.
Stand your ground law. It's how every state that has conceal / carry should be. What's the point in having a conceal law if you're just going to get in trouble for using it?
He got fucked up pretty bad desu
He did not commit a crime.