Muh first world country, muh sophistication, muh education, majority of you are bunch of uneducated 3rd worlders who can't do basic math.
Two-Thirds of Americans Can’t Pass a Basic Test of Financial Literacy! USA BTFO!
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Still richer than (((you))). Mud dweller.
Too bad that ain't the middle class, who should really be thrown in with the lower classes at this point.
After the roundup it'll only be about haf.
This is probably why I'll be out of debt well before my classmates, despite not having mommy and daddy pay for my college education. Everyone in my pharm school has mom and dad finance everything and take out a stupid amount of loans to fund lavish lifestyles.
Hover over my flag and do a little research buddy, highly doubt you got more shekels than I do.
Anyone could have told you this. I'm only a deviation above the average person, but there's a chance that America failed me enough in the subject of math that YES 33% of us (more) would indeed fail such a test.
Oh well, I'd rather have a soul than be asian.
Maybe if you Arabs fucked off, and didn't lobby with our politicians Americans wouldn't be needing to pay so much.
Does this scare you?
Does this scare you?
Does this scare you?
Does this scare you?
easy with the proxy there, whitey
At least we have freedom of speech and don't fuck goats.
Shit man maybe you should do some research yourself, because burgers still beat you in student performance for reading, writing and mathematics.
Quick: If you take out a $1000 loan that has a 20% rate, how much will you owe a year in interest?
Answer: $200
But where is the deflation, the effective annual rate, cost of opportunity and early payment discount or penalty?
link to the test itself, you can find out if you are actually an american or not
you live off of us filling up our gas tanks
>your entire country is a desert... just wait til the oil is gone
I don't remember taking this test. Anybody here take this test?
Test BTFO!
big fucking whoop, world superpower should be doing much better than that, you guys are pathetic.
even as far back as 2005 personal finance was an elective in my high school
not even mentioning how bad most kids are at math in the US, they have absolutely no compulsory education as far as actual economics
I'd say this is intentional, why educate kids about economics when they can learn how oppressive whitey is?
>60+% percent "white"
>60+% can't into basic financially literacy
>proxy fags
Sorry, can't hear you from the top 10.
we just had this thread
Hey man, we got jew bankers looking out for our best interests here. We don't need to worry about money and junk. Like, lol!
When Jews run your nations financials they make financial literacy so complicated that only Jews want to work in Landlording, Banking, loans, mortgages, forcible insurance, ect.
>implying I am not a shitskin in the desert riding my camel while shitposting
true, but that was not making fun of how dumb americans are, which is the point of this thread
>we are far better
in every way
k, nice viral marketing
Is that like opting out of a word bank when you do you taxes?
I feel like the results are rigged, or maybe just dindus taking the test because it was really easy.
2 Majid Al Futtaim $8.0 billion
3 Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair and Family $5.0 billion
4 Hussain Sajwani $4.5 billion
5 Khalaf Al Habtoor $3.5 billion
1 Bill Gates $76.0 billion
2 Carlos Slim & family $72.0 billion
3 Amancio Ortega $64.0 billion
4 Warren Buffett $58.2 billion
nice try sandnigger
>Americans will oppose this
You are really underestimating just how stupid most people are.
>African-Americans will oppose this
>California is lower than most states
Thanks for the help leaf but you got bigger problems, like how well youll be able to hear him Justin Trudeau fucks you
It would be interesting to see the statistics for this group.
>2/3rds of Americans can't pass a basic test of financial literacy
>of those 2/3rds, 82% identified as "liberal" or "Democrat"
what's your point burger? Majority of americans are still dumb as bricks, they don't get how credit cards work, they can't calculate interest rates, basic shit that everybody in the UAE know very well because we are educated.
We lowered standards for niggers, we waste teachers time now on "common core", giving kids new pointlessly over complicated perspectives on math because teachers are all dumb sluts who basically think the black kids are only failing because math is racist
Unlike your shithole, we actually attract immigrants, hence the scores.
No. Total fail.
You do know within a decade or two over 50% of your country will be niggers and beaners with sub 70 IQ right?
Goodluck teaching an ape differential geometry
Can confirm, live in NYC, went to nigga school
My "music class" in sophomore year was a miserable old white man that would usually give up on "teaching" half-way through each class while the blacks used it as a free period, causing a ruckus and jivin. It's just a hazy memory now.
There's nothing wrong with C++ or Lua.
Thank You, Master Schlomo.
Like yours woouldnt be 50% mexican today if they had the intelligence to find a way to get there
That's what you think, and it's wrong. Dear god is it ever so wrong.
Well of course they can't. They don't learn these things in school unless they specifically take optional courses for them, and parents don't actually teach their children anything these days, whether practical or moral.
It's not about intelligence, it's about being able to survive the climate.
Tacos crave their heat and sun.
If you don't thrive in snow all around you and as little sun as possible then you're not white.
>autists repeat that it's bad without argument
>therefore it's true
God I hate the tech community
That's a man, baby.
Then they will just have to settle for a middle school education.
First of all there are deserts in canada and second Trudeau is inviting mexicans in with open arms
You don't need to know how the system works to put yourself into permanent debt in very little time. That's the point.
> like how well youll be able to hear him Justin Trudeau fucks you
That's mycherrycrush you dumb cunt. That's a female.
We never claimed to be sophisticated or educated.
We could destroy your entire nation in 4 days if we wanted to.
when justin trudeau fucks you, actually when hes finished. its already started
muh power, muh destruction, muh nuclear weapons literally deafult response when americans are stumped.
your goat's asshole is getting lonely faggot
lol no
5/6 reporting:
two of the questions seem really slanted.
The bond one because most people really don't have any interaction with a bond in their life (or at least here, anyway).
That's the one I got wrong.
The bonus question at the end is slanted a bit, since the result is literally right on the boundary between two of the answers, so I assume they intentionally made it a trap question.
im pretty sure first world is just a term for the western countries in the cold war
Americas millennials are the LEAST skilled of any group in the industrialized world
your mom is getting horny again, better get the bull preped burger
blacks and spics bring down the total, White Americans score above most European countries on the PISA
>treating statistics as fact
>1% white due to people that fly in to fuck your young sluts/trannies
Still you spent it on pointless shit.Once your oil gone or the demand for it,Arabia will go back to middle ages.
Back in the 70s we took home economics out of our public school's curriculum. That was a mistake.
Not to mention the shit tier army...How will you defend your precious shekels,when the oil weapon gone?
Americans are failing these test because of the leftistin our education system. If we don't know how to handle money, we'll be more willing to let the government do it. Also nigs cant into economics.
That is entirely unreasonable.
Assuming it isn't a troll, whoever wrote that post has never dealt with kids, their parents, teachers, the government or the world at large.
Wow I hate education now.
But seriously if the average person is an idiot, then what is the average idiot?
Blame the blacks and commies.Cletus,and his redneck friends,and trailer trash whites surely better.
I wonder if OP isn't a proxy and he's actually sitting in the middle of the desert whining about Americans on the racist anime pornography forum. The UAE crosses my mind maybe once or twice annually, and its usually a fleeting thought about how awful it must be to be a Muslim. He can't pet a doggy, drink a beer, or eat a slice of bacon, but he has to pray five times a day to his pedophile warlord prophet. I guess I can understand why he's so bitter and frustrated.
Got the bond one incorrect, Just due to my ignorance
Yeah, well... (((((Time))))) needs to work on their literacy literacy. TFW Leftist rag doesn't know the difference between then and than.
>Teaching is hard so lets not do it
>sitting in the middle of the desert
You are proving my point burger, take a couple of minutes to educate youself about the world. I know it can be hard living in the US of A especially for poorfags like you, you got to stop projecting muh bitterness and muh frustration.
TFW media tries to make the greatest nation ever appear to be stupid.
Name five perishable items you can find at a grocery store in the UAE that you can not find in middletown America
>acutally being proud you can answer 6 basic finance questions correctly
This, I'd say only 20% of americans have any fucking clue what's going on.
well then, it's a very ugly female
They already have accelerated programs for kids that can handle it. Now there's a reasonable argument that humanities are overemphasized in school, but even with the level we give, most people are completely illiterate. Even the "smart" kids who stay STEM through school are completely incapable of working in teams or writing something coherent. People will always be deficient; having unrealistic standards will only increase the number of people who fail.
It's just like a high-level STEM course taught at world-class universities. Just because the testing average is 30% doesn't mean all the students are stupid, just that the standards are unrealistic, and the guys above one standard deviation below the mean (in this case maybe 20-25%?) are going to pass anyways, because you can't run a fucking university where 90% of students fail required classes.
Why does the picture show a white person? The people who are scoring low are black.