Is Elon Musk red-pilled? Is he one of us?
Is Elon Musk red-pilled? Is he one of us?
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He's successful in life. Obviously he's not one of us.
Musk is a redditor
he is the most successful African American entrepreneur of the 21st century
Try ever
I'm honestly shocked he's not at all a jew
He loves risk and it has paid off for him so far. He is a great entrepreneur. It is pretty based how he gets credit for all the tech his engineers create. You average twitter user thinks he is literally Tony Stark. That guy knows how to sell himself.
He got cucked, so not too redpilled. But he thinks we may be in a computer simulation, so maybe he is redpilled.
I hear he's really fucking up his companies right now. I pity the chumps that invested in Telsa.
he's like those sales people going from town to town, coming from nowhere, but conning real good
"No niggers allowed in space."
>Californian tech entrepreneur
Probably not, but he's a pretty cool guy nonetheless and smart as hell
but that's what jews are, actual gypsy descendants.
wanna bet?
SpaceX is a company that thrives on government contracts using over-engineered rockets that are the least reliable in the industry.
He's a good businessman, like Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, or Gaben. Nothing more.
Yeah but he's by far the cheapest option, and if the reusable thing takes off it's just going to get even cheaper.
ULA on bankruptcy watch.
he was alienated from south africa from a young age, and built his entire livelihood around making huge meme companies in a bizarre attempt to heal incredible existential worries that have been haunting him his entire life
he couldn't be more redpilled, he doesn't even care about the money.
that's how he's always managed his companies. he over promises and over delivers, and drives everything to the brink in the process. Tesla is actually relatively well off simply because it's a publicly traded company, SpaceX is apparently on the edge of bankruptcy and has been since 2008. that's intentional as well.
he's not a con artist, he has an incredibly overbearing work ethic and for some reason believes everyone he meets is capable of working the hours he does. he works 7 days a week, 12-16 hours a day. apparently (from an ama back last year) he only sleeps 6 hours a night at best.
anyone who doesn't put up the effort he expects them to gets almost instantly fired.
actually for it's class the falcon 1 and falcon 9 are the hands down best launch platforms you could buy.
during a competition for a USAF launch contract, spacex straight up wrecked ULA in terms of offers. SpaceX was asking 90 million, ULA was asking over 350 million.
picking SpaceX for the contract would save the USAF enough money to both manufacture and launch a satellite for less than the cost of the ULA rocket alone.
also you must understand that all rockets have pretty large failure rates at the start, and the falcon 9 is just beginning to overcome them. attempting to compare a brand new up-to-date launch platform made in the last 8 years with one over 14 years old (using old ass soviet rocket engines no less!) is retarded and invalidates your argument entirely.
Edison invented his own shit.
Does he help South African Whites at all? Hmm?
His South Africa. Redpilled by default.
>ULA was asking over 200 million
>built his entire livelihood around making huge meme companies in a bizarre attempt to heal incredible existential worries that have been haunting him his entire life
Sounds like a cool guy.
>he works 7 days a week, 12-16 hours a day. apparently (from an ama back last year) he only sleeps 6 hours a night at best.
Every white person from South Africa is. Most just know how to hide there powerlevel.
Freeza is coming, Freeza is coming.
Hide your power level, hide your power level.
> Elon Musk
> banged Cameron Diaz
> has five white kids
> encourages Americans to have more kids
> banded a British model
> wants to revolutionize the airplane industry in the future
> wants to create an entirely new mode of transportation in the future
> Created PayPal
> CEO of two multi billion dollar companies simultaneously (Tesla, SpaceX)
> Oversees a major solar panel company
> crashed a McLaren F1
> got a speeding ticket with Johnny Depp
> gave away patents for Tesla
> annoyed by the government
> is a proud American, and always praises the country in interviews
Read history please. Edison had teams of engineers and was the first patent troll of notable success. He was not a strong inventor.
He has said the biggest threat to the WORLD is the dwindling population, and that immigration won't solve the problem. Clearly, he was speaking about the ONLY population to have low birth rates - whites.
And he has, what, 10 white children? He's surrounded by whites. 99% of his employees are whites. He's a self-described uber-(american)nationalist.
Red pilled in my book. He just can't show his power level for obvious reasons, although he has slipped a few times.
Musk is the next Enron waiting to happen. Wrote that a while ago here and had the phrase lifted and used by some shitty tabloid, but it's true.
Everything about him screams "scam artist." He loses money and moves it around from one shell company to another. I cannot believe he sold "the hyperloop" to any rational person.
He'll be bankrupt in 5 years. Well, he won't be, all his companies will and he'll be laughing with all the money he stacked away. I refuse to believe he isn't a Jew.
he's PC Master Race so I'd say he probably shitposts among us some times
he is borderline autistic, but smart enough to understand the importance of building a persona and cult of personality
Wat if we like, all live in computer simulation?1?
oh yeah. The fucker talks about vidya games too, sometimes.
It's just crazy. He's living Sup Forums's dream.
>going bankrupt
Ironically enough the company that was least likely to succeed has turned into one of Musk's safest bets.
His fucking rocket company has had an easier time than his car company.
come back in a few years. Said the same about what would happen with Assad...luckily I said the same with Brexit but actually made shekels on that by shorting the shit out of the pound.
Musk's enitire "empire" is going to be revealed as a scam.
Go away El, you magnificent bastard
You are living the dream and we all love you
You don't need anymore boot licking
somebody reads ZH
As long as he doesn't send any niggers to Mars.
It seems as if white people are even better at being niggers than niggers are.
>Is he one of us?
He's actually intelligent, and can interact socially with others, so no.
This too.
I have a hard time seeing SpaceX as a scam because it's not even a public company and it's been wildly successful.
He's African American and he's a pioneer in modern technology.
Something isn't right here...
a number of successful people go on Sup Forums all the time, you obviously can't see it though
> Sup Forums
Did you forget you're on an anonymous imageboard for angry virgins?
>Everyone's anonymous
>Everyone's a virgin
pick one
There is no fucking helping them if they weren't smart enough to get out by now.
"I won't mention the third one"
Good god, I don't know if it's my Sup Forumsranoia attacking or if he really means (((them)))
He literally mentions it straight after anyway
>I hope the AI is nice to us
Red pilled as fuck, he knows niggers aren't useful for anything now that we have sufficient automation. Even spics make for better house servants than niggers ever did. And one in 1000 spics are smart enough to be used in something better, where as niggers are like one in a million or less if full blooded.
here I am with a Model S
I hope he is as redpilled as I am
>captcha spites me with trucks
He's "redpilled" in the sense that he's part of the globalist system and supports it.
His business is a scam built on carbon credits.
He is the enemy.
I'm surprised the red pilled flag is so retarded on this one. He is simply out kiking the kikes on the car credits.
no energy-based person would pick Trump because global warming, fracking etc
but I like the guy.
Maybe next time, the rising redpill?
There's a difference between being a crooked globalist shill and an honest, hardworking, successful business man.