If diversity is wrong or bad, Why is california(most diverse place in US) best state in US?
If diversity is wrong or bad, Why is california(most diverse place in US) best state in US?
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Best state is Arizona
This state is shit.
Take away Hollyberg and (((Silicon Valley) and its literally Mexico-tier poverty and broken communities
t. cali fag
because of Silicon Valley which is mostly white (and indian/asian)
nice girl.
y-you guys have california wine which is better than french win!!!
What part of CA are you from?
No. This place is a complete Hell, a once beautiful state turned into a wasteland by vermin called liberals. California is a blight on the United States and with each passing day more human cockroaches flee the home they destroyed themselves, to infect the neighboring states, spreading like an endless plague with no cure. May God have mercy on us all and shift the San Andreas fault with such force that a mass extinction event be triggered.
not even true though
My boys the set
What's up with Klown and Duke
I'm from socal, SD region, and its defintely true here. Pockets of white wealth and actual economies, and vast swathes of farmland and suburban poverty striken with mestizo welfare squatters.
California is fallen. The demographic damage is done. The average age of a Hispanic in CA in 7. Fucking. 7.
The damage will never be repaired. My waifu and I are planning on BTFO of the state as soon as she finishes college next year.
We do have decent wine I will give you that. That's something the Mestizos havnt managed to completely fucking ruin yet but give it time I wouldn't be surprised
>California is still the most agriculturally important state.
>We even have midwest-based farmers scouting out the Sierras, buying land in preparation for Marijuana farming.
Enjoy all those fruits and veggies user. We're also #1 in eggs, #3 in beef (behind Texas and Nebraska), and #1 in milk.
>fuck you user, all my s-stuff is local!
That might be true to a degree, but we also export our stuff to the rest of the world, not just your hickass state.
top kek poor jap faggot
I grew up in LA. Cali is infested with self-righteous progressive hipsters, tryhard adolescent gang members, and other insufferable fucks. Immigrants often don't learn English, and the government caters to them willingly, so you'd best know some Spanish. Also, people drive like they have a fucking death wish.
Northern California (north of Sacramento and San Francuckso) is noticeably better to live in but they have little say in the state government thanks to the cities dominating everything.
The middle class has mostly moved to Texas. There is really just the rich, the clingers, and their poor Mexican servants.
Klown is in WA state and Duke a few streets down from where I live
By far the worst thing about California is Californians. The State is huge with massive resources and desireable land.
So if i move to Cali now then ill be able to get a decent job and a decent place to live with no crime to worry about?
Because it's not. Also, it's one of the largest states, which is where they get a lot of their clout.
cali is a terrible state you stupid jap.
Lower East Coast is based.
Especially Maryland
Yeah there's so much farm land and it has three major ports to the Pacific. The only other port on the west coast is basically Seattle. No competition because it's huge.
It's expensive as fuck.
such a caring man to wait for your waifu to finish college. I wish you luck my brother in burgers
but its the worst state not the best state
This is true for sure, living both in L.A. and currently somewhere in Northern California. Those gangbangers (including fake ones) seem to be everywhere and being Politically Correct is all over the place. Not to mention all the people who think eating a non-organic apple is gonna kill them or make their kids retarded (already doing that by themselves). There's a shit ton of hippies in northern california though. And I don't mean hipsters, I mean the free love and tree hugging, chain-marijuana smoking hippies.
And northern user, is it me or are hippies highly interested in hip hop and rap for some reason?
Sure if you live in the suburbs/commute.
I'm not even american but even I know florida is the worst, california is the best and everywhere else is only worth flying over.
Like a retarded Sideshow Bob.
You're not saying that because theres a fuckload of austrailians in Cali, are you? Know there was a bunch of my campus years back.
>all these calif fags hating spics
in texas spics are bad but tolerable
If you nuke San Francisco and LA off the map it is a decent place, but with both of these shitholesstill remain it is a shit state.
You're an aussie cunt mate
no one cares what you think
the state of "Jefferson, USA"
They're being ignorant. They doing a shitload of the work no one else wants to do, especially farming and landscaping. Kind of the same case in Arizona where they deny using Mexicans for the same thing and actually make them work at night and by hand to try and hide them.
The problem is there's too many illegals getting in, and all their children (including legit workers) are menaces to society who have nowhere near the work ethic of their parents. There's even a shit ton of illegals who aren't looking to work and leech off as much as they can. This is mostly medical care though, they're still usually poor and fit 1-2 families in one or two bedroom apartments.
I will admit that. Central Coast fag here, can confirm its a huge part of our "culture". Some areas are seeing improvement...but your basically right.
>why is california(most diverse place in US) best state in US?
Maybe because it is not?
7? More like 27.
I am from CA
CA is a hell hole.
9/10 cities have major drug and gang problems.
You're fcking retarded if you think CA is "the best"
we dont have that problem, pretty much any mexican that was here pre-90s hate on mexicans that got here post-90s
i don't understand it but it works
>Central Coast fag here
SLO or what
Agreed. I'm just south of SJ Bay Area. Everyone thinks Muslims are peaceful and open borders are good for the economy. Deluded.
Its not the best state
I'm moving out because it sucks
Same. Texas and FREEDOM!
why does it suck?
Too god damn expensive
It's the places that make it great, the mountains the beaches the rivers the desert the valley. Diversity ruined some once fine places in CA
keep your ass OUT of colorado god DAMN IT
rent went up from $900 to $1250 per month in 3 years because of you fags
Gonna go ahead and say I'm half hispanic, and my mother, who is the full hispanic, hates the new ones as well. As well as her friends, and definitely seems to be age based. She actually told me she was gonna vote trump with no coercion from me because of all the abuse she's seen of government service by the illegals and the aforementioned gangbangers/cholos/cholas that are running wild, including in suburbs.
Santa Cruz ?
but according to this guy cali is the best
Im going to Missouri
Don't worry, colorado is too liberal for my tastes.
"Sanctuary City" policy in any city with employment opportunities. Foreign poor competing with high standard of living American poor. Police let foreigners go and meet quotas on natives. Huge queer population that thinks bashing Christians is "super cool dude." Seismically active. High cost.
California is a disaster area if you're not making six figures in tech.
Negative. Opposite side of mountain.
The edge of Santa Barbara country before SLO...
The California government actively seeks to harm farmers through their policies.
top kek and yet i still hear texans talk about how cool it would be to live in Cali
fucking delusional idiots
>Why is california(most diverse place in US) best state in US?
The only people who think this are people who don't live in California or people who live in San Fagcisco
They have no idea how good they have it.
My once all-white super rich neighborhood in Northern California is being invaded by all these Indian people.
What the fuck, since when did brown people start living in gated communities on the foothills
OCfag here
Commiefornia is shit
The people are annoying or just outright shitty. Traffic is either chaotic or at an absolute standstill. Any populated area is covered in a blanket of smog 24/7. Extreme drought. Government interferes with almost every aspect of the common citizen's life. Economy is shit.
>"durr hurr hurr 6th largest economy on the globe!"
Yeah, an economy where working people's money are ripped out of their pockets and are given to Lil Jefe Jose and his 8 kids.
Also, China has an even bigger economy, but do you see tons of people fighting tooth and nail to get into China? No? Yeah, I thought not.
>They doing a shitload of the work no one else wants to do
biggest myth you faggot
they are doing a shitload of the work for low wages that americans wont accept
This picture is your whole argument in a nutshell
Go back pablo
>especially maryland
Yeah fuck no, I am moving from maryland to cali next year. Fuck this garbage state, keep your niggers
Why do blacks always do that shit with their hand?
Definitely. Its one of the biggest industries it has but the organic movement (which includes alot of politicians) think the whole think is evil and vote in policies that are fucking retarded.
This is another big reason i am leaving
>Too expensive
>Traffic is ridiculous
>Gun laws are retarded
>that image
forgot to mention california is actually the words largest producer of dairy
>get a real job poorfag
>get a motorcycle
>don't go to niggerland and you'll be fine
And who are the people who decided to pay these workers low wages vs hiring legit ones? And no, I'm definitely not looking for a "no one answer". I really want to hear what you say.
Bull SHIT. Anyone can pick strawberries for $15/hr...that's supply and demand. Work that's painful and long gets worthwhile pay...not a brown thing, it's a green thing fag.
California is the worst state. I want to leave but I know I won't, as all my friends and family are here.
Your state is expensive and gay.
When you all start leaving because of how expensive and gay it is, STOP MAKING EVERYWHERE YOU GO EXPENSIVE AND GAY
I enjoy shooting guns for fun so fuck you.
I am also a software engineer making $80k a year so don't tell me to get a real job. I bet you are poorer than me.
Fuck your shitty state nigger.
honestly california is fucking great as long as you avoid the pockets of beaners in the south
up north it's not really an issue, and most of the communities up here are decent and white
oh yeah and i admit the politics here are fucked but that's because of the aforementioned beaner hives + the bay area
the vast majority of the state is pretty conservative outside of the major metropolitan areas
Just move slightly across the nearest nevada or arizona border, its a whole new world, and you can still hop back to visit n shit.
Expensive is a compliment. Wealth is a sign of quality.
True, and vegans shit on them all the time. I know a dude that sells raw milk at farmers market and he gets called an animal torturer. They have him believing it...dairy is huge demand. CA will destroy it like it did canning and pharma.
Okay, tell that to the farmers then. Who are staunchly republican by the way. Why the fuck would republican farmers bother with visa workers or illegals instead of hiring legit citizens, especially white ones?
I live in Los Angeles California and most say the ONLY good thing here is the weather. The "diversity" is fucking stupid you don't know how many chinks and sand niggers and spics here that whenever I seea white person it's like a gift from God
hello dubai
Heck ya, especially up in the northeast.
>Thinking commiefornian politics is shit because of the beaners.
Nigger Cali is shit because of the unholy alliance of city niggers and white liberals. Cali is the state of by and for white leftists.
It's not. I live here and it's a fucking shithole. Expensive, full of shitskins, gun rights infringed, welfare bums everywhere
>I like high prices
Ok fag
Expensive is a sign of poor market price discovery.
>"Post hoc ergo propter hoc"
>0 matches
What happened to this board?
Supply and demand faggot.
It's because that industry is run by and for white people. Seriously, what shitskin drinks wine?
I guess Somalia is a great place to live because it's so affordable!
Highest kek.
Why do I get the feeling this is a Leaf behind proxy?
the fucking indian faggots in my neighborhood host "Napa Wine" parties every weekend.
God, I hate all the new-rich shitskins, so fake
And with that in mind, how would you suggest fixing it?
>Bernie taught me Econ
Somalia is expensive for Afrikans retard. High scarcity of goods.
>immigrants pretending commiefornia is the "best" state
oh boy here we go
every month*