We are going to break Wall Street control of our Government. Economic Justice for every American. $300 Billion annually that can be spent on Human Needs not Wall Street Greed.
We are going to break Wall Street control of our Government. Economic Justice for every American...
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Finally I can eat myself to death on someone elses dime!
How does it make you feel Sup Forums?
no country has taxed themselves into prosperity
its like putting your feet in a bucket and trying to pull yourself up
also robin hood took the TAXES from the rich that they illegitimately got from the poor
fucking b8 i know
Dat filename kek
>making investment even more difficult
Goodbye middle class.
This is Marxist disinfo which has in so far only ever taken steps against the middle class. This is because they believe they've already won and therefore see the middle class as a threat.
I'm so happy for these two! #BLM #RobinHoodTax
Daily reminder that white people are dying out and that blacks and Hispanics are making lots of babies. By 2050, the USA will be 45% white, and by 2100, less than 20% white. The dumbest, most criminal people are breeding out of control on whitey's dollar. If you want to see where were headed, look at Venezuela or South Africa. Enjoy your future dumbass honkies.
POINT FIVE PERCENT on transactions? Is this nigger serious?
Does he even day trade? Say goodbye to 60% of liquidity in the market. Holy shit.
>economists hate him, found out how this US senator found 1 crazy trick to move all business from the US to Europe & China over night!
Who is WE?
oh my god i hate niggers so much
Most of the trading now is just algos anyway. Fuck Wall Street. Maybe now they will actually have to work for a living instead of front running and stealing from everyone else.
Pic related
All of Sup Forums obviously.
>Say goodbye to 60% of liquidity in the market. Won't a tax on selloffs and buybacks inhibit stock market collapses and lead to less volatility?
Obama spent over a trillion and look what that got you.
The math has already been done multiple times and, even if you could get that tax implemented and collected as hoped for, you couldn't pay for more than 6 weeks of our currnt priced healthcare with it.
>TFW you realize that a corporate-controlled America is one of the best defenses against Marxism.
>I don't understand the added value of algos
More you give, the more the poor will need. It wont ever be enough
i laughed
>Not making political decisions based on feelings instead in 2016.
Sweden tried this and broke their stock market.
i was really hoping the plan to tax day trades would go through. it'd be fucking hilarious to destroy hft in a single day
Now to be fair, blacks kills themselves at high enough rates to offset growth
>Sweden tried this and broke their stock market.
Yes, but it will be different when we do it, because reasons.
What the fuck?
Most of the money that moves through wall street isn't American?
It's technically USD but the international bond market and most of the securities aren't American owned, they're owned overseas. ANY tax on these would slow down investment by THAT much or more, some countries have tried taxing foreign investment before and it basically instantly dried up.
Also the market capitalization and volume of the NYSE and especially the bond market isn't even "money" per se and isn't even taxable at that.
Wall street isn't literally 10 turbo jews swapping $17 TN per year between themselves and calling it a day. How do these people actually fucking thinks this works?
Sweden was the country I was talking about but I forgot the exact country. Thanks.
Oh? Define (((human))) needs.
Removing liquidity, which is what this tax will accomplish, makes it more difficult to buy and sell at the price you want, because there's less people active in the market. Therefore, you will likely have to sell lower than you want and buy higher.
If anything it increases volatility.
>Define (((human))) needs.
Any and all luxury amenities that have been available for so long that the people of a nation have come to believe they have an entitlement, that is, an actual right, to receive these services at taxpayer expense.
Well obviously shaniqua needs her hair done. Right now she can only afford her nails and how is she gonna feed her children if she doesn't feel good?
>Implement transaction tax on wall street
>Trade slows to a standstill
>Economy collapses overnight
Every Leftist should have his teeth smashed out with the butt of a rifle before being buried alive.
>Yes, but it will be different when we do it, because reasons.
>real market destruction has never been tried
>Marxist shills
Trump wont actually cut government spending significantly you fucking tards...
No one cuts government spending. The only thing that Democrats and Republicans ever do is find new ways to spend MORE money in different ways.
As for Trump, he is a liberal. The difference is that he is the right kind of liberal (classical, not Marxist).
>trade slows to a standstill
Dont be a histrionic cunt, user. A transaction tax would mostly effect the kind of short term market speculations that do shit-all for the economy.
Transaction tax? So to invest here, foreigners would be taxed. Are they fucking serious?
In what way?
The tax revenue of the federal government is ~$4 tn
Literally every single
Think tank analyst
Most congressmen and like every person ever (This is the most important one, because if the normies thinks the cuts are good then it will happen)
Agree that the U.S gov can cut in so many places, some important but overfunded and some extremely overfunded and unimportant.
Literally as long as he listens to like 3 or 4 out of hundreds of thousands of highly educated people it could easily happen.
Granted you are completely right, but by accident you retard. Trump can't do anything with the budget at all. Congress can, but congress is VERY influenced by the POTUS and the normies.
**Spending is around $4.1-$4.2 TN, if not a little more or less depending on the year
Most of the deficit is created on purpose, however.
A .5% transaction tax would annihilate our markets. Italy introduced a .02% tax on HFT transactions in 2013, and it led to a rise in volatility and bid-ask spreads. I can't even begin to imagine what .5% on all transactions would cause.
.5% of buy orders and .5% of sell others means that every trade will guaranteed lose 1% to taxes.
It will be impossible to make money on the financial markets if this is enacted.
There would be a massive institutional pull out of the us securities market. We're talking a crash the likes the world has never seen.
That money could better be spent on forcefully deporting shitskins.
>tariff free global trade
>tax internal trade
This kills the country
>ITT: Poll defends Wall Street kikes from a political kike because libertarian reasoning
Here's another way of looking at this.
If the total net income of the financial sector is 160 billion then how can they afford to pay 300 billion in taxes! They can't, they will be losing money.
Volatility would increase. Volume would drastically fall. One day someone would be selling his stock at 26 and the next someone who want to buy at 40 all before he even knows its being sold for 26.
I laughed so hard at this.
>he thinks retarded arbitrage schemes help people when their orders would be filled at a better price without the algos
seriously goy?
>Sup Forums defends economy from crashing because as much as pol pretends it's ready for habbening
A. it's not, especially on a scale like that
B. Pol isn't Tumblr. This isn't an echo chamber of only one idea. Overwhelmingly pol refutes the worst ideas and upholds the best ideas in an argument. Or at least tries to. Sometimes pol will get it right.
>Fuck off An-cap
Maybe at 0.01%. The 0.5% Bernie proposes is ludicrous and will also affect swing trading (weeks-months of holding an asset) and value investing (years-decades of holding an asset). If you think people won't care about the difference between 6% return and 6,5% return, think again. Just look at how brokers compete: low premiums. This is essentially a 0.5% premium on every transaction.
Remember, as bad a reputation as wall street has, it has a function. It is consumer money being invested in companies. This allows these companies to use that money to further their growth. It is absolutely vital to the economy.
Do you even own any stock? This would completely kill trading.
>no one day trades any more because who the fuck can get an edge on -1% on every trade?
>thus trades are much more difficult to make liquidity drops massively
>people who want to buy or sell have to deal with massive bid/ask spreads
>even long term traders won't want to trade since you'll have to wait a month to hopefully break even on your trade
>companies no longer can go public to get funds, must go to banks
>oh BTW even china isn't stupid enough to do this shit so they'll just trade happily away and have a more efficient market
>everyone who is rich is a kike
Fuck off. Wall street isn't a kike invention. The only kikes are marxist pushers and bankers.
Foriegn investment crumbles if there are investment taxes introduced.
Europe isn't as dependent on """Foreign""" (it really is, but it's all in the general European markets rather than from overseas) investment, but the States is dependent on it, and it's what keeps the USD as the pegging currency.
Any tax on wall street would kill trading.
$300 billion divided by the US population gets you less than $1,000 per person.
Truly this is a revolutionary proposal.
>transaction tax
That's a good way to absolutely destroy markets.
>>oh BTW even china isn't stupid enough to do this shit so they'll just trade happily away and have a more efficient market
The Chinese markets don't matter to the Chinese economy and there's basically no incentive for them to be smart with their stock markets but even they're not that retarded to fucking tax trading.
Nobody is talking about arbitrage you fucking nigger. You realise algos trade momentum etc. as well right?
Less liquidity = more volatility and higher bid-ask spreads. This really isn't hard to understand.
If you don't believe me please look at what happened to Sweden and Italy when they tried this (at MUCH lower rates)
Maybe I'm not being clear but that's the point I'm making as well.
>tax the money you were already taxed on that gets taxed when you take it out
Sweden implemented that tax in the 80s. It was such a fucking disaster, they scrapped it a few years after.
My bad.
>300 billion
>Enough for all that
You would never get 300 billion, firms would move to overseas exchanges or maybe use dark pools based in a non taxed location. I think sweden? tried this and exchange volume fell by a bunch as firms moved to foreign exchanges.
Yeah Sweden tried it, didn't quite work out.
I think it's fair to say that do the opposite of anything Sweden does, and you'll be okay. Or just don't do anything that Sweden does. Whatever.