Sup Forums fashion thread? please

I ordered pic related and i've gotten mean comments from people like "That looks like shit on you, fatass". And "That doesn't really look good on you." So why did I come here? For your opinion if I should throw it out and if its Sup Forums approved.

Should I take a pic of what it looks like on me right now?

do it nerd

>Should I take a pic of what it looks like on me right now?


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Sup Forums fashion thread? please Anonymous (ID: O17Km92j) 07/13/16(Wed)22:51:23 No.80933056▶ I ordered pic related and i've gotten mean comments from people like "That looks like shit on you, fatass". And "That doesn't really look good on you." So why did I come here? For your opinion if I should throw it out and if its Sup Forums approved.

Should I take a pic of what it looks like on me right now?

Anonymous (ID: O17Km92j) 07/13/16(Wed)22:55:52 No.80933356▶

do it nerd

Anonymous (ID: ZDncMUK8) 07/13/16(Wed)22:56:01 No.80933365 ▶
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>Should I take a pic of what it looks like on me right now?

Anonymous (ID: O17Km92j) 07/13/16(Wed)22:56:53 No.80933426 ▶


Yes OP please do show a picture. It could show an insight as to why people don't like it on you.If your problem is that you're too fat, maybe you should hit the gym more often. I'm rather tall and muscular, so I'd probably be able to pull that off.

Keep your shitty bait thread on /fit/
Here's the pic of himself that he posted

Better pic


Looks even better than the model

u wanna fite me punk?


>average Sup Forumstard

>$240 for a Tshirt
>almost $500 belt

Fatass with a faggot goatee

Don't throw it out. Instead, consider suicide

You can buy the exact same clothing for much cheaper
/fa/ just likes to go all out


looks like the house napoleon dynamite lives in

that looks fine actually

Fuck the opinions of anyone.
If you like it..wear it.

i'm 19, and i think the old sorta style looks good now on white people now a days, my usual outfit is usually pic related

>sheathes katana pointedly
>draws it and slings it over shoulder as he walks out door


Is my chest too hairy? Am I an alpha male?

How about dressing like a adult?

Yeah that's not your style bro, you need to be fit to pull off certain looks. All the more reason to get fit though.

Your style could be flannels and boots (lumberjack look) or just wear powerlifting t-shirts and hoodies. You don't have to powerlift but people will assume youre strong as fuck. But you should get strong as fuck and powerlift, race war etc. Plus you have the body type for it. Whatever you do don't wear cargo shorts or flip-flops, again something fit bros can wear ironically but you'd look like a stereotypical fat guy. For pants, chinos are in. A lot of you seem to think that means khakis. Stop wearing khakis and t-shirts lmao, khakis only go with polos and thats a mature look so it can limit which girls are looking at you. Also you should consider that when picking a style, what type of girls you want checking you out. Obviously nobody wants basic normie bitches so don't dress like a fratfag. There aren't many nerdy girls so don't wear video game/band shit, that can also be seen as immature. Just go inna store or online and see what fits your personality/aesthetics and make sure it fits properly, that's very important.

Looks greatt tbhfam
Fuck everybody who disagrees that's pretty cool.

The most hilarious part about the bit is that if he was sufficiently weeb, he'd have properly sheathed that sword.

He's a failure in his dream world as much as in real life.

Amazing style, 10/10.

You need a red headband to complete the look. Be sure to polish your katanas before going out and starting the race war.

Also I would advise against t-shirts. I know theyre comfy but they don't look good on fatties or lankets.



/fa/ has been tricked by grabblers

They're clearly jealous.

Just do some squat and oats and it'll look even more badical.

first that looks bad
second even if it could good, look you're too out of shape for it to look good

lose weight, start lifting

Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

I'm not OP, I just posted his pic from a thread he made on /fit/

Do mythical woodland creatures frolic on your chest?