Sup Forums how do I stop feeling the need to submit to women? I feel like there's hope for me because I do feel the desire to dominate women, but the urge to be dominated is much stronger. How do I stop? I don't want to be a degenerate any more.
Sup Forums how do I stop feeling the need to submit to women...
I kind of feel the need to get pegged by her 2bh though
Same here buddy. It doesn't help that my gf likes to dominate me. I could just say no if I wanted to, but it feels so damn good.
>not wanting an alpha women
Just go for it bro. You've reserved yourself to whats comfortable and the only way you face your demons is grabbing them and taking them to the ground.
your a lucky man, ive never had the opportunity
So you're saying to just stop being weak and dominate her whenever we are in the bedroom? What about fapping? No matter where I start I find myself ending up where I know I shouldn't be. Just give it up cold turkey and it will go away?
I quit cold turkey when I was 16. I recommend intense physical workouts and picking up a religion if your not of that persuasion. best decision I've made in my life, considering how better off I am than my brother who never stopped fapping.
damn. how does she dominate you?
Cut your peepee off or kill yourself
Unless you find a redpilled qt or turn full homo
here's a start: stop saving pictures like this to your fucking hard drive, you faggot.
Are you young user? No offense intended, but it sounds like modern society is getting to you. Dominance is kind of inherent to me (I'm 34). I still see life from the perspective that I am the physically dominant gender and I could break a woman with my bare hands if I felt so inclined. Don't get me wrong, you can still get kinky, but you are the physically dominant gender by nature. Don't let modern agendas get to you. You are still a man, even if you are into kinky shit, you can (probably) still dominate most females physically.
>implying that anything wrong with a feminine benis
keep your dumb fetishes in the bedroom instead of real life
Are you celibate or have you had sex or married
Alright I have no religion right now, but I will find one and start working out.
>Baiting me for fap material
She's a QT blonde that was a virgin when I met her. We lost our virginity together with her on top and me with my hands tied with duct tape over my head. Though she couldn't get it in so I had to get on top and take over kek. She ties me up, teases me for hours, pegs me, doesn't let me cum until she says so, locks me up in chastity for short periods, breath play, and probably lots more that I'm forgetting.
She is a red pulled QT. Honestly I think she hates progressives more than me.
Yeah I'm pretty young I'm 20. No offense taken, I think my liberal mother unintentionally implanted this into me somehow. I remember having fantasies of women dominating me when I was six years old, so it's pretty deep in there. And yes I can(barely) physically overpower most women my age. And yes I'd like to shed the societal brainwashing and become a real man, but that's difficult to do when part of me wants to cross dress and be fucked in the ass. Pic related has some information that I suspect is mostly true if not completely.
This is pretty close to what she looks like. So you can have a more accurate fantasy.
I try my best, user
sex and planning to marry current gf
I wasn't talking to you
I'm celibate, and I plan to stay so for a while. My brother was married, but he got cucked and lost everything, and I don't want to be like him.
Nice, you should encourage her to get blacked and clean up her creampieswhile you are only allowed to cum on paper tissues.
Whoops, sorry.
Honestly.. if she was redpilled... I'd be ok with this.
Maybe you need to just wake up to what women are actually like, then you'd realize that them being dominated by men is better for all concerned, really.
I'm prescribing you a full course of strong Schopenhauer, take three daily for two weeks, then get back to me.
I would never do that and she would never touch a nigger.
Close enough. She doesn't believe in the whole Jewish thing(yet), but she knows how dumb liberals, niggers, and feminists are. Pretty damn good for this society
Thanks doc, I'll get on that straight away.
If you're not going to dominate her, then someone else will. Or just become a trap.
Do a sixty nine with your girlfriend or higher a prostitute to do one with you
It's satisfying, it will appeal to your HIGH TEST and It's femdom (if you have the girl on top) but not quite as degenerate as pegging
Jesus dude. Take this shit to Sup Forums
This board ain't for porn
fucking summer fags.
Sup Forums would tell me to roll with it.
>She's a QT blonde that was a virgin when I met her. We lost our virginity together with her on top and me with my hands tied with duct tape over my head. Though she couldn't get it in so I had to get on top and take over kek. She ties me up, teases me for hours, pegs me, doesn't let me cum until she says so, locks me up in chastity for short periods, breath play, and probably lots more that I'm forgetting.
how did all this evolve?
I sat in front of her in our art class because she was cute and everyone else looked dull. We talked every class for about 6 months and then we decided to date after hanging out outside of class a few times since we had feelings for each other. That was 4 years ago so we've entered into adulthood together and things are going pretty well. I need to start making some money so that we can move out together and I'm planning to propose soon. Anything else you wanted to know?
how she began to dominate you?
Hmm. I don't feel you are entirely to blame, you've also given some contradictory information.
>She is a red pulled QT. Honestly I think she hates progressives more than me.
>She ties me up, teases me for hours, pegs me, doesn't let me cum until she says so, locks me up in chastity for short periods.
Is she dom by nature or did you ask her to be? That sounds "progressive" as fuck. I don't know what to say user. If you are happy, more power to you. A lot of guys here would kill to be in your position, particularly if you are in a trusting relationship. But, like the based advice image you posted, you need to realize it is a fetish which, step by step, is taking you further and further from true "manhood".
Consider this scenario - Your fetish would be considered somewhat "non-transferrable" eg: If your relationship broke down, you are getting so far away from the norm that you will be shit outta luck replicating your fetish with another woman.
If this is a serious concern user, you would be best to discuss it with your GF or perhaps even a therapist.
I wish you luck user, you don't sound like a bad guy, just a product of this day and age. Sad really.
She asked me what my biggest secret was and I told her I was submissive and she said no shit sherlock. Then when it was appropriate for us to do sexual things she took the lead most of the time. She's naturally dominant so I don't have any secrets to get a girl to dominate you. I tried with a few girls before her and it did not go very well. They were confused at best. Nowadays sometimes she tries to take control sometimes she doesn't, but I've been taking control recently even when she's feeling dominant.
There is literally nothing wrong with enjoying your fetishes with your partner in private. Just don't make it the central point of your life.
oh i dont care for femdom, i just like hearing how people arrive at those situations. Tell me, is your non sexual relationship even or not?
>Sup Forums how do I stop feeling the need to submit to women?
Stop ingesting estrogen
is this from /d/?
Oh user. I am so very happy for you and your red pilled QT gf. It's healthy for you to act out your fantasies in the bedroom instead of fulfilling horrible prophecies in your professional life.
Becoming a Cuck in the real world is entirely different than willingly submitting to your hot qt gf in the bedroom.
As a girl who wants to have a bit of cuckplay but overall wants to be dominated in the bedroom and otherwise, I congratulate the both of you for finding dedicated love at such a young age.
I can only hope the same for myself one day.
God Bless!
If you are going to do it then you better have some fucking standards. Even if you are a lowlife loser scum that a middleaged hag wouldn't even spit on you should not give in to just anyone. Only the ones that do it so well you just don't know what else to do with yourself. Only those that deserve your servitude.
No idea. It's pretty deeply ingrained. I've always ended up as "the girl in the relationship" even when I'm trying not to be. I don't see what the problem is though as long as she's not a raging bitch. Some guys are just naturally more submissive, and some girls are naturally more dominant desu.
So Sup Forums has a decent number of people into S/M?
As I detailed in it's by nature. She's definitely an alpha female and takes control where she can in life. Kek I know it's progressive as fuck, that's one of the reasons I want to change. I am happy now, but I want to be the best father and man that I can be and i think it would be greatly beneficial to be head of the household and that's not nearly as coherent if she has control in the bedroom imo. Yeah I'd have killed to be here a few years ago, I got really extremely lucky. I showed her the image and she read it and looked disappointed and said "Does this mean you can't be my sub any more?". So I take it to mean that she accepts it's for the best, this thread is mainly about fixing myself in the head.
It's definitely not the Central point of my life, I'm not going to be a trap or a tranny or anything, I'm just concerned that it's not good for me all in all.
Yeah mine was pretty natural, we both knew each other very well before anything sexual happened and it's what we both wanted. Honestly my biggest fear used to be falling in love with a woman that wouldn't want to dominate. Things change fast. I guess it depends on the day. She's a sociopath so she's pretty good at getting what she wants no matter what. So right now it's leaning with the power on her end, but I'm trying to slowly turn that around as I build up my masculinity.
Why thank you so much. Are you saying that if I don't act it out in the bedroom then these urges will force themselves out elsewhere in my life? I hope you find exactly what you are looking for and have a long and happy fulfilling relationship.
Ole knows what's up.
>alpha women
This phrase popped into my thoughts recently, and I've been wondering, is this even a thing? The kind of girl I like, is just mild-mannered, submissive, passive girls. The type that are "cute" but not extremely "hot". I feel like I'm describing a beta female, but shouldn't everyone theoretically want the alphas? I'm completely disinterested in women who are strong and independent, like feminists. Even if they are very naturally dominant and well spoken and stuff, I find that to be a complete turn-off and I find it as unappealing as the feminists who pretend to be really strong and independent; those aren't the kind of traits I look for in a girl.
>She's a sociopath so she's pretty good at getting what she wants no matter what. So right now it's leaning with the power on her end.
No bueno user. Shes faulty by genetics and will try and subvert your goals for hers. You may need to eject.
The girls I consider alpha are more sociable, take charge and risk taking rather than just independent.
I would say she is an alpha female. She can be hot headed and is exactly what you describe as unattractive so I guess that means they are real. However, she will let me take control if I'm confident and authoritative. So while I understand what you are saying, I find mild mannered, passive, and submissive(to people that are not me) girls to be boring. I love seeing her fiery passion in action and it makes me feel good to know that she will stick up for herself when I'm not there to protect. The way I see it, it's good for us that both kinds of girls exist and vice versa for them so that way we can both be satisfied.
Well my uncle is also a sociopath so I'm not concerned with polluting my lineage and that's why I will make sure I have the control and the upper hand. Hopefully it won't all blow up in my face, but otherwise she's perfect so I will take that risk. She's pretty low on the sociopath spectrum so I think she will just stick to looking out for her best interests which means being with me since we plan on me being her supporter.
I've read that before and I liked it a lot. I need to read it again.
Not really hardcore
see Women are naturally inclined to be dominated. If you are not the one doing it, she will find someone else. And your kinks will progress further and further until she cucks you. If you really love her and want to marry her, drop your kinks and start acting like a man. I know this sounds hard, and it is. I know because I am in the same boat as you. I think this thread helped me understand this shit so thank you OP, and best of luck to you
>strong and independent
That's what the movement was supposed to be about, but it has turned into a bunch of fat entitled idiots campaigning for governments to intervene in every aspect of life in which they encounter difficulty.
>more sociable, take charge and risk taking
Perhaps these are more "alpha" traits, but do you actually consider those attractive? Because I don't.
My mind registers "more sociable" as more likely to cheat, "take charge" as a manly thing and it comes off as fake and cringeworthy when a woman tries to do it, and risk taking also is a thing for men; I don't see how that benefits me if she takes risks. I like the idea of a woman who just washes the dishes, makes me food, does the laundry, stays home and takes care of the kids, etc.
That's fair, but I kind of like boring girls. I like them to be kind of bland and quiet. I think it's cute.
>The way I see it, it's good for us that both kinds of girls exist and vice versa for them so that way we can both be satisfied.
Completely agreed.
I absolutely agree. Just to be clear, I think when a woman tries to act like that, it's really fake and it's a total turn off for me.
Not really my thing. I just like being pushed around, tied up and slapped a bit in bed, and then curl up and be the little spoon.
>Thinking femdom if feminism
As long as it's not getting yourself cucked, or something you don't want to do, you're fine.
Some people like being submissive and others like being dominant, it's truly not a political issue if it's just in the bedroom. It's preference.
When you ask her to get Chad to fuck her that's when you need to stop.
>it's truly not a political issue if it's just in the bedroom
often times it spills into real life affairs.
Some of them are. It's hard to describe. I know the crazy type you are talking about. They aren't attractive to me. But the type that sort of gently leads and is fun, but is also smart and has morals is what I was getting at. Basically what girls look for in their dream guy only reverse.
I think you're right man. The last time I saw her I almost wussed out and submitted, but I came to my senses and my dominant self prevailed. It was really hot for me and I know she enjoyed it too. So let's make the best of our lives and start dominating our women like they desire and deserve. I'm glad to know that it helped, I was hoping that there would be others that benefitted. Besides, I'm sure there's several lurkers that got something from this thread as well.
Yeah my gf actually considers herself anti feminist and runs an anti feminist Tumblr. She has lots of fun trolling the SJWs over there so I'm thankful that she's right in the head. I just worry how the whole thing affects the dynamic of the relationship. I would not want to be cucked and I don't think she would be at all willing to do that.
I would need examples. It sounds like OP's just talking about get pegged, which, while feminists are into it, not all women who do it are.
And I mean it sounds like he's specifically discussing the act and not letting her dominate his entire life.
Well is your gf dom or sub? If you don't wanna get cucked and she wouldn't want to do it then I don't see a problem if she is dom.
If not then you have it easy, try liking a girl who's dom while you want to be dominant.
Also /adv/ is better suited at this point for this thread.
i used to lurk on fetlife and tumblrs dedicated to flr. Its basically starts out as fantasy then practice, then they add more elements to keep it fresh, the final element is the man turning his finances and life over to his wife. She makes all the decisions, controls the bank the house and so forth. He does all the chores and is permitted sex when and if she wants. All because they get used to the initial stimuli. Some of the stuff can be classified as DV. Honestly i dont know how people can think this lifestye is healthy or sane.
Well, one out of two of those sources is Tumblr. I don't expect less honestly.
I don't think it gets that bad unless the guy has an orgasm denial/edging fetish to begin with, or lets it.
I don't think OP wants his life controlled, just his cornhole plastered, but I don't know.
Slap her around a bit until she's too scared to try and dominate you.
She'll love it too.
hopefully OP will keep his head clear and not fail. Living for fetish and urges is well, an empty life.