>A UK newspaper, The Sunday Telegraph, reported on 20 August that it had tracked down Perelman to a flat in St Petersburg, where he reportedly lives with his mother. The mathematician is quoted as saying: "I do not think anything that I say can be of the slightest public interest. I have published all my calculations. This is what I can offer the public."
Why would a Jew do that?
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The one Jew who isn't trying to get goyim killed and the media won't stop harassing him. Perelman is based as anyone and as far as I can tell, genuinely moral, which is rare for a Jew but possible (cf Bobby Fischer or Daniel Ellsberg).
Didn't Obama get a Nobel prize?
He clearly is but I still dont get it why he refuses the money.They can just send em to him without anyone else knowing about it.After all he will do so much better with 2 million(he won 2 prizes).
>nobel prize for peace
>field medals
leave it to the leaf to be this clueless
Nobel was meaningless before Obama (although Obama was the most gratuitously undeserved to that point, at least Al Gore made a slideshow).
The Fields Medal is like a British military decoration, they don't just hand them out.
The one Jew who does not feel entitled to every shekel under the sun and you complain.
he needed the music in his life. if not for smash mouth, I may not feeling here today
>I still dont get it why he refuses the money.
Seriously. At least make sure you can guarantee the rest of your mother's life will be comfortable. Jeez.
I'm not sure I agree, I think giving people like Yassar Arafat was even a bigger tragedy. They went through a phase of giving Peace prizes to former terrorists and global bad guys.
He is not entitled, he earned them.
because he's russian
>solve a millennium problems
if anything he is one of the few people that deserves to be rich.and considering in what place he lived 2 years ago its just unreal.
you deserve a medal
why would a mathematician be autistic? God, I just don't know
>because he's russian
And I guess if you're not angry, disagreeable, and suffering, you're not Russian.
So you're saying he is entitled, not that he is not entitled, and neither has anything to do with my point that he does not feel entitled.
why? he solved the problem for everyone and it's as far as it goes. he just wants to live on his life peacefully as before.
Hes a basemant dweller who does math insted of gsmes.
People like this are like r9k but even crazier.
He probably didnt need anything as long as he could afford food and keep doing his math.
When economy collapsed the food part became tougher for the lowest claass of society and he got hired by some international company to do their math.
I imagine him being a turbonerd some where in a nice apartment in the first world.
>People like this are like r9k but even crazier.
No, this guy is what /r9k/ would actually be like if /r9k/ weren't a bunch of fucking liars.
/r9k/ NEETs lie about studying math in their spare time - this guy actually does it.
>proved the Poincaré conjecture for a sphere with a 3-d surface (a sphere IRL obviously has a 2-d surface)
His credentials check out
>pic related
best counter counter propaganda in 3 words
He's probably a rain man kind of autist.
Rejected a million dollar prize, is barely making enough to live, doesn't complain about it
Anyone see this movie?
It lends the awarding organization credibility by associating them with his achievement. He perhaps doesn't want to do that.
>Anyone see this movie?
Yeah, pretty good, the crazy kikes are great
Fuck the press, they really need to fuck off.
Perelman has said repeatedly that many people who worked on the problem deserve as much credit as himself. He does not want anything to do with it anymore. In fact he does not even work on Maths any longer because of these math award institutions... what a shame really. We all lose.
Fucking good movie if I ever saw one.
Perelman's story is so inspiring. I'm moving back in with my parents at 31 to pursue a math degree.
He fundamentally disagrees with monetary rewards for mathematics, disagrees with celebrity and being displayed like a zoo creature, disagrees with bullshit awards in the first place.
Because money and false prestige were involved it lead to these Chinese scammer students trying to jack his theory as their own and cash out and the entire process just disgusted him.
He also makes a lot of money working in Germany these days as a researcher, he no longer lives in his hovel in nowheresville Russia.
He was a professor, and research asst he wasn't a basement dweller.
>He also makes a lot of money working in Germany these days as a researcher
What company does he work for these days? Do you know his research interests now?
Oops I fucked up, it's Sweden and his research is apparently CRISPR/Nanotech for a biotech outfit.
joke's on you user, nobody here has a gf
Brother Nathaniel is pretty based as well. Calling out Jewry as a Greek Orthodox Christian convert Jew has to rattle the Zionists.
Those biologists are practically illiterate in regards to maths so I guess it will be quite interesting. I'm glad he is still chugging on.
Wasn't this guy offered a million bucks for his Poincare proof and he refused to take it?
Missed that comment.
Yes, because
a) the way the 'award' is set up, is bullshit.
b) he proved it but never sought the award since he didnt' care
c) some Chinese fuckers jacked his ideas, and conformed his solution to the official rules without giving him any credit, so they could collect the award
d)the whole process was so disgusting to him with scumbags running around trying to get shekels from mathematics he told them to go fuck themselves after fighting off the Chinese plagiarists
Some people just care about math and literally just math.
If you try to take away their ability to do math they will kill you in a heartbeat though.
refusing the award and being weird in general got him more fame than anything else he could have done t b h
>letting Chinese anywhere near himself
He can only blame himself for that one.
And now "Shut up about Islam or more Muslims will come kill you" lady has a peace prize. Funny when you grow up in the Participation Generation, then upon reaching adulthood you see even the highest honors become vapid.
He didn't, he posted his theory to arxiv, a non paywall peer view paper site. People read it, it picked up traction.
He was then invited to US universities to present it to other mathematicians which he did. It was a truly revolutionary proof, mainly abstract methods where he twisted stuff into different shapes in order to prove the conjecture to put it in layman's terms.
A group of Chinese scammer mathematicians then stole his proof, manipulated it to fit the official contest rules, and tried to cash in without giving him credit.
He protested, said fuck you that's mine and another guy's shit, they agreed and offered him the money and he replied fuck you too.
Not true Finnbro. The gook in question (S.T. Yau) is also a mathematical giant with a shitload of awards (and the money to go along with it). In this case, the gook tried (over many years, and as many publications) to make it appear as if he had solved the millenium problem himself, which does no credit either to him and his previous work (which is no pushover) or the people who inspired the vodkajew in the first place.
TL;DR check the Renegade Vola for downloading free shows of your favorite camwhores .
>omg he so smart XD
He achieved nothing. His theories don't help the world in any way.
The abstract side of algebraic topology is useless. Mathematicians in the field brag about how useless it is.
The only mathematics worth a shit is applied mathematics.
I'm a prospective phd student in one of the most useful fields around (comp sci), but if I was a pure math student and I made a "breakthrough" in that field, I would reject the money as well.
There are so many other smarter people more deserving of it.
>imblying i have gf
australians are truly the best shitposters
>im a nobody who never achieved anything and will never be as smart or accomplished as the man in question but i'll compare myself to him anyway as if i would ever be in any position to turn down such a reward
Otto weininger too
The Nobel Prizes in the sciences are still at least as legitimate as the Fields Medal. The only math prize even on par with the Nobel science awards is the Abel Prize.
>if I was a pure math student and I made a "breakthrough" in that field, I would reject the money as well.
Oh look - it's Australia. And you're right you're not a mathematician - that's why you're doing CS.
What's it like being a virgin and not having friends?
Jew gets chinked by Chinese Jew.
hes a fraud
The peace prize is a sham, for the reasons that you and others have pointed out. The science prizes are still worthwhile.
The literature prize is similarly suspect along the same "political" lines as the peace prize, but the novelists don't actually run deadly foreign policy, last I checked anyway.
I am sure even without checking that there exist REAL British military decorations which are handed out like candy - everyone wants a little flair, bling.
That said, Victoria Crosses are special occasions (it sounds like this is what you had in mind), and often awarded posthumously.
I'm glad I'm not a pure mathematician. I'm actually contributing to the world and filling my head with useful knowledge on all sorts of things. That includes the field of discrete structures like sets, series, and logic, which forms the basis of all mathematics. So I am a mathematician, but just better.
When computer science makes a breakthrough, we get faster, more reliable systems that help us. When medicine makes a breakthrough, lives are saved and improved.
When someone figures out a new way to turn a 4 dimensional donut inside out, who benefits? Who? How is the world better?
Find an equation for that question, pure math shitters.
I see. Without knowing anything, I assumed based on the post I replied to that he had some Chinese students studying under him.
he's russian jew
he has that wild mix of our secluded depressed national character with the intelligence of his race.
>So I am a mathematician, but just better.
>what CS grads believe
If you had been a physicist and said this, fair enough. But a CS grad? Fucking lol.
Invoke the name of KEK, all curses backfire upon Curse-Casting Canadian C.ucks who are then raped by a randy rutting moose, then eaten by a bear, enticed by the sweet smell of a torn, bloody anus and ruptured intestines basted in moose cum.
The bear is then shot and sold to a chinese takeout place where the meat is sold to the Curse-Casting Canadian's friends and family as "beef" in their lo mein.
>refuses award because he's not an attention whore
>gives alot of the credit to some other goy mathematicians
>stay in baseement to watch anime and do mathematics
doesn't seem very jewy to me
You're basically right, but you can never know when some random genius will apply this seemingly useless discovery to create next generation dragon dildos or something
>news from 2006
Mabdela was the low point
Obama was close though because he literally didnt do anything
I'm a physics grad but to say pure maths is not useful is pure ignorance.
Watch when the human species gets saved by a theorem proved in algebraic topology in order to create a worm hole. Physicists routinely look over at what mathematicians are doing to figure out what the fuck to do next with their incomplete standard model.
> oy vey I am not like the other jews
> be cuck christians goyims! be poor and humble
> please donate me through patreon and paypal
sounds like an autistic manchild
if he ever meets a wife, which I doubt he will, he'll be wishing he had that money
>Sup Forums realizes that not all Jews are money-grabbing kikes: The post
>The Russian mathematician is believed to have proved the famous Poincaré conjecture in three papers posted online in 2002 and 2003. This seemingly simple conjecture notes that a sphere with a two-dimensional surface (as all spheres are in our normal experience) has the essential property that a slip-knot tied around any point of it can be pulled to a single point without cutting the string or breaking the sphere; a donut, in contrast, does not have this property. The Poincaré conjecture posits that there is a similar property for a sphere with a three-dimensional surface — but proving it has been tricky.
what in the fuck is this shit
no seriously, it this the useless and autism awards?
> one of the few exceptions ever literally 1 in quadrillion
>not all jews
nice try shlomo
well you're a prick
two can play this game
>t. Satan