So Sup Forums?
So Sup Forums?
I say this everytime, Import all the Syrian little girls NOW.
This is so fucking scripted they may as well have handed them a piece of paper to hold on screen. Fuck em.
I mean it fuck em.
If your nation your people built is a violent shihole and you are fleeing from it. Fuck you. You are a failed dead end of humanity. Fuck take you in. Fuck allowing you to tax our resources and breed within our borders. Fuck your violent cancer like "religion" that you have been killing each other for since recorded history.
Let them murder each other and shoot the ones trying to invade productive societies. They are malignant tumors that need to be cut out.
>b-but they are children!
We were all children once. Every fucking single one of us. Yet today we hate and dislike many people. Guess what, they were children too at one point. Being young isn't a get out of jail free card. Every child grows up into an adult. If the adults of their failed country fucked it up and made it a shithole why would you want to invite an entire generation of these timebombs into your borders?
i would instantly adopt the second little girl and raise her to be an intelligent unreligious woman.
the poor thing lost her father and is still untainted by islam and not forced to wear a headscarf. you can clearly see how sad she is but she's trying to suppress it because she wants to smile in the camera cause maybe they'll give her something to eat... just sad
It should now be obvious that they use their girls as propaganda, compare the Palestinian girl that got head-patted by Merkel.
>It has to go back
Pretty sad.
Fedora go away.
How horrible and intolerant! Quick Sven, open the borders! Make for all these young men by throwing the elderly Swedes on the street! Don't forget the incredible welfare either, I guess we need to raise taxes again.
I don't have a problem helping child fugees and women from Syria fleeing a war, OP.
It's the whole of North Africa I don't want.
Thank you for reminding me why i hate subhumans.
I'm mortified by the thought of having to breath the same air.
>wanting to filter 92% of "refugees"
and fritze her of course
Boo fucking hoo.
They should be put out of their misery
>says a Kike
Oh the irony.
The human and soft part of myself is resonating. Yeah, it's sad. They are children of war. We should send humanitarian action to them, not take them in our homes and pretend everything is fine.
>It's not me so who cares
You rang?
She and her people are in the way of the jew quest to establish greater israel.
Nothing stands in the way of the jew quest to establish greater israel.
>filthy juden calling anyone else subhuman
>Be Holland
>Perform background checks
>Occasionally have the common sense to check their facebook for IS flags
>Every faggot that doesn't behave is deported
>No rapes, no crime (jewgle stats)
>Be Germany
>Tell the third world shitholes it is free welfare season
>Get cucked by millions
>No idea who's who
U dun goofed
Just deport them all and let in the aryans, problem solved famalam
>We should send humanitarian action to them,
So that their piece of shit parents. Whom I will remind you once more. They will grow up emulating. Can steal and hoard it? Ensuring next to nothing gets to the ones in need so they can fuel their own private regimes.
Fuck falling for the empathy card. They have been playing it for decades. If you feed, they breed. The core problem never goes away. You just ensure another generation of "children of war" larger and more dependent then the last.
A neighboring nation is about to build a cross continental wall just to keep you rodents away, that just has make you wonder doesn't it.
You still mad about the 100+ dead frogs, he?
Syrian lolis a cute.
I-is it okay to touch shitskin lolis, Sup Forums?
I wonder how many of those little girls still have their virginity? From what I've heard about those camps I wouldn't think very many.
It's a shame we don't have the resources to help these kids because of all the grown ass men who take advantage of Western kindness
We should be helping these people. Not Abdul, 22 who grew tired of beheading and now wants a semi detached in Bradford and a white wife
Gee, if only it were these children that came over here instead of grown up fucking men.
During WW2 Finland actually sent children unaccompanied over to Sweden, it's not like it can't be done.
Honestly, I felt worse when it happened to Goku. Does that make me a bad person?
>Lets let children fend for themselves even though they have no money,dont know self defence etc
Not really considering there are still 66,029,900 frogs left.
Why it should be bad, tho?
A virgin girl has more value for marriage trades in the Muslim communities, so at least all of them are virgin.
>tfw no qt Syrian/Palestinian loli operator to operate with
That's Yamcha though
It's sad but that's fucking life. We cannot stop to help every single poor soul on this planet. Yeah, they're cute, yeah it's really unfortunate, but fuck off we're full.
Well, I don't know, it is just frowned upon, but brown lolis are used to it, so it shouldn't be a problem, right?
>Import millions of niggers
>All of them are adult guys
>It's a gud thing
I know this is kikememery but if all refugees were crying little children and le innocent stronk wymin than there would be little problem but that wouldn't be a good weapon no wouldn't it goy.
Also I am #distracted.
the child will vote for more socialism
childs children in the future will also demand more socialism and then kill whites who do not provide it
>So Sup Forums?
Fuck off we're full. I don't care that they lost the life lotto, or that their parents and parents parents can't into civilization.
So am I crazy or are there literally trucks full of food right behind her, little children running around with soda pop, and food on the floor unattended..?
You can convert a loli to Christianity m8
I guess.
No seriously France, why you have so many pics of dead kids??
jews and intel services made false flag attacks and we have to be mad to the sand-niggers ?
so logic.
Belgium is a white country and they want to keep it that way. Those cute little brown girls will grow into full westernized sluts and give birth to disgusting half-breeds. Maybe Mexico should take them all in since you're all brown anyways.
Lets dislike this filth
Technically this is only one pic of dead kids.
But rest assured my churro chum I have plenty more.
I would happy agree, but they don't want to travel from a war zone to another war zone.
I grew up so poor that at times I didn't have a residence and ate from the trash. Fuck them. It's not our problem. We need to fix the things wrong here.
The second girl can barely keep her fake smile and her eyes are already glistering.
>dat indo-european admixture
>dogs who ate bees
Poor dog ;_;
They show you seven year old girls but you end up getting only twenty three year old men.
don't believe these fucking mudslime lies. 70% of the refugees are military aged men not these kids you see on TV. And they have no food? What are those literal truckloads of food being bought in for them? And why was that little girl crying when she was talking about her supposedly dead father. this shit is so obviously scripted. Just another case of muslim brotherhood shills using western open mindedness and compassion to further their own goals. fuck these people, Sup Forums, EU, you don't need more fucking refugees.
He you go guys, I injected a little /pol into the comments
you show em buddy
>let's make it our own personal responsibility to care for children from another nation and race halfway across the world because their parents are violent terrorists
Fucking dipshit. Their parents were children years back with the same kind of culture their own race and nation built. You cannot help these "children".
It is in their blood to act this way when older.
Of all the birds in the world, none may be as clever and cruel as brood parasites. These opportunistic animals dump their eggs into another species’ nest to avoid wasting time and energy on childcare (some female parasites literally have a larger memory complex in their brain to help them remember and hone in on targets). Their life strategy is built on tricking other birds, so perhaps they’ve earned the nasty reputation that precedes them—some parasites’ very first act upon hatching is to kill their adopted “siblings.”
The parasite waits patiently to try to sneak its spawn into another bird’s nest. As soon as the owners leave, it darts into their home and lays a single egg. And sometimes, rather than biding its time, it adopts a disguise to scare its victims right out of their nests.
If the parasite makes it out of its egg (cue the Jaws theme), then it’s often time for a real massacre. In the dramatic clip above, a newborn Common Cuckoo wiggles its way around the Reed Warbler’s nest, using its shoulders and back to push out all three of the host’s eggs. Brood parasites, it seems, are basically born evil—the honeyguide, for example, while still blind and featherless, will stab the host’s chicks to death with its hooked beak.
I didn't say they were good actors.
A crying child? END BORDERS NOW
Let's instantly forget 75% of the people arriving are not under 18.
Let's forget that a massive amount of self-reported under-18s have grey hairs.
It's a little child! That means any counter argument is invalid! It means we just have to do whatever we can to help.
Incidentally there are some hundred million poor chinese. Starving countryside chinese without education living in a medieval technology level. Since MUH KEEDZ is an argument, I want all our money to go to them. We just have to do it, because MUH KEEDZ BABY.
I was at the barber, yesterday.
While I was waiting there was that girl, getting her hair cut, and she was super cute. She was just a normal small girl that probably likes Barbies and stuff.
After her hair was cut and styled she apparently felt like a princess and said thank you with her cute little girl's voice and checked herself out in the mirror, and she was extremely grateful.
It was a Morrocan girl, probably a bit poor, but there was nothing ''islamistic'' about her.
Sheeeit, fixed
No one said such a thing you cunt.
You just have the horizon of a worm.
>but there was nothing ''islamistic'' about her.
Except her entire extended family of 19 who used her to get across who are almost entire young males and would have and will seek to sell her off as property via "marriage" with another Muslim family.
Get fucking cucked.
So you saw a little girl being a little girl, what's new?
Are you retarded?
>this girl lost his father so you better bring europe millions and millions of fighting age men to help her!
Nope but in 2 generations "tanned Germans" will just skim above the IQ drop off for it.
And you solution to this problem is?
>we should deport all illegals and stop funding to welfare and 3rd-world charities
That kind of thinking would only invoke riots and protests across the nation to kill you or remove you from power. The "parasites" are already here and have engrained themselves in "western" culture for the past few decades. There's no stopping it.s
>find ultra-violent population that should be dying off as a consequence of their violence
>give them food they're too stupid and violent to grow
>breed a race of ultra-violent retards who can't even feed themselves
what could go wrong
The "parasites" are already here and have engrained themselves in "western" culture for the past few decades.
>There's no stopping it
I know it is in your nature and you cannot help it but please strayshitposter. Remember where you are.
>No one said such a thing
The entire message of showing crying kids is to circumvent logic and appeal to emotion.
> You just have the horizon of a worm.
Actually the people arguing that the west should take care of the world's problems are the ones who have a myopic world view. They think importing millions to the west will just work, even though we haven't even unified Europeans and couldn't stabilize mediterranean culture with northern European culture enough to make the EU work.
#refugeeswelcome people also never seem to understand that resources are limited, or that there are endless millions of people that would love a shot at free money and housing.
We're seeing the biggest migration movement in more than a century right now, because the clarion call of free shit was given by Mutti Merkel. I invite you to read about earlier mass migrations in history. Do you want to know how many of them turn out for the best, bringing peace and stability among the diversity and enrichment?
Reality is most people just want to live a normal life.
While being confronted with reality you start getting super defensive.
Hnnnnnngggg fuckkkkkk
I will take refugees yes please
Have they already had their clits cut off? What age do Muslims do that?