Do you think this is safe to fap with?

Do you think this is safe to fap with?

dunno probably has a pretty tight grip

No, they're installing anti-fap implants to avoid making Jesus cry.

>fapping with your right hand
doin it wrong

He probably just used the force to masturbate tb h fåm

Do you think Luke jerked it after kissing Leia?

This. Gotta have mouse/phone grip capability.

If it was it wouldn't be any fun.

I don't think Luke ever masturbated a day in his life. Or had sex, for that matter.

Then how did he make Rey?

Wet dreams. Like how Anakin was impregnated.

wait what

I meant conceived... how Shmi was impregnated. The Force has many powers.

Program it to give you a stranger = what did you think bigger Luke was doing on his remote island all these years?

So can someone explain to me why Luke got a more robotic-looking hand like the one seen in Force Awakens instead of another realistic one like the one from OP's pic?

Maybe it's an expression of his monk-like asceticism to make do with a more minimalist prosthetic?

he peeled off the synthetic flesh for fun one day

He wanted to force himself to stop jerking it so he could focus on finding the Jedi Temple.

His robot hand got shot during the Sarlaac scene in ROTJ. Synthetic skin must've just started to deteriorate.

Now it easy to make CGI robotic hands

He doesn't need his hand. Did you forget the part where Obi Wan told Luke to use the force OP? He was talking about using the force to jack off, it's the ultimate Jedi technique, but he forgot to teach it Anakin so he got pussy whipped and destroyed the Galaxy.

This actually makes sense

>be youngling
>decide to have a nice forcefap
>Yoda warned us not to
>fuck that green faggot
>accidentaly rip off my nightsaber
>rushed to Jedi temple ER
>get bionic cock

same here. I am a righty but i jerk with left because trackpad on the right

just buy a fleshlight

I wouldn't try it out on my dick...


The robot told him to practice on a hot dog first

The synthetic skin probably requires a lot of maintenance and peeled off/faded eventually. Isn't that why Anakin just wore a big glove in Episode III?

Anakin never had synethic skin over his arm.

I thought the implication was synthetic skin was an OT invention and the PT tech just wasn't there.

Tech doesn't evolve in star wars.

From the "1000 year before" period of the KoToR series to the sequels.

That's my mouse hand so, no fapping with that one.

Anakin impregnated?

Mostly because what can be invented has already been invented. Phases of use come and go however.