Scott Adams has sacrificed everything for Trump

He has lost 40% of his income stream and lost every speaking engagement. How does that make you feel?

Other urls found in this thread:

like listen ing to some smash mouth

>McCarthyism is ok when we do it

What a fucking cuck lmao

>Born: Jun 08, 1957 (age 59) ยท Windham, NY
>Net worth: $75 million USD (2016)

He's old and got millions of dollars from drawing cartoons, what the fuck does he care at this point?


Seems more like he doesn't give a rat's ass.
Those residuals from Dilbert must be mad.

>He has lost 40% of his income stream and lost every speaking engagement


His own blog.

Scott Adams is welcome to join our weaponized autism.

he's unjusting himself , and like said he probably doesn't give a rats ass. He knew he would lose support from libtards, and he's proud to stand by his beliefs. opposite of a cuck. Plus he's getting in shape somewhat

ah, found it. that's pretty sad but not that surprising.

Why are the left such witch hunting bigots?
source for the lazy

It's funny because he never even supported Trump. His message was simply that what Trump is doing is smart and he refused to agree when the media tried to say Trump was stupid.

Hilarious. Even more hilarious when Sup Forums somehow gets righteous indignation about this.

I fucking worship him now, so he has obviously gained some fans too.

And better fans, to be certain.

Read his book if you need some energy and hope.


You guys know he's bullshitting, right? Anything about TRUMP gets traffic and he turns that traffic into book sales. Also, nobody gives a shit about Dilbert anymore, so what kind of "speaking engagements" is he even "losing"? Writing about TRUMP hasn't hurt him at all, he's just bitching and crying for le persuasion tactics.

He's actually a savvy businessman and a quality manager so he gives lectures about running offices that don't shatter souls but still are productive.

Boy it must be depressing to live in a shithole of a country where coming out with a strong and unpopular opinion is always viewed as a cash grab.

At least a lot of the libs here are sincere, if misguided.

Makes sense, but I still don't think he is really losing out on anything. He clearly made a choice to write about TRUMP so he could get some of the media attention and sell his books.

Like he said himself, it isn't called 'fuck you money' for nothing.

>strong and unpopular opinion is always viewed as a cash grab
What is his opinion that he has come out strongly with? I haven't seen him express opinions, merely comment on persuasion. And I'm not saying he's using it as a "cash grab" but he is writing about TRUMP to get traffic, not to stand up for truth.

Scott Adams likes making people angry, so he takes contrarian views. He probably gets a stiffy from it, since it probably confirms for him that everyone else is dumb and he is very smart.

nothing Adams has said has indicated that he supports Trump or his policies, the only thing Adams has stated is that he believes Trump is going to win by effective use of psychology.


He is way more famous and relevant than he has ever been. He has fuck you money at this point in his life what does he care?

> Windham NY
Absolutely based

Also, OP is demonstrating typical liberal math skills. Scott sacrificed 40%.

Oh come on. It's pretty clear by now that he unironically supports Trump.