Ask an algerian immigrant politicaly incorrect questions

Ask an algerian immigrant politicaly incorrect questions

Counter troll edition

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Where the blonde Kabylie girls at?

Also did you realize you have Vandal ancestry?

You sure like these threads

>You sure like these threads
It's untertaining, you can't deny it

>Where the blonde Kabylie girls at?
it kabyl's people fairy tales
>Also did you realize you have Vandal ancestry?
and turkish, and arab, and lebanese, and black and french and spanish and italian ....

Pic rel is what berber look really like.

Who are you going to vote for in 2017 Momo?

Are you aware that France will be the next yougoslavia in few years?

lepen I think

keep dreaming

What are your views on tauregs?

Are they the niggers or gypsies of Algeria?

Are the french cuckolds
Or manly like east europeans ?

How will all the shitskin lives on welfare when there won't be enought whites to pay taxes?

Toujours amusant de lire le language internet de mes cousins
>algerian immigrant
nvm kys

>What are your views on tauregs?
they come from a land very far far away
>Are they the niggers or gypsies of Algeria?
not really,, they are camel jockeys in the south

I never saw one in real in algiers

>Where the blonde Kabylie girls at?

In the imaginary world, like all white arabs

>Are the french cuckolds
>Or manly like east europeans ?
cuckold really exist in France, it's not a meme
no, east europeans have a different culture


How much longer will france be French? How happy are you about France becoming not-French since you are a direct cause an beneficiary of it's death?

I dont know because right now, I am paying taxes for the lazy native french
Sorry, I men I stole the job of a real french man so I pay taxes for the lazy french

Do you think of yourself as being a full human?

Since you said no, what % human would you estimate you are, using a white man as benchmark of 100% human?

why do french speakers always sound angry?

>and turkish, and arab, and lebanese, and black and french and spanish and italian ....
3% arab, barely more turkish, nothing french in reality.
You are the vandals descendant, no but or if.
A violent population that could not integrate anywhere and always allied with the ennemy of their current host.

>How much longer will france be French?
It's no longer french anymore in all the big cities, now we will invade the country
>How happy are you about France becoming not-French since you are a direct cause an beneficiary of it's death?
I dont really care, I just enjoy the show
french racists and liberals are equaly annyoying to me as the islamists or the niggers

That disgust on his face.
>the shit I have to put up with to get my dream job of EURO WELFARE LEECH.


it comes from the constant butthurt they have in their ass, pic rel

We're currently invaded by undeserving shitskin who lost like bitches their last war against us because our women vote with their feelings of pity.

Race war soon though.

I'll just spam your self-important thread.

>A violent population that could not integrate
please teach us about violence and integration when you live in someone else country France, pic rel


>inb4 not muslim

Don't care.


can you post that pic in bigger size, I cant read the text


Open in new tab.


>tfw you'll never live the Islamic golden age and fuck your non pregnant halal slave girl


>be muslim
>start being unsure



That's funny, but Algeria NEVER was a country before France invented it.
You always were someone's polandball. Genetic toilet cleaner.
Besides when setif happened, Algeria was a french region, not a colonized country.

Bet you don't know shit about being Amazigh yet cry about "Algeria", whatever you think that is.

I think muslims make great contribution wherever they go.

It's no use Pierre. You have to think about your own country and how to regain it or about how to die with some honor.





Learning to shoot, getting fit, learning first.
Dunno what more I can do.
And ofc I have my list of the major muslim population to exterminate.

Keks nahia da, adiskide


Before France, Algeria existed as a self ruled ottoman protectorate
Even in 1830 french history books, that region was called algeria and the objective of France was to invade it entirely, not tunisia or morocco who were invaded almost a century later

How does it feel to be dhimmi Pierre? In our country, le weed man is doing pretty good.

pic rel "la régence d'alger"


>Algeria existed as a self ruled ottoman protectorate
AKA you WUZ turkish coprophiliac pets.
You never were a country by yourself, even more in current days, which is why you all try to come in europe to leech even though it is haram as fuck to beg.

Operation Blackmirror

what up ? cant handle the truth ?

France is just an american protectorate under NATO rule


How bad is it there in terms of immigrants? I'm Algerian (not Muslim though) and I'd like to move there, preferably South France, just wondering if it's best if I didn't

>France is just an american protectorate under NATO rule
>Barely rejoined under Sarkozy.

Do you know anything about anything, inbred muzzie pet?
lol r/selected incest baby.


Blackmirror, what? What opsec code does this come from?

Have you ever received a proposal to do something like this?

>under Sarkozy.
no, under Jacques Chirac
Let me teach you about your country


It's a name I came up with. It came from all of the "blacked" threads I'm seeing. It's obvious anarcho leftists are teaching dindus how to use computers.

I'll do the world a favour and stick to my own kind then.

>yfw Chirac was a gaullist and anti NATO.


>no, under Jacques Chirac
>Let me teach you about your country
It was in 2007 under Sarkozy. You should stick to collect welfare and breed with your cousins, Ahmed.

Wrong again, and Again let me teach ou about your country

C’est sous la présidence de Jacques Chirac, en décembre 1995, que la France réintègre en partie les structures de l’OTAN"

something like pic rel

That's a coordination agreement, not a submission agreement, dumb muzzie.
lrn to realpolitik.

keep dreaming, you're america's bitch

>Chirac was a gaullist

>Un rapprochement s’opère en décembre 1995, sous la présidence de Jacques Chirac, la France décidant alors de rejoindre le conseil des ministres et le comité militaire de l’Alliance atlantique.
>Un rapprochement
>N'ayant pas empêché Chirac de refuser de participer à la guerre en Irak

>Mais c’est après le vote le 17 mars 2009 de l’Assemblée nationale que la France réintègre totalement l’organisation de défense à travers son retour dans le commandement militaire intégré.
>France réintègre totalement l’organisation de défense
As I said, stick to the welfare collect and the inbreeding. It's better for both of us.

Wow, textbooks in Canada sure hit the nail on the head

Let's play.
America's bitch is still your better in every way, incest baby.
A noodle wristed gaullist, but still a gaulist.
Not like I'll defend the right on anything.

>race war
we all know who's gonna surrender first froggies

So who else has fucked this chick?

What are your views and experiences with French Asians notable Vietnamese French?

does this trigger you?

French go out of Africa

No, he betrayed Gaullists at the time of the UDR.
Later on, he called himself a Gaullist again but Chirac, during his whole life, has never been anything else than a Chiraquien.

Whats the difference between algerians and moroccans?, which one is more muslim/retard?

surrender meme is from the Irak war mark2.
And Chirac was fucking right, it created in the end a surge of islamism and terrorism.

Both are garbage but somehow hate each other thinking they're better than the other. Like us, but in the inferior league.

they seem cute and well educate but shy so I never dated one

Algerians are the most butthurt and retarded of the two.

good night sweet heros

>which one is more muslim
Most if not all the 13/11 and Brussels terrorists attacks were done by maroccans, algerians got buttfucked by islamists during the 90' and they're inherently lazy.
Algerians, they're constantly butthurt and feel the need to bring and show the algerian flag each time they streetshit.

>shitty book
>random religious insert

wow, doesn't get any better than this

better a city full of niggers than Nazi occupation

Why don't you fuck off back home?
Your mere presence makes life worse for the native people around you.

You are disgusting scum please just fuck off.

What does it say? I don't speak Arabic

Thanks for the input Achmed

Our traitors, cucks and women want them.
Our "patriots" also want them for cheap labour ( they're not cheap themselves, they just keep all the wages down, same goal for all unbridled immigration everywhere spearheaded by jews ).
In cities, they already represent more than 50% of births, and country encroachment is progressing steadily as urbanisation continue.

Even the FN don't want to deport those already citizen, and the immigrants represent a negligible percentage of the total of our subhumans, more are already citizens.
And if they're not, recent changes to getting citzenship remove all barriers if you speak french, you don't even have to wait 5 years, you can get it on the spot. Well, you don't even need to speak french if you come from a country where one of its official language is french, mamadou that speaks in clicks and momomède that speak in terrorist can get in from a lot of ex-colonies.

Even if a civil war starts, a lot of our good white, christian, european, white, whatever you call them will be on the side of the subhumans, and immigration will continue after with the losses of the war used as an argument, to repopulate.

No, France is already dead. Nothing can stop its subhumanisation, the trend are too much overwhelming, anything short of complete genocide of subhumans and traitors can save us and it'll never happen, ever.

Note that this is not just like the fall of Rome, since romans survived partially through the misgeneation they did with their waves of subhumans.
Our fall, our ethnic replacement, is happening at a never seen before rate, that is enabled by technological civilisation, which we created. We'll be lucky is the ancestral genepool survive in 10% of the population, and, demography is destiny.
Make your population from the third-world, get a third-world country. Not simply death of a civilisation, but a complete mockery, like monkeys ripping off the face of a corpse and parading with it as a mask.

Nique ta race, you Arab devil.

Only one man can save France.

Remove la musique nègre NOW !